League of Legends Patch 25.06 has officially dropped on the live servers, changing a plethora of champions, items, as well as bringing about the Naafiri mid-scope update revealed a few weeks back. Your Shop also returns, but there’s a lot to cover this patch, so let’s dive right into it!
- 1 League of Legends Patch 25.06: The Most Important Changes
- 2 League of Legends Patch 25.06 Champion Changes
- 3 Champion Buffs
- 4 Champion Nerfs
- 5 Champion Adjustments
- 6 League of Legends Patch 25.06 Item Changes
- 7 League of Legends Patch 25.06 System Changes
- 8 League of Legends Patch 25.06 Arena Changes
- 9 Champion Changes
- 10 Guest of Honor Changes
- 11 Augments
- 12 Stat Anvils
- 13 Item Changes
League of Legends Patch 25.06: The Most Important Changes
The most important champion updates came for Naafiri, who finally got her mid-scope update revealed a few weeks back, where the developers swapped her W and Ultimate abilities and rebalanced them. However, Gwen also got a mid-scope change which aims to turn her into an AP bruiser with more upfront damage from a hyper-scaling champion.
Some of the best ADC picks have also received a hit to their power, as well as some problematic junglers like Darius and Yorick, who weren’t terrorizing professional play, but have been wreaking havoc in solo queue. The Anti-Lane Swap mechanic has been fine tuned as well, making it less punishing and more recognizable for teammates.

There’s a plethora of changes in the Arena game mode as well, as there have been champion rebalances and some Guests of Honor rebalances as well. Darius now reduced the HP of the whole lobby, becoming the true test of power that he is supposed to be.
Along with the balance changes, four news skins will hit League of Legends with Battle Academia Kayn, Xayah, Rakan and Qiyana, the latter which has a prestige edition as well!
League of Legends Patch 25.06 Champion Changes
Champion Buffs
- Q – Lunge
- Mana Cost decreased from 20/25/30/35/40 to 20 at all ranks
Jarvan IV

- Q – Dragon Strike
- Damage increased from 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 140% bonus AD) to 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 / 250 (+ 145% bonus AD)
- Passive – Whisper
- Bonus AD increased from 4 – 44% (based on level) (+ 0.3% per 1% Critical Strike Chance) (+ 0.25% per 1% bonus Attack Speed) to 4 – 44% (based on level) (+ 0.35% per 1% Critical Strike Chance) (+ 0.3% per 1% bonus Attack Speed)
- Base Armor increased from 25 to 27 Base Health Regeneration increased from 3.5 to 4
- R – Killer Instinct
- Cooldown decreased from 130 / 100 / 70 to 120 / 90 / 60 seconds
- Passive – Unseen Threat
- Bonus Damage increased from 14 – 116 (based on level) (+40% bonus AD) to 17 – 136 (based on level) (+50% bonus AD)
- E – Leap
- Damage increased from 65 / 100 / 135 / 170 / 205 (+ 20% bonus AD) to 65 / 100 / 135 / 170 / 205 (+ 40% bonus AD)
- E – Swirlseed
- Cooldown decreased from 14 to 12 seconds
- Damage increased from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+ 50% AP) to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+ 60% AP)

- E – Relentless Pursuit
- Cooldown decreased from 19 / 17.75 / 16.5 / 15.25 / 14 to 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14 seconds
Master Yi
- Armor Growth decreased from 4.7 to 4.2
- Q – Alpha Strike
- Bonus Critical Strike Damage increased from 75% to 100%
- Q – Hammer Shock
- Capped Monster Health Damage increased from 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 to 75 / 105 / 135 / 165 / 195
- Maximum Monster Damage increased from 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+ 100% bonus AD) to 105 / 160 / 215 / 270 / 325 (+ 100% bonus AD)
- Base Attack Speed increased from 0.625 to 0.7 (Note: This is equivalent to gaining 12% AS at level 1.)
- Q – Poison Trail
- There’s a new effect where if a minion would die to another minion while affected by Poison Trail, Singed gets the kill credit instead
- E – Fling
- Damage decreased from 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 (+ 6 / 6.5 / 7 / 7.5 / 8% of target’s maximum health) (+ 60% AP) to 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 (+ 6 / 6.5 / 7 / 7.5 / 8% of target’s maximum health) (+ 55% AP)

