The female Valorant Team Fallacy is under fire for an alleged scam. According to reports, “mars” involved her boyfriend, former TSM Academy player Nate “Payen” Lopez, to gain an advantage during the Astral Clash tournament.
‘There is reason to believe that mars (@MarsArxa) on the team Fallacy had someone else play on her account during the entirety of the Astral Clash tournament this weekend (July 22nd-24th, 2022). There is a multitude of evidence pointing to not only this, but specifically that her boyfriend ex-TSM FTX Payen was the one playing on her account. The concerns are brought up specifically because this qualifier was the Last Chance Qualifier (LCQ) for a spot at the Astral Clash LAN tournament in California, which would’ve been a fully paid-for trip by GenG,’ says the dossier, which is now widely circulating on the internet and discussed in the media.
The accusations are based on an analysis of the player’s atypical behavior.
Team Fallacy, mars and Payen have not responded to the allegations yet. mars has locked her Twitter account.
Riot Games hasn’t announced their position regarding the allegations as of yet.