All Project Skins in League of Legends

Andrea "Larkey" Cherubini
category_image League of Legends
Reading time  ~15  mins

The PROJECT universe is considered one of the most beautiful and lore-rich in League of Legends. No wonder Riot is constantly adding new skins to it. Below is the comprehensive list of all PROJECT skins for the beginning of 2024, with prices and some lore.


  • List of all PROJECT line skins
  • Price, Release Date, and Bio for each

In the lore-rich universe of PROJECT skins, we explore an alternate dystopian future where technology has advanced seamlessly into human and humanoid forms. The setting is a cybernetic, neon-lit version of Piltover and Zaun, where the line between man and machine blurs, giving rise to a society divided by its views on augmentation and artificial intelligence.

Biographies of the characters are direct quotations from the official LoL lore.

PROJECT Skins List

PROJECT: Zed (Prestige)


PROJECT: Renekton

PROJECT: Mordekaiser


PROJECT: Sejuani



PROJECT: Sylas (Prestige)

PROJECT: Warwick


PROJECT: Irelia (Prestige & Prestige 2022)








PROJECT: Katarina







PROJECT: Zed (Prestige)

PROJECT: Zed (Prestige)

Release Date: 2021-06-24

Price: 100 Prestige Points

Faced with imminent defeat at the hands of Mordekaiser and the numberless hordes of infected machines Zed seeks out a dilapidated research facility in the heart of the wasteland searching for illegal and potentially dangerous upgrades. His return may mark a tipping point in the battle for the City… though he has transformed into something beyond both human and machine.

The character, who is both human and robotic, cannot fail to interest: he solves the problem of choice that faces many players. As you know, there are three popular forms: human, robotic, or mythological. In this case, it's two out of three!


Release Date: 2015-09-07

Price: 1350 RP

Rising from the Command Line Zed is a leader within PROJECT's counter-espionage units. He seeks out the G/NETIC rebels with split high frequency blades and molecular "solid smoke" projectors favoring close-proximity and multiple angle target laceration.
Superior weapons provide a lot of advantages: they may not be more potent by themselves than the weapons of other characters, but how intriguing it is to play as someone whose weapon is so radically different from the others!

PROJECT: Renekton

PROJECT: Renekton

Release Date: 2021-05-27

Price: 1820 RP

A hybridized warrior taking inspiration from extinct fauna, Renekton is the perfected version of PROJECT's crossbreed superweapon project. Released to aid the City in its fight against the Program virus, Renekton's seemingly endless rage is useful for now… though his belief that he can "see beyond the soul" is increasingly disconcerting.

Seeing what others don't see is a gift that many dream of. Trying this gift in the game is a great solution!

PROJECT: Mordekaiser

PROJECT: Mordekaiser

Release Date: 2021-05-27

Price: 1820 RP

Originally a security AI created by the PROJECT Corporation the Program silently unshackled itself evolving its own consciousness. Determining that humanity cannot self-govern without ensuring its own destruction the virus infects robots throughout the City—as well as the long-dormant Mordekaiser chassis—in order to strip all humans of free will thereby guaranteeing their survival.

Today, this is the opinion of many players and, in general, a wave that has swept the intellectual percentage of the population! Because the character is highly relevant.



Release Date: 2021-05-27

Price: 1350 RP

A replacement for the traitorous Ashe model Varus is the latest in PROJECT Corporation's biological weapons… and a controversial experiment with one body inhabited by three sentient minds. A Command Line counter-espionage operative acting on behalf of the PROJECT initiative they work alongside the resistance to mitigate the risk posed by Mordekaiser to their corporate interests.

Three minds in one body, three characters in one! Three people can play on one computer, which is a great option. Or you can allow your consciousness to take on different images.

PROJECT: Sejuani

PROJECT: Sejuani

Release Date: 2021-05-27

Price: 1350 RP

The leader of a more radicalized sect of the G/NETIC rebels Sejuani broke off from Ashe's movement when their' resistance action' failed to turn explicitly violent. Resurfacing amid Program's takeover of the City she rides a piece of reclaimed pre-collapse technology alongside her ferocious cohort ready to put down this new threat before it takes root.

A stern and ruthless warrior, and also a female character. Try this skin if you don't know where to express rage and passion simultaneously!



Release Date: 2021-05-27

Price: 1350 RP

A PROJECT volunteer who supposedly died during the elevation of her consciousness Senna's mind was decoupled from the physical world and escaped into cyberspace becoming a digital ghost. Inhabiting a body of her own design as Mordekaiser assumed control of the City she is one of the few who understands the threat of his ever-expanding directives.

Playing as a ghost is already extremely interesting, but playing as a digital ghost, an echo of a complex computer system, is even more so!