- Orb Damage increased from 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 (+ 60% bonus AD) to 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 (+ 60% bonus AD)
- Explosion Damage increased from 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 (+ 60% bonus AD) (+ 80% AP) to 10 / 35 / 60 / 85 / 110 (+ 65% bonus AD) (+ 80% AP)
- E – Flap, Flap, Flap
- Damage per Bolt increased from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (+ 25% AD) to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+ 30% AD)
- Cooldown decreased from 120 to 120 / 110 / 100 seconds
Twisted Fate
- Base Armor increased from 21 to 24
Xin Zhao
- Q – Three Talon Strike
- Bonus Damage increased from 16 / 29 / 42 / 55 / 68 (+ 40% bonus AD) to 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+ 40% bonus AD)
Champion Nerfs

- W – Yorde Snap Trap
- Headshot Damage Increase vs Trapped Targets decreased from 40 / 85 / 130 / 175 / 220 (+ 40% bonus AD) to 35 / 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 (+ 30% bonus AD)
- R – Ace in the Hole
- Damage decreased from 300 / 500 / 700 (+ 100% bonus AD) to 300 / 475 / 650 (+ 100% bonus AD)
- Base Armor decreased from 30 to 27
- Passive – Hemorrhage
- Monster Damage Modifier decreased from 300% to 200%
- Passive – League of Draven
- Draven no longer gains 2 Bonus Adoration stacks for every 6 kills
- Armor Growth decreased from 4.7 to 4.2
- E – Judgement
- Damage on Critical Strikes decreased from 175% to 150%

- R – Super Mega Death Rocket!
- Damage decreased from 325 / 475 / 625 (+ 165% bonus AD) (+ 25 / 30 / 35% of target’s missing health) to 300 / 450 / 600 (+ 155% bonus AD) (+ 25 / 30 / 35% of target’s missing health)
- Q – Inner Flame
- Damage decreased from 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+ 70% AP) to 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 (+ 70% AP)
- E – Mourning Mist
- Capped Monster Health Damage decreased from 300 to 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210
Champion Adjustments

Base Stats
- Health Growth decreased from 115 to 100
- Base Health increased from 620 to 650
- P – Thousand Cuts
- Damage changed from 1% (+ 0.6% per 100 AP) of target’s HP to 1% (+ 0.55% per 100 AP) of target’s HP
- Damage to Monsters Modifier decreased from 10 (+15% AP) to 5 (+15% AP)
- Q – Snip Snip!
- Final Snip Damage increased from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+ 35% AP) to 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 (+ 35% AP)
- Maximum Damage increased from 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 / 310 (+ 60% AP) to 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 / 320 (+ 60% AP)
- W – Hallowed Mist
- Bonus Resistances changed from 22 / 24 / 26 / 28 / 30 (+ 7% AP) to 25 (+ 5% AP)
- E – Skip ‘N Slash
- Cooldown decreased from 13 / 12.5 / 12 / 11.5 / 11 to 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 seconds
- Cooldown Refund changed from 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65% to 50% at all ranks
- On-Hit Damage changed from 15 (+ 20% AP) to 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 20 (+ 20% AP)
- R – Needlework
- Damage per Needle decreased from 35 / 65 / 95 (+ 10% AP) to 30 / 60 / 90 (+ 8% AP)
- Initial Slow increased from 40 / 50 / 60% to 60% at all ranks
- Reduced Slow increased from 15 / 20 / 25% to 25% at all ranks

