The Blix team is here to break down the Position 2 role in Patch 7.38b. In this position, you are the heartbeat of the game, balancing farm, ganks, and scaling to outpace your opponents. As pros competing in the Immortal Draft, we’ve been dueling in the mid lane and testing the latest patch changes to discover the best builds for this crucial role.
Patch 7.38b introduces new elements, item synergies, and ability tweaks that make mid players more dynamic than ever. Our top picks are Outworld Destroyer, Ember Spirit, and Pudge. These heroes excel not only in the lane but also as tempo setters and late-game powerhouses.
Dota 2 heroes: Art
- 1 Outworld Destroyer – Obsidian Decimator Facet: Mana Monster
- 2 Why It Works
- 3 Skill Build
- 4 Item Build
- 5 Playstyle
- 6 Blix Pro Insight
- 7 Tips
- 8 Counters
- 9 Ember Spirit – Orb of Corrosion Synergy: Sleight of Hand
- 10 Why It Works
- 11 Skill Build
- 12 Item Build
- 13 Playstyle
- 14 Blix Pro Insight
- 15 Tips
- 16 Counters
- 17 Pudge – Rotten Core Facet: Right-Click Royalty
- 18 Why It Works
- 19 Skill Build
- 20 Item Build
- 21 Playstyle
- 22 Blix Pro Insight
- 23 Tips
- 24 Counters
- 25 Final Thoughts
Outworld Destroyer – Obsidian Decimator Facet: Mana Monster
Dota 2 hero: Outworld Destroyer
Outworld Destroyer (OD) has always been a strong character who scales well, but the Obsidian Decimator facet buff in patch 7.38b has transformed him into a powerful midline champion that the Blix team can’t overlook. He is a mana-driven powerhouse who dominates the late game with overwhelming numbers.
Why It Works
Obsidian Decimator now increases maximum mana by 5% (up from 4%) for each mana restore, and this effect stacks with the mana gain from W (Astral Imprisonment). Q (Arcane Orb) scales with maximum mana, making it effective for lane harassment, while R (Sanity’s Eclipse) punishes differences in mana.
This combination makes OD a ticking time bomb. Although he isn’t a standout in the professional scene due to coordination counters, his scaling is incredibly strong in public matches, especially after this buff.
Dota 2: Outworld Destroyer Facets Stats
Skill Build
To start, level up your Q ability to level 1; it serves as your primary last-hit and harassment tool, with mana scaling benefits. At level 2, take your W ability for additional utility, and then at level 3, choose E (Essence Flux) for sustain. Maximize Q first to establish lane dominance, then prioritize W for mana stacking, while making sure to take your R ability at levels 6, 12, and 18. E is effective with just one point invested; its RNG mana restoration is more impactful when leveled up, rather than by adding more points.
Dota 2 Outworld Destroyer: Most Popular Skill Build
Item Build
Start with Double Null Talismans and upgrade to Power Treads for early stats and attack speed, which will enhance your Q ability spam. Next, consider building Witchblade for mid–game damage, or opt for Force Staff if you need mobility. Midas can be a greedy scaling choice, which works well in farm-heavy games.
However, our preferred option is Hurricane Pike, as it provides both range and burst damage. In the late game, build Aghanim’s Scepter and Refresher Orb to let you use your ultimate ability twice, overwhelming the enemy team. Remember to keep it simple; the strength of Outworld Destroyer (OD) lies in his straightforwardness.
Dota 2 Outworld Destroyer: Item Build
Q spam allows you to win trades in the lane, helping you secure last hits (CS) and deny your opponent by maintaining a mana advantage. Use your W ability to dodge spells or build up your mana, saving it for key disables during the mid–game. You become a significant threat in the mid-game with Witchblade and Pike—targeting squishy opponents for quick bursts. As you progress into the late game, utilize your ultimate ability (R) effectively.
To survive early ganks, make sure to use W to your advantage. If you manage to get through this phase, you’ll reach a powerful timing where Sanity’s Eclipse can wipe out entire teams. Always position yourself safely; remember that your damage output is meant for the backline, not the frontline.
Blix Pro Insight
Dota 2 hero: Outworld Destroyer
Pros like XM and Ori choose Pike for a reason—it’s a mid-game kill machine. With Aghanim’s and Refresher, a double R at level 18 can deal over 2000 damage to low-mana heroes. Stack that mana and watch your MMR soar.