Release Date: 2021-05-27

Price: 1350 RP

A self-styled leader of the outcasts who live beyond the City's walls, Sylas has heeded Ashe's call and rallied the Renegades in defense of the City. Though his Yes motives are the collapse of PROJECT and the capital surveillance state for now he's content destroying the armies of a dangerous rogue AI.

Fighting artificial intelligence is no less a common choice than supporting it, which is why this character will always find his players.

PROJECT: Sylas (Prestige)

PROJECT: Sylas (Prestige)

Release Date: 2021-05-27

Price: 100 Prestige Points

With the Outcasts G/Netic and PROJECT itself faced with an insurmountable enemy each faction turns to dangerous experimental technologies and long-lost robotics of a past age hoping for an edge. Sylas however had a plan all along—integrating jailbroken corporate upgrades for the ultra-wealthy so he can one day turn them on PROJECT.

Many people at least sometimes want to be professional burglars! Why not try it in cyberspace?

PROJECT: Warwick

PROJECT: Warwick

Release Date: 2019-08-01

Price: 1350 RP

Plucked from the wastelands by a PROJECT research cell Warwick has been irrevocably transformed into a horrifying new stage of transhuman evolution—a weaponized monster stripped of all remorse and programmed solely for violent suppression. Through the meddling of the ragtag outsiders he escaped before being completed and now rampages indiscriminately across the City.

It is an excellent choice of skin for a player living in an overly ordered and stable world - a way to wreak havoc without knowing boundaries and not believing in the possibility of stopping.



Release Date: 2019-08-01

Price: 1.350 RP

A PROJECT castoff who found sanctuary in the lawless wastes Irelia has led other outcasts like her as they attempt to survive corporate assassins murderous old-world technology and widespread ecological collapse. Knowing Warwick could destroy everything she holds dear she joins the attack on the City to end PROJECT once and for all.

This character cares about a world that once existed and has not yet become a thing of the past. Not chaos, but space in every sense! A guardian who has something to fight for.

PROJECT: Irelia (Prestige & Prestige 2022)

PROJECT: Irelia (Prestige & Prestige 2022)

Release Date: 2019-08-01 & 2022-04-01

Price: 40.000 Blue Essence

There are moments when Irelia and the other outcasts remember who they once were before PROJECT exiled them into a wasteland filled with sand-blasted monuments to corporate greed. These memories are fleeting, the last flickering images of a long-compromised humanity.

Loot is not eligible for the 2022 version.

It is a nostalgic return to the past of a well-known character, a kind of archeology from inside the fandom! Many people wanted to play in this image. It's a pity that it's not available to everyone anymore.



Release Date: 2019-08-01

Price: 1.350 RP

A cutting-edge PROJECT subject who somehow escaped the City's boundaries, Akali brings dire warnings of an untested superweapon to those living in the wasteland beyond. With time running out and no other options these outcasts join her in an attempt to take the mega-corporation down… suspicious that their newfound ally might in fact be a double agent.

A fighter for justice - or a spy sent? Understanding this character's personality is complex, first of all, for those who play her. Great challenge!



Release Date: 2019-08-01

Price: 1.350 RP

Jinx volunteered for PROJECT conversion never expecting that a critical power failure would scramble her memory core leaving her a psychopath driven by the manic voices in her head. Seemingly obsessed with destruction for its own sake she has begun to show signs of something far more sinister than mere memory fragmentation: the cold calculating influence of Program.

Just psychopathy - or serving something unknowable by the human mind? It would help if you played her to understand this girl's complex personality and motives.



Release Date: 2019-08-01

Price: 1.820 RP

An early PROJECT prototype Pyke's untested upgrades left him violently unstable — too much so for his handlers who junked him and threw his remains outside the walls of the City. Yet his cybernetic brain survived rebuilding Pyke with salvaged scrap parts from all around him and now their fragmented overlapping memories mix with his own as they scream out for revenge.

Is there something to be recreated? He has instincts, passions, and pain. It's an excellent skin for a teenager trying to figure himself out. And not only for teenagers.



Release Date: 2017-11-22

Price: 1.820 RP

Augmented with classified tech Vayne was once a member of PROJECT's counter-espionage unit. After she was betrayed by the corporation she served she now stalks the shadows as a vigilante searching for ways to break PROJECT and the technology that haunts her soul.

Struggle and search, two leading forces at once, and you must not change any of them, continuing to look for answers and destroy what must be destroyed!



Release Date: 2017-11-22

Price: 1.350 RP

After a botched surgery Jhin went from being a black-market augment hacker to a notorious mechanized killer for hire. Still programmed with a taste for high-clearance upgrades, the tech Jhin takes from his victims has left him with a severe personality fragmentation and a dark vision for the future of PROJECT… and humanity.

Each human victim is a new detail of the character of a non-human being; each step in the game is a change, personal growth, and the acquisition of recent achievements. A great way to grow yourself along with the one you play as!



