According to sources familiar with the situation, Corinthians is aiming to field a brand new Rainbow Six Siege squad, confirming early reports from BLIX.GG. The traditional Brazilian football club is in talks to sign with a project headed by the former FURIA player Thiago ‘LENDA’ Torres.
Another big member of the project is Fábio ‘Hxnteer’ Pieri, who competed with Santos in Série A last season. Fuz1on played Série B with Vincit Gaming, Chris ‘highlander’ Rosa and Willian ‘WiLL’ Rosa. Those players who will complete the roster for Corinthians.
- The team will compete in tier 2 tournaments, according to the manager Pedro Parand1nha’s TwitLonger. BLIX.GG has learned that the Corinthians’ plans for the female scene are currently frozen.
If the negotiations end up well, Corinthians will consist in:
- Thiago ‘LENDA’ Torres
- Fábio ‘Hxnteer’ Pieri
- Eric ‘Fuzion’ Ferreira
- Chris ‘Highlander’ Souza
- Willian ‘WiLL’ Rosa
- Bernardo ‘Narcizo’ Narciso (coach)
- Pedro ‘Parand1nha’ Aranda (analyst and manager)