- Manually casting Arcane Orb on enemy heroes won’t draw creep aggro.
- You can put Roshan in Astral Imprisonment jail.
- If you’re getting ganked in the early game, try using a Bottle charge or some sort of regen item right before self-Imprisoning yourself. The regen will continue healing while you’re banished.
- It can sometimes be worth Astraling an allied creep during a push to keep it alive a little longer when the enemy Glyphs their tower.
- You will lose Astral Imprisonment buffs on death, including deaths from Aegis.
- You can steal mana from debuff immune/BKB’d enemies with Astral Imprisonment, but they won’t get banished.
- If you click in a direction to turn before self-casting Astral Imprisonment, you’ll complete your rotation while in Astral. This is important if you plan on Blinking out immediately from Astral to avoid a turn animation in the Blink direction.
- Try to Astral an enemy before casting Sanity’s Eclipse on them to increase the mana difference between your heroes.
- Pure damage immunity from BKB significantly cuts OD’s damage output from Arcane Orb.
- OD can’t cast Arcane Orb when he’s silenced.
- Heals from items like Greaves, Mek, or Magic Wand are applied before Astral damage takes place, allowing you to survive potentially lethal Imprisonments.
- Consider building mana/INT items like Skadi or Wind Waker when you’re playing against OD to minimize the damage you’ll take from Sanity’s Eclipse.
Ember Spirit – Orb of Corrosion Synergy: Sleight of Hand
Dota 2 hero: Ember Spirit
Ember Spirit’s agility and mobility shine in patch 7.38b. The Blix team is excited about his new item synergies—Orb of Corrosion and Mage Slayer. He excels as a tempo titan, ganking early and scaling into a team fight terror.
Why It Works
The Orb of Corrosion is created by combining a Blight Stone, an Orb of Frost, and a Band of Elvenskin, costing 1000 gold. It provides eight agility, reduces armor by three, inflicts a 16% slow on ranged units (and 6% on melee units), and grants both lifesteal and spell lifesteal, which synergizes well with W (Sleight of Fist) in its area of effect.
Mage Slayer has been reworked to include a new build path consisting of an Orb of Venom and Gloves of Haste. This combination offers 30 attack speed, along with 5 HP regeneration and mana regeneration, enhancing early map pressure.
Additionally, E (Flame Guard) received a damage buff to compensate for a nerf to Q (Searing Chains), ensuring that Ember Spirit remains strong in the lane and maintains high gank potential.
Dota 2: Ember Spirit Facets Stats
Skill Build
Start with E at level 1, as Flame Guard helps win trades and secure last hits. Take Q at level 2 for crowd control and W at level 3 for additional damage. Max E first for lane sustain, then focus on W for Sleight of Fist damage. Take your ultimate, Fire Remnant, at levels 6, 12, and 18. Q is a one-point wonder; although its nerfed scaling impacts damage, it’s still essential for ganks.
Dota 2 Ember Spirit: Most Popular Skill Build
Item Build
Start with a Bottle, Stick, and Boots, transitioning into Phase Boots for improved roaming speed. Acquire a Blight Stone early, then prioritize rushing an Orb of Corrosion after you have your Phase Boots for enhanced ganking potential (avoid getting it before Boots, as it will slow you down too much). Next, build a Mage Slayer, utilizing an Orb of Venom and Gloves of Haste to enhance your sustain and speed.
Maelstrom can help you scale your farm and increase your ability to deal damage with your abilities, while a Black King Bar (BKB) is effective against teams that rely heavily on magic damage. In the late game, consider purchasing a Daedalus or Shiva’s Guard to secure team fights. Remember to avoid rushing items early—focus on maintaining tempo in the game.
Dota 2 Ember Spirit: Item Build
In the lane, E trades aggressively—absorbing harassment and safely securing creep kills (CS). At level 6, roam using your R and Q, taking advantage of the Orb of Corrosion’s slow and armor reduction to secure kills with your W. In the mid-game, you become a ganking machine—Sleight of Fist deals area-of-effect (AoE) damage and slows enemies, setting your team up for success. During the late game, focus on scaling with critical hits and spell damage. Split–push using your R, then use your remnant to return to team fights. Position yourself to maximize the AoE of your W—Ember Spirit is all about mobility and tempo.
