The Valorant Lock//In is only a week away from starting. As such the hype for it has been gradually on the rise. The event will take place at the Ginásio do Ibirapuera in So Paulo, Brazil, to commemorate the VCT LOCK/IN that will begin the 2023 session. With the LOCK/IN capsule, Valorant will provide a new melee skin and a few extra cosmetic goodies. This scene is said to be called the Misericordia knife. Many fans are already anticipating the launch of the knife and to get their hands on it.
The Misericordia knife is the next limited edition skin that will be available on Valorant concerning a VCT event. Previously we have had the Champions skin that has been realized for the Vandal in 2021. Following this, the Champions Phantom skin will be realized for the 2022 VCT Champions tournament. These skins have been still lauded as one of the best skins on the game as well.
Potential Cost Of The Misericórdia Melee in Valorant LOCK//IN capsule
The Misericórdia knife skin is going to have a similar release to that of the champions’ skins. As such the price will be on the higher or highest level in the game. The price for the skin could be under the range of 5000 VP to as high as 6250 VP. In the eyes of the regular fan, these prices would be quite steep for one to pay. The catch here in relation to the skin is the exclusivity of the skin.
This skin will be available for a limited amount of time. After which it won’t be available on the Valorant market. Simply making it one of the rarest knife skins in the game. Unlike in CS: GO one cannot trade skins for other exclusive skins. This would then classify as one of the rarest skins following the end of the VCT LOCK//IN event.
If anyone wishes to get the skin they will need to shell out the big bucks while it is available to get. With there being the night market as well on the 15th, it would be advised for readers to wait until their night market is available.
Is It worth it to buy the Misericórdia Melee Skin In Valorant?
There are multiple ways one could answer this question. If you are a casual fan who doesn’t follow the professional side of the game and plays a few hours a month. This skin won’t be the best place to spend your money.
If you do like the professional side of the game and want to support the teams who are playing, then you could get the skins. This is because 50% of the proceeds from the skins will be split between all the teams in the Valorant League.
If someone wants to collect all the exclusive and rare skins, then you will find a lot of value in this skin. Currently, the only skins that are exclusive are the arcane sheriff, the Champions 2021 Vandal skin, and the Champions 2022 bundle.
With there being 4 variants of the skin present, one can mix and match based on their liking of the variant. They are:-
- Misericórdia Valorant Champions Tour (Red variant)
- Misericórdia VCT Americas (Green variant)
- Misericórdia VCT Pacific (Blue variant)
- Misericórdia VCT EMEA (Purple variant)

The LOCK/IN capsule will contain additional cosmetics, such as player cards and sprays, in addition to the Misericórdia melee. The Valorant LOCK//IN event is said to start on the 7th of February. With there being teams from various regions around the world. There are some matches that have made most get hyped for this single-elimination tournament. Only time will tell if both the LOCK//IN Event and Misericórdia Melee Skin are going to be quite the buzz in the Valorant scene.