League of Legends Patch 25.07 is almost here, and the lead game designer, Riot Phroxzon has blessed the community with another detailed breakdown. There are a bunch of champions changing alongside some of the items and systems of Summoner’s Rift, so let’s jump right into it!
Champion Buffs
Passive – Blaze
- Damage cap to non-epic monsters increased from 30 to 40
- Explosion damage cap to monsters increased from 250-475 to 270-525
Q – Rootcaller
- Q root duration increased from 1.2-2.2 seconds to 1.6-2 seconds
E – Reckless Swing
- E cast time decreased from .25 seconds to .175 seconds based on 0-125% bonus attack speed (includes W)

Passive – Backstab
- Bonus AD ratio increased from 25% to 30%
Q – Hallucinate
- Q bonus AD ratio increased from 60% to 65%
Q – Twilight Assault
- Q now applies flat damage to Turrets

E – Pillar of Ice
- Slow increased from 30-46% to 34-50%
- Cooldown decreased from 24-16 seconds to 21-15 seconds
W – Frenzied Maul
- Empowered W damage increased from 50% + 15% bonus AD to 50% + 18% bonus AD
Patch 25.07’s buffed champions look to bring back some characters from the brink. The biggest change seems to be Shen’s buff which lets him take turrets much faster, and also brings him in line with other characters. However, Olaf and Volibear could also see more play both in the jungle and in the toplane
Champion Nerfs
- Base Armor decreased from 39 to 37
E – Apprehend
- Cooldown increased from 24-14 seconds to 26-16 seconds
Q – Snip, Snip
- Big snip damage decreased from 70-160 to 60-150
W – Hallowed Mist
- W resists decreased from 25 + 5% AP to 22 + 7% AP

E – Swirlseed
- AP ratio decreased from 60% to 50%
Q – Glitterlance
- Minimum damage decreased from 70-210 to 60-200
- Maximum damage decreased from 105-315 to 90-300

W – Whimsy
- W cooldown increased from 18-16 seconds to flat 18 seconds
- Armor decreased from 30 to 28
- HP decreased from 635 to 610
Passive – We Are More
- Passive monster damage modifier decreased from 165% to 155%
Q – Darkin Daggers
- Q minion modifier increased from 80% to 100%
W – Call of the Pack
- W cooldown increased from 20-18 seconds to 22-18 seconds
The champion nerfs are mostly aimed at the two that got a mid-scope update in the last patch. While the developers are happy about how Naafiri has turned out, the Darkin Dogpack has became a bit too strong after their buffs. However, Gwen has become a huge issue on the Rift, shooting up to the S+ tier according to stats sites such as Lolalytics, so the small nerfs she received in League of Legends Patch 25.07 might not be enough in the long run.
Champion Adjustments
Passive – Noxious Slipstream
- Per target cooldown increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds
- Per second ratio increased from 40% to 42.5%
Ultimate – Insanity Potion
Bonus stats decreased from 30-100 to 25-95
Q – Arcanopulse
- AP ratio increased from 85% to 90%
W – Eye of Destruction
- W damage changed from 60-200 (+60% AP) to 90-150 (+65% AP)
E – Shocking Orb
- E damage decreased from 80-200 to 70-190
R – Rite of the Arcane
- R damage decreased from 180-280 (+40% AP) to 170-270 (+45% AP)

Passive – Way of the Hunter
- Crit damage modifier increased from 90% to 100%
E – Soul Unbound
- E no longer cleanses crowd control at the end of the effect
Passive – Shepherd of Souls
- Deaths per grave changed from 12/6/2 at levels 1/7/13 to 8/2 at levels 1-13
- Q on champions and large/epic monsters now spawns a Grave
- Mist Walker HP reduced to half
- Mist Walkers no longer instantly die to basic attacks and single-target abilities
- Mist Walkers take 60% less damage from minions and non-epic monsters
- Mist Walker AD changed from 4-90 + 20% total AD to 15-75 + 20% bonus AD
- Mist Walker AS changed from 8% per level to Yorick’s bonus AS
- Mist Walkers no longer Recall while Yorick is engaged with jungle monsters
- Yorick may now ping his passive to display the total number of his Mist Walkers nearby and on the map

Q – Last Rites
- Cooldown decreased from 7.4 seconds to 6.4 seconds
- Q damage increased from 30-130 + 40% total AD to 30-130 + 50% total AD
E – Mourning Mist
- E damage changed from 15% current HP (minimum 70-210 + 70% AP) to 70-210 + 100% AP, no HP damage
- E movement speed increased from 20% to 30%
- E debuff changed from Mist Walker extra damage for 8 attacks to 18-30% Armor shred
- E leap no longer fails to reach its target over terrain
Ultimate – Eulogy of the Isles
- Maiden will now properly apply Black Cleaver
- R attack damage changed from 0/10/40 + 50% total AD to 50/75/100 + 30% bonus AD
- Armor growth decreased from 5.2 to 4.5
While Singed and Xerath got some interesting changes – and Yone finally got one of the most frustrating parts of his kit removed – the real winner of this update’s adjustments is Yorick. Riot Games is looking to move Yorick’s playstyle from a splitpusher to more of a teamfight oriented character, and they are trying to up his laning phase as well. Being able to spawn graves in the early game just by fighting is huge, while the Maiden applying Black Cleaver is also a nice addition.
System Buffs
Catalyst of Aeons
- Build path decreased from 1x Ruby Crystal (total price is the same)
- Mana decreased from 300 to 375
- Eternity mana from damage taken decreased from 7% to 10%
Rod of Ages
- Eternity mana from damage taken decreased from 7% to 10%
Umbral Glaive
- Cost decreased from 2600 to 2500
- AD increased from 50 to 55
- Passive cooldown decreased from 50s to 90s
System Nerfs
Fountain & Homeguard
- Max HP/s decreased from 10.4% to 8%
- Max MP/s decreased from 12.4% to 10%
- Missing HP&MP/s decreased from 6-12% (minute 1-40) to 16% (always)
- Homeguard decaying move speed decreased from 75-150% (minute 1-40) to 65-150% (minute 1-40)
System Adjustments
Lane Swap Detection
- Detection shrunk to no longer include Raptor camp
The most important part of the system changes is the fact that Riot didn’t realize that Rod of Ages surged in popularity especially in higher ranks – but with these buffs, the item and its component, Catalyst of Aeons is going to become a mainstay in both professional and casual metas. The devs are still working on the Lane Swap Detection mechanic, which has come a long way since it’s implementation, but there’s still more finetuning to do.
Overall, this patch for League of Legends has some nice surprises, but is not as extensive as the previous one. Still, this will be the update which will kick off the Spring Split of the LEC, so it’s exciting to see what the pros will come up with on Saturday!