Blix Pro Insight
Dota 2 hero: Ember Spirit
Orb of Corrosion with Sleight is powerful—Area of Effect slows and heals to keep you fighting. Mage Slayer’s Gloves buildup feels smoother than in the last patch—casual Orb of Venom makes you move like a god early. Gank hard, scale effectively.
- The capture radius on Searing Chains is fairly large, but that’s usually a disadvantage since it means you’ll probably catch creeps when you want to catch heroes. When possible, hold on to the Chains until you can position yourself away from worthless enemy units rather than complaining about relying on RNG.
- Searing Chains will not capture units in fog or invisible units, but will provide true sight on captured units.
- While Sleighted, projectiles will follow you around as you bounce from unit to unit. It’s not disjoint, but you can use this invulnerability period to ‘absorb’ projectiles without taking any damage or stun, like from a Gyrocopter Homing Missile, for example.
- You can use spells during Sleight of Fist. Yes, Chains is a given, but casting and activating Remnants during Sleight is also important. You can cast Remnants mid-Sleight to close distances quicker when chasing enemies. Activating them at the tail end of a Sleight will also make you extremely difficult to lock down when being chased.
- The hardest part of executing the Sleight+Chains combo on solo targets is knowing when Sleight will actually go off. Don’t get too excited and prematurely cast Chains first. Just hit the hotkey as soon as you can react to Ember going into Sleight, and you’ll probably land it.
- Whenever Ember uses Sleight, he leaves a temporary Remnant behind during the cast. This is where he’ll always return once Sleight finishes. Use this as a beacon to set up disables like Dark Willow’s Bramble Maze, Jakiro’s Ice Path, Mirana’s Arrow, or just start mashing your silence/hex/disable on the temporary remnant so you can catch him as soon as he returns.
- Ember hates silences, but he also really hates slows. The travel speed on Remnant casts scale off of Ember’s own move speed, so heroes with strong slows can cut Ember’s aggression significantly since he’ll need to pre-cast an escape Remnant before going in.
- You can click on Ember and check his buffs to see how many Remnants he currently has out on the map. If he has zero, get ready for the easiest gank of your life.
- Ember can pick up runes while flying around in a Sleight of Fist. Depending on how good of an Ember player you’re up against, you should consider stopping for a moment just short of a rune to bait his Sleight so that he can’t snatch it from you.
Pudge – Rotten Core Facet: Right-Click Royalty
Dota 2 hero: Pudge
Pudge in the mid lane? Absolutely, and it’s quite the experience. The Rotten Core facet introduced in patch 7.38b has transformed him into a scaling right–click damage dealer. The Blix team has observed him performing exceptionally well in both professional matches and public games. He has become a tempo titan, surprising opponents with his physical damage output.
Why It Works
Rotten Core provides up to an 80% bonus to attack damage when the W ability (Rot) is active, effectively doubling the damage at the maximum level. This bonus stacks with the strength gains from Flesh Heap. The Q ability (Meat Hook) is useful for setting up ganks, and Pudge’s mid-lane levels enhance his tempo and scaling. It’s clear why professional players are opting to play him as a core hero—an 80% bonus on a strength hero’s base damage is exceptionally powerful.
Dota 2: Pudge Facets Stats
Skill Build
Start with W at level 1 to gain 9 bonus damage for creep score (CS) (toggle briefly). Take E (Flesh Heap) at level 2 for additional resistances, and choose Q at level 3 for hooks. Max out W by level 7 to achieve 60-80% bonus damage, while putting 2 points into E for improved tankiness. Take R (Dismember) at levels 6, 12, and 18. An early W helps secure the lane, while using Q to roam in the mid-game is essential, so finding a balance is key.
Dota 2 Pudge: Most Popular Skill Build
Item Build
Start with Phase Boots, then build into Solar Crest and Glimmer Cape. Solar Crest mitigates the self-damage from your Rot ability, while Glimmer Cape provides resistance and invisibility, allowing you to maintain Rot for an extended period.
For a mid-game power spike, consider getting a Harpoon for burst damage, followed by either Sange, Yasha, or BKB to enhance your right-click damage. In the late game, you can opt for Abyssal Blade or Assault Cuirass to either control opponents or increase your damage per second (DPS).
