Hello everyone! The Blix team has put together a detailed analysis of the current Deadlock meta across all ranked levels. We will explore which characters are most effective at each rank, from beginners to top Eternus players. Let’s delve into the world of Deadlock and understand who is currently dominating the battlefield.
Deadlock hero: Haze
- 1 Eternus – The Pinnacle of Skill
- 2 Ascendant – Optimal Balance
- 3 Phantom – Yamato is at its Best Once Again
- 4 Archon and Oracle – Strengthening Positions
- 5 Low ranks – Ritualist and Emissary
- 6 Features at Lower Ranks
- 7 The Final List of Top Heroes For the Season
- 8 The Weakest Characters of The Season
- 9 Conclusion
Eternus – The Pinnacle of Skill
Eternus is an elite player whose skills enable the full potential of any character. The most powerful hero at this level is Ivy, boasting an impressive win rate of 57.7%. Her success can be attributed to recent buffs, enhanced abilities, and improved synergy with team compositions. In second place is Warden, who has a win rate of 55% due to his versatility and control on the battlefield.
Deadlock hero: Ivy
Ascendant – Optimal Balance
At this rank, the battle is more evenly matched. Two heroes emerge as leaders simultaneously:
- Dynamo has a 54% win rate and is a powerful support hero and healer, excelling at maximizing team potential.
- Yamato has a 54% win rate. In the current patch, she has been significantly strengthened and appears in almost every match.
Deadlock hero: Yamato
Yamato is one of the most dominant characters this season, due to his versatility and effective pressure on opponents.
Phantom – Yamato is at its Best Once Again
Yamato is again at the top of the rankings with a 55% win rate. Her aggressive play style and versatility explain her high efficiency. Among the strongest heroes in this rank are Abrams, Ivy, and Dynamo.
Deadlock hero: Abrams
Archon and Oracle – Strengthening Positions
At the Oracle and Archon ranks, the situation is beginning to stabilize:
- Yamato, Abrams, and Warden continue to be dominant forces.
Winning rates increase because lower-level players often struggle to counterattack, making these heroes particularly dangerous.
Deadlock hero: Warden
Low ranks – Ritualist and Emissary
The prevalence of the same characters is also evident here:
- Yamato, Abrams, Ivy, and Warden are presented as being more powerful than the others.
- Mo & Krill is becoming popular at lower ranks, but it is nearly ineffective at higher levels.
Features at Lower Ranks
Infernus, Seven, and Haze dominate the lower ranks due to their ease of control and ability to farm quickly.
- Infernus has the ability to set enemies on fire and can quickly farm artifacts.
- Seven becomes a threat as newbies don’t know how to take down his ultimate ability.
Deadlock hero: Seven
At higher ranks, these characters become less effective because they are easier to counter.
The Final List of Top Heroes For the Season
At every level of the game, the most effective characters become:
- Yamato
- Abrams
- Warden
- Ivy
- Dynamo
Yamato is incredibly versatile and highly damaging, making it the strongest option in the current patch. If you want to improve your rating, mastering it is essential.
The Weakest Characters of The Season
Unfortunately, not all characters perform at their best. In this patch, the weakest characters are:
- Kelvin— He is severely weakened.
- Vindicta, Infernus, Shivи Grey Talon— Heroes with low win rates are difficult to succeed with in the current meta.
Deadlock hero: Vindicta
The Deadlock meta is currently quite stable, with Yamato and Ivy dominating at all levels. However, some heroes, such as Infernus and Seven, are becoming less effective as players rank up. Stay tuned for updates, and don’t forget to practice! Who is your favorite hero in the current patch? Share your thoughts in the comments! For more content related to Deadlock, we recommend visiting the Reddit thread.