- Health Growth decreased from 120 to 105
- Armor Growth decreased from 4.7 to 4.2
- Base Attack Damage increased from 55 to 57
- AD Growth decreased from 2.1 to 2
- Passive – We Are More
- Max Packmates increased from 2 / 3 (levels 1 / 9) to 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 (levels 1 / 9 / 12 / 15)
- Packmate Damage decreased from 12 – 32 (based on level) (+ 5% bonus AD) to 10 – 20 (based on level) (+ 4% bonus AD)
- Packmate Health Growth decreased from 16 to 13
- Packmate Armor/MR Growth decreased from 2 to 1.8
- Packmate Reduced AoE Damage Taken increased from 76 – 50% (levels 1-14) to 76 – 55% (levels 1-15)
- Packmate Reduced Damage from Towers increased from 25% to 50%
- Packmates now deal 165% damage to Monsters
- Packmate Taunt Duration decreased from 3 to 2 seconds
- Q – Darkin Daggers
- Damage to Minions increased from 60% to 80%
- W – The Call of the Pack
- Naafiri and her packmates gain 1 second of untargetability on cast
- Bonus AD increased from 5/15/25 (+ 8-24% AD) to + 20% AD (Note: This is now granted on-cast.)
- Extra Packmates decreased from 2/3/4 to 2
- Buff Duration decreased from 15 seconds to 5 seconds
- Bonus Movement Speed increased from 70-100% decaying over 4 seconds, reduced upon taking damage to 20-30% for 5 seconds (Note: This is now granted on-cast.)
- Cooldown decreased from 120/110/100 seconds to 20/19.5/19/18.5/18 seconds
- Mana Cost decreased from 100 to 60
- The Call of the Pack no longer grants Naafiri a shield, a pulse of vision, and will no longer reset the ability’s buffs on takedown. Packmates will no longer gain bonus health and cooldown.
- R – Hound’s Pursuit
- If Naafiri scores a takedown within 7 seconds, she reveals nearby enemies and can recast this ability once. The second cast grants her a 100/150/200(+1.5 bonus AD) Shield for 3 seconds.
- Cooldown increased from 22 / 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 to 110 / 95 / 80 seconds
- Mana Cost increased from 70 / 60 / 50 / 40 / 30 to 100
- Range changed from 700 / 780 / 860 / 940 to 900 units
- Damage increased from 30 / 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 (+ 80% bonus AD) (+ 10% per Packmate) to 150 / 250 / 350 (+ 120% bonus AD) (+ 10% per Packmate)
- This ability is no longer blockable and can no longer be cast on minions.
Naafiri’s mid-scope rework has finally been released, you can find out about the changes in our deep-dive below!
League of Legends Patch 25.06 Item Changes
Serylda’s Grudge
- Armor Penetration increased from 30 to 35%
- Ability Haste decreased from 20 to 15
Warmog’s Armor
- Gold Cost decreased from 3300 to 3100
- Warmog’s Vitality bonus health increased from equal to 10% of bonus health from items to 12% of bonus health from items
League of Legends Patch 25.06 System Changes
Anti-Lane Swaps

- Start Time increased from 1:30 to 1:35
- End Time in Top Lane decreased from 3:30 to 3:00
- End Time in Mid Lane decreased from 3:30 to 2:15
- Minion Gold/XP Penalty decreased from 50% to 25%
- The alert messages from triggering the Anti-Lane Swap mechanic has been made clearer and has a bigger window of leaving the area before turning on.
- Gold Lead Detection Time changed from 14 to 6 minutes
- Objective Bounty timing unchanged at 14 minutes
- Bounty Suppression by Lead Severity changed from 0 / 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100% to 30 / 60 / 90 / 100%
- Increased Atakhan form thresholds by around 10%
League of Legends Patch 25.06 Arena Changes
Champion Changes
- Passive – Arcane Mastery Mana gain per 100 AP changed from 10% to 7.5%
- Passive – Ravenous Flock Health Gain per Stack changed from 15 to 12
- R – Demonic Ascension Drain Damage per Tick changed from 15-25 to 10-20

- Stats Bonus HP at 18 changed from 255 to 493
- Q – Paddle Star Cooldown changed from 8.5-6.5 to 6-4 seconds
- Q – Starcall Healing changed from 60-120 (+0.35AP) to 120-240 (+0.45AP) and cooldown changed from 8-4 to 6-4 seconds
- Q – Prowling Projectile Normal Q AP Ratio changed from 0.25AP to 0.40AP. Charged Damage changed from 80-380 (+0.35AP) to 100-400 (0.60AP). Prowling Projectile Cooldown changed from 6.5 to 5 seconds

