Everyone who has played League of Legends knows that tanks can be one of the most annoying and hardest opponents to deal with. League of Legends tanks are broken is a statement that you hear all the time and for a very good reason. People who do not know how to play against them can suffer.
Fortunately, the tanks are not invisible, especially if you know what you’re doing. People who want to know how to counter the League of Legends tanks will learn that there are many things they can do to succeed. There are specific picks and builds that can make a difference, so let’s learn more about them.
How to Counter Tanks in League of Legends – Basics
When it comes down to tanks in LoL, we need to mention that there are several types of tanks. Vanguards is the first group, and it consists of champions that are more offensive. In most cases, they can initiate team fights, which helps their team win the matchup. Some of the most popular champions in this rule include Gragas and Malpite.
The second group in the League of Legends tanks meta that you can come across is the defensive tanks. They are called “wardens” and their goal is to ensure that the carries stay alive. To achieve this, they often focus on peeling and counter-engaging. Poppy and Shen are two very popular defensive tanks that you can often find in your game.
Counters in the Top Lane
This Top laner is very strong because she deals a lot of damage and can easily bring down tanks. On top of that, she has the ability to kill carries fast, which means that she is essentially bypassing the role of wardens.
Another solid pick when you’re wondering how to counter tanks in League of Legends is Trundle. He is one of those names that can bring down any tank in the game. Also, he can easily secure kills, especially if players know how to use Pillar of Ice
Counters in the Jungle
Regardless of the League of Legends tanks items and their builds, junglers are some of the champions that can work really well against them. The jungler that you should get will depend on a lot of situations, but names like Kindred are always a good idea.
The reason why this champion is good is because of her ability to scale well in the game. She can easily kill pretty much any tank, but she is also hard to kill, which means she can buy her team extra time to succeed.
Speaking of damage, the LoL tanks themselves also do a lot of it, so it is very important to pick champions that can survive. Kayn is a good example here because this jungler can survive a lot and deal enough damage to kill most tanks.
Counters in the Mid Lane
Regardless of the League of Legends tanks meta, there are several mid lane champions in the game that can make their life a living hell. Generally speaking, almost all midders can work well against tanks because of how they function. With that said, some, such as Rumble, are much better than the rest.
People who are not sure how to counter tanks in League of Legends and pick Rumble will see that this option is great. The flamethrower works wonders against all melee heroes, which makes it ideal against tanks. Furthermore, the champion’s shield is incredibly effective and can soak up most of the tank’s damage.
Another mid lane hero that works well against most League of Legends tanks is Corki. This is a champion that people often forget about because he is hard to master. The champion can deal insane amounts of damage when he has the proper items. Yes, it is true that he is fairly fragile, but people who know how to make the most out of him will easily rip through all tanks in LoL.
Counters in the Bot Lane
One of the things that you will find if you start looking for how to counter League of Legends tanks on Reddit is that Marksman works really well. It is true, and some bot lane champions in LoL can be really strong and Kog’Maw is a good example.
People who know how to use this name and generate space between themselves and their opponents can be devastating. Kog’Maw’s damage output is out of this world and can punish every tank. The champion works well against tank players who overextend, which happens a lot in the lower ranks.
Counters in the Support
Although people who play supports don’t really wonder how to counter League of Legends tanks, this doesn’t mean that some names don’t work really well. When it comes down to supports and counters, they don’t really do that much damage. Instead, they have annoying abilities that can make the tank’s life a living hell.
Morgana is one of the first League of Legends supports to come to mind when playing against tanks. Dark Binding works great against tanks that like to initiate, and Black Shield helps mitigate the tanks’ effectiveness. Aside from playing defensively, the hero can also be offensive because Soul Siphon can stun a lot of players.
Countering League of Legends Tanks – The Items to Focus On
Regardless of the current League of Legends tanks tier list, certain items work really well against them. You can get these items while playing with any champion, so keep that in mind.
- Mortal Reminder – This is a solid item that allows champions to do a lot of damage and have a 3 0% armor penetration. On top of that, the items will inflict enemy units with grievous wounds, which will reduce their self-healing and HP regeneration.
- Kraken Slayer – This has to be among the most popular items in League of Legends against tanks. It is a top-tier Mythic item that allows you to do a lot more damage. Champions who can survive longer in flights can even use its passive several times, allowing them to do even more damage.
- Demonic Embrace – This passive is one of the best in the game against tanks because the damage it deals is a percentage of the champions’ max HP.
Final Thoughts
Yes, the League of Legends tanks can indeed be very annoying and hard to beat. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with them, especially if you get the right champion and itemize properly. Never underestimate a tank because there are many instances where these champions become so strong that they win the game for their teams.