Even though Season 15 of League of Legends just began, we are already approaching the third patch of this year. Thanks to Riot Phroxzon, the lead gameplay designer of LoL, we now know all of the changes coming to the game. While until the official patch notes are released on League’s website, changes can be made, but Phroxzon’s post usually get turned into reality.
- 1 When Does League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 Release?
- 2 League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 Champion Buffs
- 3 Evelynn
- 4 Jax
- 5 Kayn
- 6 Nasus
- 7 Quinn
- 8 Rakan
- 9 Samira
- 10 Swain
- 11 Thresh
- 12 League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 Champion Nerfs
- 13 Cassiopeia
- 14 Galio
- 15 Jayce
- 16 Miss Fortune
- 17 Rell
- 18 Skarner
- 19 Teemo
- 20 Viego
- 21 Wukong
- 22 League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 System Buffs
- 23 Attack Speed Cap
- 24 Chemtech Soul
- 25 Keystones
- 26 League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 System Nerfs
- 27 Bloodsong
- 28 Cloud Soul
- 29 Voracious Atakhan
- 30 Void Grubs
- 31 Zaz’Zak’s Realmspike
- 32 League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 System Adjustments
- 33 Champion Bounties
- 34 League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 Swiftplay Champion Changes
- 35 Fiddlesticks
- 36 Nidalee
- 37 Zoe
- 38 Ivern
- 39 Yorick
- 40 League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 URF Adjustments
When Does League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 Release?
According to the LoL Patch Schedule, the new update should come to live servers on February 5th, so next Wednesday. However, it will be available sooner on the PBE server if you want to get your hands on the changes.
League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 Champion Buffs
The balance team is hard at work to revive some champions that were a bit forgotten in the recent months, both in Solo Queue and Proplay.

- E Base Damage increased from 55-115 to 60-180 + 3% HP
- Empowered E Base Damage increased from 75-175 to 80-240 + 4+ HP
Evelynn’s E will deal more flat damage, especially in the later stages of the game in both normal and empowered form. While the increase to the damage at rank 5 seems hefty, Evelynn maxes E last, so it shouldn’t be a problem.
- Mana Regen improved from 7.6 to 8.2
- Health per level increased from 100 to 103
- R 3-Hit Damage boosted from 70-170 to 75-185
The Grandmaster-at-Arms also got a little help in his scaling. Even though Jax has been a proplay staple for a while now, his numbers could use a bit of increase as his laning can be a bit punishing.
- Shadow Assassin Q base damage increased from 75-155 to 17-175
- Rhaast Q damage remains unchanged.
The Assassin form of Kayn got some help, just like Evelynn, as Riot Games is trying to compensate for the assassin losing the Eyeball Collection from the Domination Rune Tree.
- Lifesteal from his passive increased from 9-21% to 12-24%.
Nasus is the weakest in his laning phase, but becomes a beast when he reaches midgame. While he can be shut down in the early stages, the developers want to give him a fighting chance to survive hard matchups by healing back up more effectively.
- W attack speed increased from 28-60% to 28-80%
Quinn maxes W first to get the extra attack speed as well as damage, and once she gets rank 5 on this ability, she becomes a menace of a DPS – even more so, as Riot decided to buff her numbers.
- W cooldown decreased from 16-10 to 14-10
While Rakan has always found a home in professional play, he was a bit lacking in more casual environments. This buff will help him in both areas, as with more W uptime, he can engage more frequently.
- E bonus attack speed duration increased from 3 to 5 seconds
With this buff, Samira can dish out shots and slashes for an extended period of time before pressing her R after engaging, which means that she can bait out some crucial abilities that could shut her ult down.

