Key Takeaways from Kingdom Come: Deliverance Before the Release of the Sequel

Reading time  ~7  mins

Spoiler Alert! You risk receiving some heavy spoilers if you haven't played Kingdom Come Deliverance. We're messing with plot twists, betrayals, and a protagonist's journey that's more difficult than solving a Rubik's cube blindfolded. So, if you're cool with that, keep reading.

We at the Blix team looked at the trending games.

You probably saw our articles like "Best Games Like Dark Souls" or "Top Games Similar to Stardew Valley." We are not listing games "like Kingdom Come" since it will be prolonged. Hence, that article.

It will give you a crash course on the story and a breakdown of what makes this game stand out. And, as the name suggests, we'll cover ten of its most notable features, from its complex crafting system to its nod to real-world history. Ready? Let's dive in!


  • Summary of the story of the game
  • Ten main features of Kingdom Come

Kingdom Come Story So Far

Here's a recap of the key story beats. The plot isn't just your typical "knight saves princess" tale. It's more like "blacksmith's son tries to survive a political nightmare, with a dash of revenge."

Henry, the son of a blacksmith, lives a peaceful life in Skalitz. But one pretty day, a sudden attack by Sigismund of Luxembourg's army destroys everything. His village is destroyed, his parents are killed, and Henry is forced to flee. He narrowly escapes and vows revenge on those responsible. To achieve this, he enters the service of Lord Radzig Kobyla, a noble leading a rebellion against Sigismund. However, Henry's path to vengeance is long and complicated.

As he learns to fight, he takes on various missions for Lord Radzig, earning a reputation as a skilled warrior. His quest for revenge uncovers a more profound political conspiracy involving Sigismund's invasion and the throne of the Holy Roman Empire. Along that, Henry fronts mercenaries, defends and sieges castles, and realizes, along the way, his family's death details. Start of those.

Here's the kicker: Kingdom Come: Deliverance must tie things up neatly. Countless battles, betrayals, and hard-fought victories, but the game ends on a cliffhanger. Henry's journey for revenge remains unfinished, and players stay to find out what the sequel will bring. Oh, and that sword Henry's been chasing all game? Still missing. Talk about a setup for Kingdom Come 2.

10 Key Features of Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Official Game Reveal

Kingdom Come subreddit

Now that you're caught up on the story let's discuss the game's mechanics. Forget all those typical magic and dragon things. KC:D is a grounded, realistic game that makes you feel the weight of every sword swing. And that's what makes it stand out:

Historical Accuracy

Imagine you stepped into a time machine and got into 15th-century Bohemia. That's what Kingdom Come does. The developers were meticulous in recreating the time's architecture, clothing, and political landscape. There's no magic here—just mud, steel, and the harsh reality of medieval life. It's like a history class but way more fun (and violent).

Realistic Combat

Kingdom Come: Deliverance - The Combat System

The combat system isn't button-mashing chaos. It's a dance of timing, angles, and stamina management. Swing too wildly, and you'll find yourself exhausted. Block too late, and you're eating dirt. Players have to master real sword-fighting techniques, learning how to target specific parts of the enemy's body. Think of it as medieval chess but with swords.

Immersive World and NPCs

People in KC:DII

NPCs in Kingdom Come aren't just window dressing. They have daily routines—some work the fields, others head to the tavern after sundown. If you break the law, they remember. If you do them a favor, they'll be grateful. The world feels alive, reacting to your actions in ways few games manage to pull off.

Character Progression

KC:DS character development menu

Henry starts as an absolute nobody. He can barely swing a sword and doesn't even speak about winning a fight. Every skill, from lockpicking to alchemy, requires practice. The more you use a skill, the better you get at it. There are no easy shortcuts, making every victory feel earned. The end of the game turns him not a superhero— just a guy who's good at not dying.

Crafting System


From brewing potions to sharpening your sword, crafting plays a significant role. The alchemy system, in particular, is a standout. You don't just click a button and magically create a potion. Henry must gather ingredients, follow recipes, andeven time his actions to get the desired result. It's a bit like cooking—but with the risk of blowing yourself up.

Exhaustive Equipment Options

Thoroughly recreated weapons

In Kingdom Come, you don't just wear a helmet and call it a day. Oh no, this game wants you to layer up. There are 16 different slots for gear—everything from boots to gloves to a coif (yes, you need a coif). Your equipment also deteriorates over time, so you'll need to repair your gear regularly or risk going into battle with broken armor.

Battle Cries & Taunts

Kingdom Come Deliverance Henry taunts a bandit for lols

Fights in Kingdom Come aren't just about clashing steel. You can use taunts and battle cries to intimidate your enemies or boost your morale. It adds a psychological layer to combat, where sometimes shouting the right insult is just as effective as swinging a sword. Who knew medieval smack talk could be so important?

The Role of Nationalities

Bohemia in the 1400s was a melting pot of different cultures, and Kingdom Come doesn't shy away from addressing that. Henry encounters people from various backgrounds—Czechs, Germans, Hungarians—and not everyone gets along. The tension between nationalities is woven into the storyline and affects how characters treat each other (and you). It's a subtle but effective way of showing the fractured politics of the time.

Questing and Freedom of Choice

While there's a main storyline to follow, Kingdom Come is packed with side quests that offer multiple ways to approach problems. Want to be diplomatic and talk your way out of trouble? Go for it. Do you prefer to sneak around and solve things in the shadows? That works, too. But be warned: choices have consequences, and you might end up in more trouble than you bargained for.

No Hand-Holding

If you're used to games that guide you from objective to objective with big glowing arrows... Well, you're in for a rude awakening. Kingdom Come will force you to figure things out on your own. Quests often give vague directions, and no minimap constantly reminds you where to go. It's a refreshing change for players who enjoy being thrown into the deep end.

What are the rumors about Kingdom Come 2?

Rumors about Kingdom Come 2 are swirling. Fans speculate about the sequel's direction: many believe the game will pick up exactly where KC:D left off. Players are to continue Henry's quest for his father's sword. There's talk of a larger map, potentially expanding beyond Bohemia into neighboring regions like Hungary or Poland.

Combat improvements are widely expected, with smoother mechanics and more refined animations. Some rumors suggest a more profound political system: more factions and complex power struggles. There are even whisperings of possible co-op or multiplayer features, though most doubt it, given the single-player focus of the first game. Most importantly, everyone's waiting on the release date, hoping Warhorse Studios has learned from the technical issues of the first launch and will deliver a more polished experience this time.

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