- Q – Hate Spike Bonus Base Damage changed from 30-70 to 20-60
- R – Feast Champion Base Damage changed from 400-750 to 300-600
- Q – Shattered Earth/Upheaval Base Damage changed from 10-50 to 20-100
- E – Ixtal’s Impact Cooldown changed from 22-18 to 18-14 seconds

- Base Stats Attack Speed Cap changed from 10.0 to 6.0 and Kalista now gains 1% Attack Damage for every 4% Attack Speed she has in excess of her Attack Speed Cap
Guest of Honor Changes

- Selection effect changed from reducing everyone’s HP by 50 to reduce everyone’s HP to 50
- Also refreshes Flash’s round cooldown when this happens.
- Now grants 500g in addition to the 5 HP gained when a team is eliminated
- Fall delay decreased from 2.5 to 2
- Base Cooldown reduced from 20 to 15 seconds

- Now grants 750 gold if you would gain a juice when you already have every juice
- The Ring of Fire spawns immediately and takes longer to close.
- When the Ring of Fire moves around, it will now avoid the edges of each arena.
- Can now grant the Chauffeur effect
- Cocoon health reduced from 20 to 12
- Cocoons are 50% larger
Curse Augments
- Max Cursed Power per Round per Curse Source beyond the first increased from 10 to 20
- Total Curse sources are counted per team, not per player. True Damage from Cursed Power obtained in the round has been removed.
Normal Augments

- Transmute: Chaos has been changed, now granting 2 random augments instead of 1 silver and 1 gold augment.
- Prismatic Egg has been changed as well, now granting 1 additional reroll each time this hatches, in addition to the prismatic item.
- Firefox Damage has been decreased from 45-200 (+ 45% AP) to 35-160 (+ 25% AP)
- Range check has been removed from Fruits of Your Labor.
Stat Anvils
- AP Shard won’t be offered to champions that do not have an AP ratio
- Fortune Shard now has a tracker for total gold gained
Item Changes
- Warmog’s Armor Health Threshold Requirement changed from 1500 to 1350
- Shadowflame Damage Multiplier changed from 20% to 15%
- Runecarver Energize Per Ability changed from 40 to 30
- Luden’s Companion Cooldown per Shot changed from 8 to 6 seconds; Base Damage changed from 60 to 80
- Malignance Ground MR Shred changed from 10 to 25; Base Damage changed from 60 to 150
- Stormsurge Squall Base Damage changed from 140 to 180; Gold changed from 30g to 125g
- Cosmic Drive Spelldance Movement Speed changed from 20 to 60
- Perplexity Giant Slayer Bonus changed from 22% to 15%
- Staff of Flowing Water Ability Power changed from 45 to 55
- Rapids Ability Power changed from 45 to 55
- Sword of Blossoming Dawn Ability Power changed from 30 to 45
- Ardent Censer Ability Power changed from 30 to 40
- Echoes of Helia Ability Power changed from 30 to 40;
- Shard Heal changed from 55 to 75; Shard Damage changed from 60 to 80
- Moonstone Renewer Ability Power changed from 25 to 35
- Eclipse Shield changed from 180/60 to 250/125
- The Collector Gold changed from 100g to 125g
- Sundered Sky Base AD Ratio changed from 100% to 150%; Missing HP% Heal changed from 5% to 6%
- Zeke’s Convergence Frostfire Tempest changed from 50 + (2.5% bonus HP) to 75 + (4.0% bonus HP)
- Divine Sunderer Base Damage changed from 160% to 180%; Premitigation Heal changed from 40% to 55%
- Rabadon’s Deathcap Ability Power changed from 70 to 65
- Everfrost Damage changed from 200(+0.75AP) to 250(+0.85AP); Root Duration changed from 1 to 1.5 seconds
- Shadowflame Ability Power changed from 100 to 90
- Detonation Orb Mana changed from 400 to 600; Damage Store changed from 25/30% to 20/25%
- Sword of the Divine Crit Chance changed from 40% to 50%
- Hamstringer Bleed Damage on Hit changed from 25-100 to 20+80 + 25% of the hit’s damage
League of Legends Patch 25.06 has been an extensive one, looking to rebalance our favorite MOBA before the start of Split 2 in the professional circuits.

With nerfs to some of the staple picks of both the casual and professional aspects of the game, the next few days will be very interesting after the meta settles.