- Passive Health per Stack increased from 12 to 15
- E AP Ratio increased from 60% to 70%
Ever since his most recent rework, Swain has found some popularity, but he’s still far from the Noxian leader that he’s supposed to be in the next League of Legends series. With more tankiness and more damage, he can dish out some heavier blows while staying 10 steps ahead of his opponents.
- Armor increased from 33 to 35
- Q Damage increased from 100-300 + 90% AP Ratio to 100-320 + 100% AP Ratio
Any Armor buffs to Thresh are welcome because of his Soul mechanic giving him reduced stats if he doesn’t collect enough. This is true for his Q damage as well, but we don’t think that AP Thresh is on the menu.
League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 Champion Nerfs
- Q AP Ratio reduced from 70% to 65%
- W AP ratio scaling dropped from 15% to 10%
Cassiopeia has been doing great since Season 15 began, even if she cant build the new and improved boots. Riot gave her some compensations if her team would win Feats of Warfare – but they need to take some power from elsewhere to keep her balanced.
- Base Health reduced from 632 to 630
While Galio is only picked as a counter in the mid- and toplane, he is still quite difficult for some mages to deal with. With these nerfs, traditional midlaners can poke him out more easily, forcing him to recall more often.

- Mercury Cannon Q Damage changed from 60-335 + 125% bonus AD to 60-310 + 140% bonus AD
- Mercury Hammer Q Damage changed from 60-310 + 120% bonus AD to 60-285 + 135% bonus AD
- Mercury Hammer W Damage per instance changed from 40-115 to 35-110
- Mercury Hammer R damage changed from 25-145 + 25% bonus AD to 25-130 + 30% bonus AD
Tank Jayce has been running rampant in all levels of play thanks to his great numbers and the fact that he can abuse Grasp of the Undying as well as some tank item combos. While the devs don’t want to push him out of the meta, they are trying to escort him back to the AD caster that he truly is.
Miss Fortune
- Armor reduced from 28 + 4.2 per level to 25 + 4 per level
- Armor by level reduced from 28-99 to 25-93
Miss Fortune is a great lane bully that has good utility (in the form of waves of bullets) in teamfights as well. With these nerfs, Riot is trying to make it easier for opposing duo lanes to deal with her in the early game.
- Armor growth reduced from 4.3 to 4.0
- Base Health decreased from 640 to 620
Rell has been a proplay staple for Aurelion Sol knows how long – and for good reason, as she has insane amounts of CC and utility. However, when one pick is always seen, it’s time for some changes to tone that champion down.
- Armor per Level reduced from 4.8 to 4.5
- E Stun Duration decreased from 1.5 to 1.1 seconds
The Skarner rework has been successful of putting the champion back on the map, even if his popularity didn’t rise to heights Riot had expected. He is still a high prio pick on proplay, so some nerfs were due – but we’re not sure if they were enough.
- E On-Hit Damage decreased from 14-66 to 9-65
This is another hit for Teemo jungle, as the champion maxed E for a faster clear speed. The early damage reduction should hit hard, so we suspect the Swift Scout will have to move back to the toplane, as well as more AP heavy builds to make do.
- AD reduced from 60-57
Viego has been one of the strongest junglers in SoloQ while also being a frequent pick in high levels of play – even though he doesn’t bring much utility outside of damage and the potential to get resets. This nerf should slow his clear down a bit, but we expect more changes to come down the line.

