Kurumi is a medical hero, an indispensable person in any game of Naraka’s fairy-tale universe! Without a doctor in battle, who will patch up the wounds? So Kurumi allows playing for those not particularly interested in an aggressive style, a solid attack, and defense – who want to help teammates more peacefully. Kurumi provides health to allies with both of her abilities. Of course, this seriously limits Kurumi’s abilities as a single-player – but this character was not created for a single-player game, just for a team game. So here is Kurumi Guide.
As a matter of fact, Kurumi, a real medic, has been sacrificing her fighting potential in exchange for the health of her team members. BindingPrayer – one of Kurumi’s skills – allows her to form a bond with one of her allies that heals continuously throughout the game! Kurumi can always instantly teleport to a teammate and knock back attacking enemies so that a teammate can repair his weapon and return to battle. Such is the power of the BindingPrayer!
When Kurumi wants to heal or help someone else, she simply cuts the connection. Her abilities even help to cleanse herself and her teammates from debuffs! Thanks to Sacred Circle, Kurumi creates a healing circle that removes debuffs from all teammates. After all, damage from debuffs is one of the main problems for any player!
Kurumi: How To Get
Kurumi is willing to help, so naturally, she needs nothing for availability! He is one of the primary Naraka: Bladepoint characters – start and play!
Skills and Ultimate

Kurumi’s abilities have options unlocked through cultivation quests. The BindingPrayer has Reinforce (the ability to increase the attack of the teammate with whom Kurumi is connected by as much as twenty percent). And if the connection is interrupted, the evasion of the character associated with Kirumi is increased by forty percent for one second. If you work in conjunction with powerful characters, this ability of Kirumi can turn the tide of the battle! It is not to mention that thanks to the Protection variation, the damage for the teammate that Kurumi linked with is reduced bytwenty percent. When the connection is broken, the teammate receives even less damage, but only for two and a half seconds. That is Kurumi’s how-to-play.
SacredCircle options are called Armor Enhance and Rapid Healing. The first of them begins at some point to replenish not the health of the character but the durability of his armor. Thanks to the second, health and armor are restored significantly for all allies within the radius of effect. RapidHealing should be set by default, and with it – Binding Prayer: Reinforce. If the connected teammate is a strong attacker, he will perfectly protect Kurumi, and she, in turn, will help him!
Kurumi Glyphs Build

- Spirit x3
- Wildness x3
- Agility x4
- Fury x2
- Sanity x4
- Heat x2
- Miracle x3
- Genius x3
- Stat SoulJades
- Attack Souljades
Special SoulJade
- Despair
- Group Heal
Weapons of Kurumi

- S-Tier
Longsword, Bloodripper, Katana - A-Tier
Spear, Dagger, Flamebringer, Greatsword, Bow, Swarm - B-Tier
Cannon, Repeating Crossbow - C-Tier
Musket - D-Tier
Kurumi is the medic the team needs – but she does not play with the whole team at once, but with the one connected to her. However, considering the team size in Naraka: Bladepoint, regularly switching between characters makes Kurumi incredibly useful. However, her weakness is her low health pool, which makes her vulnerable to sustained attacks. Additionally, her abilities have a long cooldown, so players must use them strategically. Kurumi is a strong pick for players who prefer a fast-paced, aggressive playstyle.
Kurumi is the medic the team needs – but she does not play with the whole team at once, but with the one connected to her. However, considering the team size in Naraka: Bladepoint, regularly switching between characters makes Kurumi incredibly useful. However, her weakness is her low health pool, which makes her vulnerable to sustained attacks. Additionally, her abilities have a long cooldown, so players must use them strategically. Kurumi is a strong pick for players who prefer a fast-paced, aggressive playstyle.