The first-ranked games have recently started in Deadlock. Players have finally gained access to long-awaited ranked matches. In this article, the Blix team has selected five of the most compelling heroes for ranked games and will also analyze the builds for each of them.
Deadlock hero: Seven
At the top of our list is Seven. His first skill has received a radius improvement for two patches in a row now, and the projectile is now considerably bigger. The damage from this ability is also very high, making it a great primary ability. Combined with the current farming meta, Seven becomes a top-tier hero on the map with excellent damage numbers.
The recommended build focuses on maximizing the Lightning Ball ability to efficiently clear the jungle. You should prioritize increasing the radius, charge, and damage with the money you earn. Once you’ve done that, you can roam around the map, hurling balls at enemies and inflicting significant damage.
Deadlock ability: Lightning Ball
Item Build
We have categorized the purchase options based on cost and stage of play, from the early laning stage to the late game.
Laning Stage
Deadlock: Seven laning stage items
Early Game
Deadlock: Seven early game items
Mid Game
Deadlock: Seven mid game items
Late Game
Deadlock: Seven late game items
Deadlock hero: Wraith
The second hero is Wraith. She has been nerfed in a few patches, but she is still a strong hero who deals significant damage throughout the match thanks to her third skill, cards, and ultimates. You’ll have to be a bit patient in the lane, but with the purchase of Tesla Bullets and Fleetfoot, you can go into the forest and farm.
In combat, locate a target, use ultimates on it, and finish it off with cards. This hero demands experience, so we recommend choosing him if you already have some skills.
Item Build
We have categorized the purchase options based on cost and stage of play, from the early laning stage to the late game.
Laning Stage
Deadlock: Wraith laning stage items
Early Game
Deadlock: Wraith early game items
Mid Game
Deadlock: Wraith mid game items
Late Game
Deadlock: Wraith late game items
Deadlock hero: Infernus
The third hero is Infernus. He is always a relevant and powerful character and one of the strongest solo-lane heroes in the game. Thanks to his second skill, he can quickly farm the forest and gain an early opportunity to clear Tier-3 camps. The gradual damage from this hero will force opponents to consider buying defense and control. Additionally, the stun and life steal from the ultimate ability can be very helpful in many game situations. The ultimate ability can be useful in different scenarios, whether it’s knocking down enemy casters or capturing a boss.
Item Build
We have categorized the purchase options based on cost and stage of play, from the early laning stage to the late game.
Laning Stage
Deadlock: Infernus laning stage items
Early Game
Deadlock: Infernus early game items
Mid Game
Deadlock: Infernus mid game items
Late game
Deadlock: Infernus late game items
Deadlock hero: Shiv
The fourth hero is Shiv. He’s not the easiest hero to play, as he requires good positioning skills, but he deals impressive damage and can survive well. He’s excellent in the laning phase, and his farming is fast, thanks to his second skill. He’s built for magic damage with “flow from blades” under Decay, making him a superb hero for the current meta.
Item Build
We have categorized the purchase options based on cost and stage of play, from the early laning stage to the late game.
Laning Stage
Deadlock: Shiv laning stage items
Early Game
Deadlock: Shiv early game items
Mid Game
Deadlock: Shiv mid game items
Late Game
Deadlock: Shiv late game items
Situational Items
Deadlock: Shiv Situational Items items
Deadlock hero: Ivy
The fifth character is the hybrid Ivy. She may not be the most popular character, but she is interesting to play. The strategy for playing her is intricate; you need to time the use of her third and second skills carefully. This hero allows you to push lanes and farm camps without entering them. One unique aspect of the hero is that she doesn’t lose speed when farming objects. She is great at split-pushing, can hinder the enemy team, heal your teammates, and deal significant damage. This build is quite versatile, offering anti-heal, control, and plenty of health.
Item Build
We have categorized the purchase options based on cost and stage of play, from the early laning stage to the late game.
Laning Stage
Deadlock: Ivy laning stage items
Early Game
Deadlock: Ivy early game items
Mid Game
Deadlock: Ivy mid game items
Late Game
Deadlock: Ivy late game items
In summary, all five characters are excellent choices for ranked games. Each character is effective in its own way. Utilize your skills to the fullest and strive to strike a balance between focusing on farming creeps and actively participating in fights during the match.
There is an ongoing discussion on Reddit about the next character that will be added to the game. What are your thoughts on this matter?