Hey, Dota 2 roamers! The Blix team is here to break down the Position 4 role in Patch 7.38b, where you get to be the chaos agent—setting up kills, securing vision, and becoming a game-changer while your cores farm. As pros grinding through the Immortal Draft, we’ve been roaming the map and testing the latest patch changes to identify the standout Position 4 heroes.
This patch introduces new facets, ability buffs, and item synergies that make the role more dynamic. Our top picks? Mirana, Zeus, and Muerta. These heroes aren’t just babysitters; they’re lane harassers, gankers, and late-game threats. Whether you’re arrowing in the mid lane or sniping during team fights, we have the builds to help you become a legendary playmaker. Let’s dive into the action!
- 1 Mirana – Starstruck Facet: Nuking Nuisance
- 2 Why It Works
- 3 Skill Build
- 4 Item Build
- 5 Playstyle
- 6 Blix Pro Insight
- 7 Tips
- 8 Counters
- 9 Zeus – Livewire Facet: Global Ganker
- 10 Why It Works
- 11 Skill Build
- 12 Item Build
- 13 Playstyle
- 14 Blix Pro Insight
- 15 Tips
- 16 Counters
- 17 Muerta – Gunslinger Priority: Late-Game Sniper
- 18 Why It Works
- 19 Skill Build
- 20 Item Build
- 21 Playstyle
- 22 Blix Pro Insight
- 23 Tips
- 24 Counters
- 25 Final Thoughts
Mirana – Starstruck Facet: Nuking Nuisance
Dota 2 hero: Mirana
Mirana has always been a versatile roamer, but the Starstruck feature in patch 7.38b has transformed her into a lane–dominating, scaling position four hero that the Blix team finds invaluable. She serves as both a nuker and a utility hero, with the ability to adapt into a semi-core role if the game requires it.
Why It Works
Starstruck enhances Q (Starstorm), making it a powerful ability. The second hit now deals full damage—up to 600 at max level—and applies a 60% miss chance for 3.5 seconds. This results in a 150-damage nuke at level 1 (300 if both hits connect) and has a cooldown of just 12 seconds, competing with Finger of Death.
Combining this with W (Sacred Arrow) for stuns, E (Leap) for mobility and an attack speed boost (90 at level 15 talent), and R (Moonlight Shadow) for team engagement, Mirana becomes a formidable roaming threat. She trades effectively and scales surprisingly well with the shard.
Dota 2: Mirana Facets Stats
Skill Build
Start with Q at level 1; it deals 150 damage and has a chance to miss, making it ideal for trading in lane. Take W at level 2 for setup, and grab E at level 3 for either escape or chasing down enemies.
Max Q first to enhance your nuking power, then focus on E for increased attack speed and mobility. Take your ultimate (R) at levels 6, 12, and 18. Unless you’re consistently landing snipes, invest only one point in W—Q is your main source of damage.
Dota 2 Mirana: Skill Build
Item Build
Start off with Tango, Stick, and a few branches—this is standard roaming gear. Mana Boots are great for keeping your spells flowing, but we recommend starting with Solar Crest for team utility and survivability, as it pairs well with the uptime of your Q.
Next, consider getting a Glimmer Cape for saves and magic resistance. If you’re snowballing, you can opt for a Diffusal Blade or Maelstrom, as these items benefit from the attack speed of your E—mid–range arrows combined with slows can be very effective.
Getting the Shard in the mid-game is essential; it grants Leap charges and increases your critical damage by 150%, turning you into a serious right-click threat. In the late game, items like BKB or Dragon Lance will further enhance your impact.
Dota 2: Mirana Position 4 Item Build
In the lane, use your Q ability to harass enemies, as its chance to miss can make trading very difficult for them. Roam early with your W ability, either sniping in the mid lane or pulling camps to pressure the map. In the mid-game, you transform into a utility support—Solar and Glimmer can save your allies while your Q ability helps clear waves or zone in fights.
If you build Diffusal or the shard, jump in after your arrows to deal significant damage with critical hits. You play as a hybrid position 4: nuke early, support in the mid-game, and scale well into the late game. Always position yourself to hit multiple targets with your Q, and use your R ability to set up ganks or provide escapes for your team.
Blix Pro Insight
Dota 2: Mirana Art
Starstorm’s 600 damage at max level is underrated—it’s a spammable nuke that most supports can’t match. When paired with a stunner, like your position 5, you’ll secure plenty of kills. The Shard crits make her an unexpected carry-killer in long games.
- The second Starstorm hit will land on the closest target to your hero.
- Primary Starstorms can’t hit units in fog, but the secondary hit searches through the fog of war. If someone’s at critical HP and juking in trees, you can safely cast the Starstorm blindly and let the second Starstorm hit get the kill.
- The idea behind landing consistent Arrows is trying to throw them in a way that gives you a large window to hit a target and a small window for them to notice the Arrow. If you’re tossing out Arrows that are 90 degrees opposite your target, you’re giving yourself a very small frame for the Arrow to hit. It can be smart to sacrifice some time of the target running to give yourself a more forgiving/parallel angle.