- W cooldown increased from 18-14 to 20-16
- E attack speed reduced from 40-60% to 35-55%
Wukong is the reverse of Viego, as he has great utility and a strong proplay presence, while being a good pick in casual play as well – no matter the level. Even though Riot has hit the Monkey King hard in the past, it still wasn’t enough, but he needs to take a step back.
League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 System Buffs
Attack Speed Cap
- The Attack Speed cap has been increased from 2.5 to 3, meaning that Champions can attack 3 times per second instead of 2.5
Some champions like Kog’Maw, Yone, Kayle and other Lethal Tempo users will love this change. It will be harder to reach the AS cap, but if you do, you’ll get crazy DPS as well as more tank killing power if you itemize well.
Chemtech Soul
- The Chemtech Souls damage reduction and bonus damage below 50% Health has been increased from 11% to 13 %
Chemtech has been among the weaker Dragon Souls ever since it was readded to Summoner’s Rift, so it could use some love.
- Electrocutes Damage increased from 50-190 to 70-240
- Dark Harvests Cooldown reduced from 45 seconds to 30 seconds
- Hail of Blades’ Melee attack speed boosted from 110% to 140%
These changes are also happening because of some runes favored by assassins getting removed. However, we expect some non-assassin champions picking them up more frequently, like Galio and Poppy with Electrocute, and various ADC’s with Hail of Blades.
League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 System Nerfs
- Increased Damage bonus dropped for Melee champions from 10% to 8%
- Duration cut from 6 seconds to 4 seconds
Bloodsong has been getting more and more popular even on supports that would generally build other items, like Leona, so its getting knocked down a peg.
Cloud Soul
- Movement Speed bonus reduced from 20% to 15%
While it was the weakest Dragon for a long time, with the Feats of Warfare boots changes – especially Boots of Swiftness and it’s updated versions – Cloud Soul sees a nerf that we’d think impossible a few years ago.
Voracious Atakhan

- Respawn Stasis time increased to 15 seconds
- Gold given to enemies increased to 200
The respawn buff Atakhan has been a topic of many discussions ever since it’s addition to League of Legends. The insta respawn and the reduced gold give to the opponents has given too much of an edge to the team that gets it. With a bigger timer and more gold given out, it should make Voracious Atakhan feel less bad for the team that has to suffer its consequences.
Void Grubs
- Damage: 8/4 to 6/3 every 1 second for 4 seconds
- Update timers standardized to 6 minutes
The Void Grubs have managed to become an incredibly important objective over the course of last year, continuing their streak to Season 15. While they are here to stay, if one team gets 6, they are a bit too oppressive.
Zaz’Zak’s Realmspike
- Damage reduced from 10 to 5
- The cooldown increased from 10 to 11
Zaz’Zak’s Realmspike suffers the same fate as Bloodsong, only for ranged AP champions – even enchanters, so it had to be nerfed a bit.
League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 System Adjustments
Champion Bounties
Champion Bounties have been changed in a way that when a team gets Objective Bounties spawned, they lose their own bounties to give them a chance to catch back up without having to worry about giving extra money to the stronger team. Also the lead where the bounty gets reduced has been reduced, as well as the losing team’s bounties will be turned off faster.
League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 Swiftplay Champion Changes
- W Healing increased from 25-55% to 35-65%
- E Slow percentage raised from 30-50% to 40-60%

- Health Growth buffed from 109 to 117
- MR Growth increased from 1.45 to 1.75
- Spear Damage improved from 70-150 (+50% AP) to 70-170 (+55% AP)
- E Damage increased from 70-230 to 85-245
- E AP Ratio increased from 50% to 60%
- E base damage has been reduced from 70-150 to 70-190
- Ghouls and Maidens take 70% damage from Turrets instead of 50%
Swiftplay has taken over from Quickplay and will receive multiple changes in each patch – just like ARAM. With these additions, the developers are trying to give new players and enhanced experience to get into the more serious matches when they practiced enough!
League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 URF Adjustments
- Attack Speed Cap raised to 10.0/s to enhance chaotic plays
URF will become the crazy place it’s supposed to be with these changes, as you can get faster then reworked (and then de-reworked) Kog’Maw – and by a lot! The gamemode will return with League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 – alongside all the new changes! Even if they are subject to change, you can experience them firsthand if you have a PBE account.
Overall, League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 is looking to shake things up. We believe that some of the Assassin changes will push champions back into the casual meta at the very least, but they Domination Keystone buffs could have bigger implications as well. We shall see how players in both competitive and SoloQ adjust, and if Voracious Atakhan will stop being a nuisance to everyone!