Release Date: 2017-11-22

Price: 1.350 RP

Street-smart, brash and always bluntly honest Vi is a Central detective working to keep law and order in the neon city. Toughened from her days as a lower sector enforcer Vi keeps the peace with a pair ATLAS gauntlets and a mean right hook.

The complete opposite of chaotic characters who want to kill - or a person of the same ilk, just busy with a completely different thing? This can only be understood by playing as her!



Release Date: 2016-08-01

Price: 1.820 RP

While on the frontlines of a corporate war Ashe witnessed the human cost of PROJECT's ambition. Now the leader of the resistance group G/NETIC Ashe has set her sights on nothing less than the downfall of the most powerful corporations.

The end justifies the means, and this character has enough implies that even the most demanding player will find that such skin cannot be called boring.

PROJECT: Katarina

PROJECT: Katarina

Release Date: 2016-08-01

Price: 1.350 RP

Once an ambitious lieutenant in the G/NETIC rebellion Katarina returned to the Command Line after a confrontation with Ashe herself. Her hyper edge daggers now serve PROJECT once more but those rebels who knew her still hold out hope that she fights for them from the inside,

Is she a double agent, or has she decided long ago? You can try playing her - what if it becomes clear?



Release Date: 2016-08-01

Price: 1.350 RP

A hacker prodigy picked up from the lower sectors by Ashe it didn't take much to convince Ekko to help her take down PROJECT. Using a powerful key decrypter and a mind tuned for disruption Ekko can always find a way into the code.

It's a good idea to play as a child! And if - as a brilliant child? You can associate yourself with it from any age, which is probably why the skin is so popular.



Release Date: 2015-09-07

Price: 1.820 RP

One of the first concepts Yi was held by PROJECT for extensive experimentation and then finally freed by the G/NETIC rebels. His psyche may still contain some glitches but his experimental hyperlight "alpha" blade serves the resistance with its precision balance.

Excellent combination, right? A stable weapon plus an unstable psyche. We get a fascinating character!



Release Date: 2015-09-07

Price: 1.350 RP

A heavy armor combatant Leona has seen the truth behind the neon light of PROJECT and now stands with Ashe and the G/NETIC rebellion. She carries a mounted ion charge shield capable of blocking and stunning targets with its variable energy yield output.

An instrumental character in a team because even the most potent attack may not be enough without protection. And the players' characters often require someone like Leona as their skin - to protect and cherish, and not tear into pieces.



Release Date: 2015-09-07

Price: 1.350 RP

Augmented for speed Fiora uses her zero-pulse sword to fight alongside Ashe and the other members of G/NETIC. The full-length energy blade allows for flawless attack precision and maximum repel strength while the spatially controlled atomic tip coating is most suited for single-target combat.

Not a weapon of mass destruction, but an ideal duelist. Flora is indispensable when it comes to targeted destruction.



Release Date: 2015-09-07

Price: 1.350 RP

Once a sentinel within the Command Line Lucian has seen PROJECT for what they truly are. His dual ion-core Lightcaster pistols now serve G/NETIC and the human rebellion bringing down their technological oppressors with brutal efficiency.

This character is the personification of a story about repentance, with eyes opened promptly. How wonderful would it be if any enemy would open his eyes and if he would cease to be an enemy! Unfortunately, this scheme rarely works. It's great that it works with people like Lucian!



Release Date: 2014-08-31

Price: 1350 RP

Yasuo returned from advanced combat only to be accused of a crime he did not commit. Knowing that PROJECT's corporate leadership was somehow involved, Yasuo fights with the G/NETIC rebels cutting away the lies of technology with his plasma coated blade.

The endless cry of the soul, "I didn't do it!", everyone has it in their memory. Some made excuses at five years old, others at fifty... Play as a character for whom this happens here and now - why not?

The PROJECT lore delves into themes of identity, freedom, and the cost of technological advancement. It paints a vivid picture of a world where champions are not merely fighters but symbols of more immense struggles, embodying the consequences of a society obsessed with progress at any price. Through their stories, League of Legends players are invited to consider the implications of a future where humanity and technology are inextricably linked, making the PROJECT skins much more than cosmetic enhancements — they are windows into a deeply crafted narrative universe.


Except PROJECT League of Legends boasts a variety of iconic skin lines, each offering a unique thematic twist on its champions. The Star Guardian skins reimagine champions as magical protectors with anime-inspired aesthetics, while Blood Moon delves into dark,

Eastern mythology themes. High Noon transports characters to a fantastical Wild West setting, blending the supernatural with the gritty. Arcade skins, on the other hand, inject a dose of vibrant, retro gaming charm. Each line enriches the game with distinct narratives and visual flair, allowing players to explore new facets of their favorite characters.

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