- During downtime, you can quickly one-shot a big creep in the jungle with a Sacred Arrow for some easy experience and gold. The biggest creeps usually chill in the back of creep camps, so learn how to position yourself accordingly. Just be sure to finish off the rest of the camp so it’ll respawn… Unless you’re sniping enemy jungle camps, I guess.
- If there’s a Mirana on the enemy team, treat her like a Pudge in the laning phase as far as movement and positioning are concerned. Hug creeps, don’t stand still, and get mad at your teammates for being Arrow magnets.
- Moonlight Shadow lasts an eternity in Dota time. You really need a ton of sentry wards and Dust whenever you’re pushing into a competent team that has a PotM.
- Mirana cannot Leap when rooted/leashed.
- Undying’s Tombstone zombies can be annoying for Mirana to deal with since they tank Sacred Arrow.
Zeus – Livewire Facet: Global Ganker
Dota 2 hero: Zeus
Using Zeus as a position four might seem unusual, but the Livewire facet buff in version 7.38b has turned him into a roaming support with incredible lane presence and significant mid-game impact. The Blix team appreciates his ability to trade effectively, scout the map, and punish opponents from anywhere.
Why It Works
Livewire’s minimum damage has increased from 2% to 4%, and with Aether Lens, Q (Arc Lightning) now deals 8% of the target’s current HP in lane, making it particularly devastating against squishy heroes. W (Thunderbolt) offers both a stun and scouting capability, while R (Thundergod’s Wrath) inflicts global damage of 4% (or more when using Aether Lens). Although E (Static Field) and the mana cost for Q have been nerfed, Thunderbolt remains an incredibly effective tool for a position four support—providing both vision and crowd control. Zeus excels at harassment, setting up ganks, and contributing to team fights without requiring a significant farm.
Dota 2: Zeus Facets Stats
Skill Build
Start with Q at level 1 for harassment; trading 8% of the enemy’s HP can be quite impactful. Take W at level 2 for stun and vision, and pick up E at level 3 for additional damage. Max Q first to apply pressure in the lane, then focus on W to increase the stun duration. Take your ultimate (R) at levels 6, 12, and 18. E only needs one point since its scaling is weaker compared to the utility offered by Q and W.
Dota 2 Zeus: Most Popular Skill Build
Item Build
Start with Tango, a Stick, and some branches to help you survive in the early game. Build Brown Boots and Aether Lens as your core item; the increased range on your Q and W abilities will make you a powerful gank machine. Next, get Solar Crest for team utility and Glimmer Cape as a defensive option.
In the late game, consider Octarine Core to reduce your cooldowns, or Refresher Orb to double the impact of your ultimate. Avoid being greedy—your primary focus should be on providing vision and casting spells, not on dealing right-click damage.
Dota 2 Zeus: Item Build
In the lane, use your Q ability to deal damage to enemies, chipping away 8% of their HP with each cast. This approach is especially effective against opponents without health regeneration. Roam using your W ability to stun enemies in the mid or side lanes while also providing vision.
During the mid-game, you’ll become a global threat—use your R ability to snipe low–health foes or to soften fights. Additionally, employ your W to catch fleeing opponents. Maintain your distance by clearing waves with your Q, allowing your core teammates to finish off enemies you’ve weakened.
You’re an expert at harassing and scale well with levels, so remember to place wards and punish enemies who overextend.
Blix Pro Insight
Dota 2 hero: Zeus
Aether Lens on Zeus is surprisingly powerful—4% global damage on R with no farm is crucial in chaotic pubs. Pair it with a mobile mid like Ember, and your W sets up kills they can’t escape from. Simple but effective.
- When playing Zeus, check to see if your lane enemy has a Magic Stick. If you’re mid and they do, try to exclusively cast Arc Lightning from the high ground. Enemies only get Stick charges if the caster is in vision. If they get a charge even when you think you weren’t in vision, that means they have a ward that can see you.
- Arc Lightning won’t bounce to targets that are in fog. Important to note in the mid lane if you’re trying to get bounces to units that may be out of vision on high ground like a ranged creep.
- Lightning Bolt gives vision, Arc Lightning does not. Cast Lightning Bolt first if you’re chasing someone to make sure you don’t lose your target in fog.
- If you think someone is just about to escape vision, don’t risk targeting Lightning Bolt directly on the hero, just cast it on the ground near them. Zeus will cancel his animation if it’s directly targeted on a hero who goes into fog.
- In late game situations, Thundergod’s Wrath’s biggest asset is the instant global vision it gives of the entire enemy team. Don’t hesitate to cast it during downtime to verify enemy positions or check if they may have Smoked or use it as soon as a team fight starts to get every enemy’s location.
- Arc Lightning can only bounce to you if Zeus has a vision of you.
- Get a Magic Stick if he’s spamming Arc Lightning. Just remember that you only get stick charges on spells if the enemy is in vision.
- Buy a Smoke of Deceit against Zeus. Thundergod’s Wrath only reveals invisible units, but does not damage them. But even then, Smoke is a weird type of invis, so even a Refreshed Thundergod’s Wrath wouldn’t kill you. Buy a Smoke. Use it when escaping with low HP. Laugh at Zeus in all chat.
