Shortly after Vitality's emphatic win against Cloud9, we got to speak to Shahar “flameZ” Shushan about the team's performance. Here's what he had to say about CT-side Mirage and why they struggled on Inferno.
Sebastian "Horizzon" Lalic, BLIX: Talk to me about CT side Mirage, you guys were in their heads and took perfect space. Was it great preparation or great vibes?
flameZ: You can't really prepare for this type of game. It was mostly done by [apEX] having really good reads and by telling us “If you deny that, they are not going to have anything on the map.” That's what we did, we followed it and we all believed, and that's why we dominated them.
BLIX: It looked great, but on Inferno, it was a little less great and looked a little rough around the edges, what happened on that map?
flameZ: I think we did a lot of good stuff but we weren't really ready for the next step. They did many B pops that we couldn't really handle. This is also the first game that people really came to B, I feel like the last two officials we played on Inferno they come to A and they face ZywOo, Spinx, and Magisk so of course they're gonna lose. In this game, we made some mistakes and it came down to those mistakes, we had good calls, we had good reads, and we knew what we were doing but we fell short in the mistakes.