Avoid rushing Aghanim’s Scepter; while it can be a useful farming tool, the damage from Rot can be punishing without maxing out your E ability first. Solar Crest and Glimmer Cape are more effective choices during this phase.
Dota 2 Pudge: Item Build
In the lane, use W to toggle your win condition, focusing on CS and denials. At level 1, you deal 9 damage, and at level 2 with E, you hit for 40%. After reaching level 7, roam with Q to hook camps or gank sidelanes, utilizing Rot for clearing or chasing enemies.
In the mid-game, you become a tanky tempo core; combining Solar Crest, Glimmer Cape, and Phase Boots allows you to aggressively engage enemies with Rot active, enhancing your damage with each kill.
In the late game, you turn into a significant right–click threat. Use Harpoon combined with BKB or Abyssal Blade to eliminate squishy targets. Position yourself strategically to hook key enemies—Pudge mid excels in creating chaos.
Blix Pro Insight
Dota 2 hero: Pudge
Solar + Glimmer is powerful—Rot’s self-damage becomes negligible, and you can move at 40 speed while remaining invisible. Skilled players avoid Aghanim’s Scepter for a reason—right-click Pudge benefits more. Try it in mid; the level 8 timing is impressive.
- Part of being a good Pudge is more than landing Hooks, but also knowing when your Hooks won’t land. The cast time is long enough that you should be able to at least occasionally stop-cancel unlikely Hooks. Stop-canceling Hooks is also a great way to stress out enemies who can see you.
- Arguably, the most reliable way of predicting enemy movement for Hooks during the laning phase is to watch for the last hits. While you’re hiding, watch the HP of your creeps and wait for the enemy to pick up the last hit. The knowledge of where they will be plus their attack animation should be enough to land a Hook fairly easily. If the only thing between you and the enemy is a creep, start casting the Hook right before they complete the last hit so the Hook passes through the creep as it’s dying.
- You can pull runes using Meat Hook and the mana cost on Hook will be refunded. You can abuse this with Soul Ring to refund the ‘temporary’ mana provided by the Ring’s active.
- Meat Hook will always bring the unit it caught to your cast location when the Hook finishes returning. With expert timing, you can use this mechanic to save allies who are being repositioned with spells (like Disruptor’s Glimpse or Kunkka’s X Marks the Spot) or catch escaping enemies (like an Io Relocate) by having them be mid-return-Hook when the repositioning spell is triggered.
- Target and cast Dismember while an enemy is getting Hooked to give them as little time as possible to react with a BKB or some gap creating spell. This works because the sooner you start your Dismember cast animation, the less time an enemy has to react. If you start walking towards the enemy while they’re returning from Hook, they’ll be in Dismember cast range sooner.
- Play the hero and read the tips. The best way to beat a Pudge is to become the Pudge. You put Pudge into a cup, he becomes the cup, you put Pudge into a teapot, he becomes the teapot. Be Pudge, my friend.
- Check Pudge’s boots. If he’s running at you with Rot and has Tranquils, you should right click him once to break his boots to slow his move speed before fleeing.
- Lotus Orb prevents Pudge from casting Dismember on a target without it getting canceled instantly.
- In lane, consider constantly cutting down trees if you have a Quelling Blade. Pudge’s Hooks are much easier to predict if he’s not able to hide behind a forest.
- Dismember is a channeled disable, so stunning or silencing Pudge during the channel will end the spell.
Final Thoughts
Patch 7.38b has transformed the mid lane into a battleground for scaling and tempo heroes, with Outworld Destroyer, Ember Spirit, and Pudge emerging as our top picks to dominate this role. Outworld Destroyer excels in the late game with his mana-driven power, Ember Spirit offers exceptional mobility for ganking, and Pudge surprises enemies with his strong right-click attacks.
We have fine-tuned these builds in the Immortal Draft, making them prepared to enhance your ranked climb—whether you’re stacking farm, ganking side lanes, or delivering devastating blows in team fights.
The mid lane is about establishing the pace of the game, and these heroes do it best. This concludes our rundown of the mid lane role for patch 7.38b. Stay tuned for more Blix content as we analyze pro meta trends and patch updates. Until next time, focus on winning your lane, controlling the tempo, and carrying your games! We also recommend visiting the Reddit thread for more Dota 2 content.