If you decide to play a core role in Dota 2, farming is one of the most important things you have to take into account. There are tons of creep farming techniques that you have to learn, but you also need to know which heroes to pick in order to have a high GPM.
Speaking of the Dota 2 GPM, the latter stands for Gold Per Minute, and it shows how fast a given hero can farm. Needless to say, some heroes perform much better than others in this role, so this Dota 2 GPM guide is about to reveal them. Keep in mind that a given hero’s GPM can depend on tons of factors, including the picks, counters, items, and more.
With that said the current Dota 2 Patch 7.37e definitely favors a few heroes more than others in terms of GPM. It’s intriguing to learn more about them, so let’s dive in.
When it comes down to a Dota 2 GPM record and fast-farming in general, it is really hard to get any better than Alchemist. Yes, he is not the go-to option in the current meta (especially in pro games). However, his passive ability makes him THE fastest-farming hero in Dota 2 patch 7.37e.
Judging from the most recent stats, Alchemist gets around 705.6 GPM on average. He may not have the highest net worth or last hits, but his passive puts him one step ahead of the rest in terms of gold.
The fact that Alchemist earns gold so fast means that he can get the items he wants much faster. Many players underestimate this, but those who know how to play against Alch are aware that they need to pressure him if they want to win. Once Alch is shut down early on, he loses his snowball capabilities, making him an easy target.
Arc Warden
If you read a Dota 2 GPM guide, there is a good chance you will come across Arc Warden. He is one of those heroes who are extremely hard to deal with, especially in the hands of people who know how to use him. Arc is pretty good in the current Dota 2 meta, and he also happens to be 2nd on the list of GPM with average stats of 639.8.
The reason why this Dota 2 mid laner earns so much gold is because of his ultimate and Hands of Midas. Combined, he can push almost any lane and clean multiple camps, which means he can snowball very fast. These capabilities make him an excellent pick for PUB games because players who do not know how to counter him will have problems.
As one of the most popular heroes in the Dota 2 patch 7.37e, Medusa is also among the leaders in terms of Dota 2 average GPM. Despite the nerfs, she continues to dominate in PUB and Pro matches, so it’s no surprise she farms fast.
If we take a look at the stats, we can see that Medusa has an average of 633.4 GPM. Thanks to her split shot, she can clear camps very fast, and her durability allows her to farm much longer than other carries.
Speaking of carries, Medusa can also be played as a midder. If that’s the case, her Dota 2 GPM can be slightly lower than when she’s a carry. This is probably one of the reasons why she is not second on the list.
When it comes down to Dota 2 GPM, Anti-Mage will always be one of the heroes that comes to mind. It is true that he is not the best option to have right now because he is just not a meta-carry. When it comes down to farming, however, AM, is among the best.
Once you compare the stats, you can see that the hero has around 628.2 GPM, slightly less than Medusa. Besides the fact that he is not a meta carry, he is also not as tanky as Dusa, meaning that the latter has more opportunities to farm.
Juggernaut is the next high Dota 2 GPM hero you should focus on if you want to farm. He is in a very similar position to Anti-Mage in terms of his popularity and pick rate. Nevertheless, the hero is slightly more popular in PUBs because he is easier to play around with.
In terms of his farming capabilities, Juggernaut has always been one of the heroes that shines. The stats reveal that he has an average of 613.6 GPM, which is really impressive. With that said most people who want to achieve similar stats will need to focus on the so-called “Battlefury” build because this increases Jugg’s farming speed.
Those who decide to use some of the alternative item builds, like the one that focuses on Diffusal Blade, may not get such impressive stats.
Phantom Assassin
Another popular carry that is on the list of the best Dota 2 GPM heroes in patch 7.37e is Phantom Assassin. Similar to Juggernaut, the only way for her to get the best possible GPM stats is by getting an item that will allow her to farm fast. Of course, PA can also achieve really high GPM by snowballing out of control, something that happens more often than people think.
As for the stats, Phantom Assassin’s GPM in patch 7.37e is around 610.8. It will be interesting to see if it will increase in the future once Dota 2’s newest update becomes available. We expect to see the next patch really soon.
Closing thoughts
The fact that a given Dota 2 hero usually has more GPM does not mean that he is better. What it does mean, however, is that he can farm faster, which is usually good news for PUB games. Players who know how to take advantage of that can carry their team to victory, especially in the lower MMR brackets.