- Your team should always prioritize building some sources of magic resistance against Zeus. Be it in the form of Cloaks, Glimmer Capes, BKBs, or Pipe.
Muerta – Gunslinger Priority: Late-Game Sniper
Dota 2 hero: Muerta
Muerta’s Gunslinger adjustment in patch 7.38b has transformed her into a formidable position four hero. The Blix team has been enjoying her capacity to harass opponents early in the game and dominate in the late game. She excels as a roamer and can evolve into a powerful sniper during team fights with the right gameplay.
Why It Works
E (Gunslinger) now prioritizes targeting heroes over creeps, even during waves or near towers. This change is significant for late-game battles, as her procs can quickly eliminate key targets. Although her damage at level 1 has been reduced, the increased targeting priority makes her a formidable threat in the mid and late game. When combined with Q (Dead Shot) for harassment and W (The Calling) for zoning, Muerta becomes a roamer who can effectively transition into a right-click damage dealer with her ultimate, R (Pierce the Veil).
Dota 2 Muerta: Facets Stats
Skill Build
Start with Q at level 1 for ricochet damage and fear, which is significant for trading. Take W at level 2 for slow and zoning effects, and choose E at level 3 for procs. Maximize Q first for wave clear and harass, then prioritize E for Gunslinger damage. Take your ultimate (R) at levels 6, 12, and 18. Unless you need additional crowd control, focus on leveling E, as it is your scaling ability, while W is effective as a one-point wonder.
Dota 2 Muerta: Most Popular Skill Build
Item Build
Start with Tango, a Stick, and some branches—these are the basic position four items. Brown Boots combined with a Rod of Atos help you lock down targets for your Q and E abilities, so don’t skip that item unless you have plenty of gold. Drums will enhance your team’s tempo, and then you can choose between Witchblade or Mage Slayer to increase your right-click damage (Mage Slayer is particularly effective against burst damage).
In the late game, consider picking up a Shadow Blade (despite its nerfs) or a Dragon Lance for potential pick-offs. Avoid building a full carry setup unless your team offers a lot of stuns.
Dota 2 Muerta: Item Build
In the lane, use your Q and E to harass enemies—hitting level 2 allows you to deal significant damage to supports. Roam early by using W to zone opponents and Q to snipe enemies in the mid or safe lane.
During the mid-game, the Atos item helps you secure kills: land your Q, trigger your E, and watch your enemies take substantial damage. In the late game, you become a backline sniper—your R ability transforms you into a powerful source of magic damage, and the Gunslinger passive ensures you hit the most important targets.
Be sure to ward aggressively, roam wisely, and focus on leveling up—your damage output increases rapidly.
Blix Pro Insight
Dota 2 hero: Muerta
Gunslinger’s strength shines in chaotic fights—near creeps or towers, you’re still taking down heroes. Pair with a tanky hero like Marci, and you’ll accumulate assists while they frontline. She’s unexpectedly strong right now.
- Muerta’s Supernatural innate allows you to hit ethereal (Ghost Scepter, Pugna’s Decrepify, Necrophos’s Ghost Shroud) targets and attack while you yourself are ethereal.
- Dead Shot’s targeted projectile won’t damage any units on the way to the target, but will damage units after the ricochet.
- Dead Shot’s projectile provides a small radius of flying vision as it travels. It doesn’t last very long, but you could use it to scout Rosh or check for an enemy ward on a cliff.
- Dead Shot’s targeted projectile will interact with enemy Linken’s Spheres and Lotus Orbs, but the fear projectile is ignored.
- Dead Shot’s range is huge so you can use it to help stack camps from a distance.
- Gunslinger will only proc on the main target if there are no secondary targets available.
- Try not to be caught in between your creeps and Muerta if you’re near her tower otherwise Dead Shot’s fear may push you into tower attack range.
- Dead Shot’s targeted projectile can be disjointed by invis and blinks.
- You only take damage when bumping into the ghosts from The Calling. The center of the aura doesn’t deal any damage.
- Gunslinger can be disabled by breaks like from Silver Edge or Viper’s Viper Strike.
- Revenant’s Brooch allows you to hit ethereal targets like Muerta in Pierce the Veil.
Final Thoughts
Patch 7.38b has transformed Position 4 into a playground for roaming playmakers, with Mirana, Zeus, and Muerta being our top picks for dominating this role. Mirana offers powerful nukes and good scaling, Zeus excels with his global ganks, and Muerta provides late-game sniping abilities, creating a blend of early pressure and long-term impact. We’ve tested these builds in the Immortal Draft, and they are primed to help you excel in your pubs—whether you’re setting up kills, saving your cores, or sneaking in some farm to scale up. Playing as a Position 4 is all about making impactful plays while being cost-effective, and these heroes do just that. Stay tuned for more breakdowns of patch 7.38b from Blix as we explore other roles. Until then, roam smart, ward effectively, and turn those games around! We also recommend visiting the Reddit thread for more Dota 2 content.