The Blix team is excited to welcome you to our comprehensive guide on Arc Warden in Dota 2 Patch 7.38b. It’s finally time to dive into one of the most unique heroes in Dota 2. We’ve played hundreds of ranked matches at 9-10k MMR, analyzed all the changes, tested new builds, and are ready to share our insights.
In this guide, we will discuss how Arc Warden has changed with the release of patch 7.38b, what the change in its attributes from agility to universal type means, and how you can adapt to the new Dota 2 meta. We’ll explain why some old strategies are no longer effective and cover every ability, talent, and the latest items for Arc Warden.
Our goal is to provide you with a complete understanding of how to excel with Arc Warden in the current Dota 2 game environment. So, grab a cup of tea, prepare some snacks, and let’s get started!
Dota 2 hero: Arc Warden
- 1 Dota 2 Hero: Arc Warden – Overview and Changes in Patch 7.38b
- 2 Arc Warden Abilities: What’s New in Patch 7.38b?
- 3 Flux
- 4 Magnetic Field
- 5 Spark Wraith
- 6 Tempest Double
- 7 New Aghanim’s Scepter and Shard for Arc Warden
- 8 Aghanim’s Scepter
- 9 Aghanim’s Shard
- 10 Choosing New Facets: Which One Should You Select?
- 11 Runneth Replica (Copies With Runes)
- 12 Power Capture (Power Grip)
- 13 Arc Warden Talent Tree and Skill Build
- 14 Talents
- 15 Skill Build
- 16 Dota 2 Arc Warden: Best Item Build for Patch 7.38b
- 17 Starting Items
- 18 Early Game
- 19 Mid Game
- 20 Late Game
- 21 Situational Items
- 22 Final Item Build
- 23
- 24 Gameplay in Patch 7.38
- 25 Laning Stage
- 26 Early Game
- 27 Mid Game
- 28 Late Game
- 29 Tips and Tricks
- 30 Counters
- 31 Conclusion
Dota 2 Hero: Arc Warden – Overview and Changes in Patch 7.38b
Dota 2 Patch 7.38 introduced significant balance changes and a comprehensive overhaul of Arc Warden. The list of changes is noteworthy, starting with the most important one: Arc Warden is no longer classified as a dexterity hero but rather as a universal hero, which has dramatically altered his gameplay mechanics.
While his base damage has been reduced by 10, the hero now gains increased damage from his universal attribute, providing a much-needed Dota 2 Arc Warden buff. Initially, this change may not be very noticeable; however, the difference becomes more apparent as he levels up. The damage increase is now 0.6 per level, adding an impressive 21 damage units by level 30. While this might seem minor, it makes a significant difference in Dota 2 gameplay.
Additionally, any items that provide attributes—such as Scythe of Vyse, Linken’s Sphere, or Kaya—now increase the damage to Arc Warden more than before, creating new build possibilities.
Dota 2: Arc Warden Art
However, Valve has also implemented some nerfs: the attribute damage for all universal heroes has been reduced by almost half in this patch. At Blix, we believe this adjustment was intentional to prevent Arc Warden from becoming overpowered while maintaining game balance. And you know what? He still feels great to play when used wisely.
Dota 2: Arc Warden Art
Another significant change is the removal of the old Order and Disorder mechanics. There is no longer a distinction between ‘white’ and ‘black’ Arc, which has led to the removal of Dark Flux, the second field, and the old Spark Wraiths. New mechanics have been introduced in their place, which we will discuss later.
Arc Warden Abilities: What’s New in Patch 7.38b?
Dota 2: Arc Warden Stats
Flux functions identically for both the hero and their copy, eliminating differences between ‘light’ and ‘dark’ variations. However, the overall slow effect has been slightly reduced across all levels.
While this change is not critical—amounting to only a couple of percentage points—it is noticeable in the early stages, especially when facing mobile heroes like Queen of Pain or Storm Spirit. Valve has maintained the potential for strategic combinations; Flux still produces a significant slowdown effect if an enemy is isolated, so proper positioning remains essential.
Dota 2: Arc Warden Flux
- Ability: Unit Target
- Affects: Enemy Units
- Damage Type: Magical
- Pierces Spell Immunity: No
- Dispellable: Yes
- Duration: 6
- Ally Search Radius: 225
- Damage Per Second: 15 / 30 / 45 / 60
- Movement Speed Slow: 14% / 21% / 28% / 35%
- Cooldown: 16
- Manacost: 75

