In a significant disciplinary action, Riot Games has announced the suspension of Chetan “Chet” Singh, former head coach of NRG and Optic Gaming, following violations of the Global Esports Code of Conduct. The ruling comes after Chet publicly broadcasted confidential videos on demand (VoDs) during a live stream. These VoDs, which contained sensitive team communications, were restricted to players and organizations for internal competitive use only and required approval for public distribution.
On July 31, 2024, Chet broadcasted some VoDs on his Twitch channel. These VoDs are confidential and can only be made for the players and team staff with authorization from Riot Games for competitive use. This content was some of NRG matches earlier this year. It contained communication between players, coaches, and referees during the matches, and Chet violated the trust placed on esports professionals who handled sensitive information.
Riot Games launched an investigation and allowed Chet to submit a written response, which was considered before a ruling was made.
Violations of the Global Esports Code of Conduct
Riot Games found Chet in breach of two key provisions from the Global Esports Code of Conduct:
- Article 3.21 (Confidential Information): this highly confidential information, such as team strategies, lineups, and in-game communication, is not intended for public viewing. Esports professionals must protect this information and only use it for competitive purposes.
- Article 4.10 (Team Sanctions and the Role of Team Leadership): Chet was held to a higher standard of conduct as a coach and leader. By broadcasting the VoDs, he failed to uphold the responsibilities expected of team leadership, which include fostering a positive esports environment and maintaining the integrity of the competitive scene.
Suspension Effective Immediately
Consequently, Chet has been suspended from all Riot Games-sanctioned events starting immediately and continuing through Masters Bangkok, which concludes on March 3, 2025. This ruling sends a clear message about the importance of respecting proprietary information and the responsibilities that come with leadership in esports.
Riot Games emphasized that maintaining confidentiality and handling sensitive information appropriately is crucial to ensuring the integrity of competitive esports. The ruling reinforces the need for esports professionals to uphold the highest standards of conduct and integrity within the community.
Chet’s Response to The Suspension
Chet took the matter into his own hands and stated on his X account that he disagreed with the Riot Games rolling and that his actions did not damage any party; he also said that he would be streaming on Twitch until his suspension ended.
Chet was also brave enough to state that he couldn’t accept any team offer due to his suspension and was sorry for what he did.
Chet’s suspension reminds everyone that Riot Games does not take it easy when it comes to violating their role and expects all professionals involved to act with the same level of responsibility.