Dota 2 Arc Warden: Flux
Flux – Infuses a lone enemy unit with swirling, volatile energy, dealing damage over time and slowing the target. The damage is not applied if another enemy unit is near the target.
- While Flux’ damage component is disabled, the particle effects on the target vanish, with only a red glow remaining on the unit, indicating the debuff is still there.
- Nearby buildings, wards, and hidden units are ignored and do not mute the effects.
- Multiple and/or successive casts on the same target fully stack, with all instances working independently from each other.
- If the target has allies or neutral creeps within the 225 search radius, the ability temporarily stops damaging the target until it is alone again.
- It checks for enemies and neutrals in 0.5-second intervals, beginning instantly upon cast. The damage updates are based on the results of the checks.
Magnetic Field
The Magnetic Field has now become identical for both Arcs. It functions as a classic field from previous versions: it speeds up allies within its radius and provides evasion, but it does not protect buildings, push enemies away, or grant magic resistance. Unfortunately, the second field, which offered a bonus to attack range and damage, has been removed without any replacements, which is a loss. However, it’s encouraging that the field hasn’t been further modified; it now focuses more on supporting the team rather than solo play.
The old Aghanim’s Scepter associated with the field has been removed, but a new one has been added—details are provided below.
Dota 2: Arc Warden Magnetic Field
- Ability: Point Target
- Pierces Spell Immunity: Yes
- Radius: 300
- Duration: 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
- Attack Speed Bonus: 30 / 60 / 90 / 120
- Evasion Bonus: 100%
- Rune Pull Force: 0
- Rune Pull Radius: 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
- Cooldown: 20 / 19 / 18 / 17
- Manacost: 50 / 70 / 90 / 110

Dota 2 Arc Warden: Magnetic Field
Magnetic Field – Arc Warden generates a circular distortion field of magnetic energy. The magnetic field grants bonus attack speed and protects allied units within it by evading attacks coming from outside the field.
- Despite its visual effects, the effective area is a cylinder, not a sphere.
- Therefore, it does not evade attacks landing on allies when the source of the attack is within the field.
- The evasion effect of multiple fields works independently.
Spark Wraith
The Spark Wraith has undergone some significant changes. The old sparks have been averaged out; they now activate in 1.5 seconds, which is an improvement, and they fly at a speed of 550, also a benefit. However, the maximum damage decreased from 340 to 310, and the slow effect weakened.
Another major downside is that Sparks no longer deals 40% damage to creeps, significantly impacting forest farming and lanes’ creep control. Additionally, the old Aghanim’s Scepter has been removed, and the new Shard has raised some concerns. More details will follow soon.
Dota 2: Arc Warden Spark Wraith
- Ability: Point Target
- Damage Type: Magical
- Pierces Spell Immunity: No
- Search Radius: 375
- Duration: 16
- Movement Slow: 100%
- Activation Delay: 1,5
- Damage: 100 / 170 / 240 / 310
- Wraith Speed: 550
- Slow Duration: 0,5 / 0,6 / 0,7 / 0,8
- Cooldown: 4 / 4 / 4 / 4
- Manacost: 80

Dota 2 Arc Warden: Spark Wraith
Spark Wraith – Summons a Spark Wraith that slowly materializes and patrols a targeted area until an enemy comes within its range. Once a target has been found the wraith fuses with them, dealing magical damage and slowing the unit.
- The Spark Wraith is fully visible to the enemy.
- Once the activation delay is over, it checks for enemies, including neutral creeps, in 0.2-second intervals and launches itself toward the first registered enemy at a speed of 400.
- If multiple enemies are within range after the delay, the closest enemy is targeted.
- Damage values are based on the current level of the ability upon cast.
- Provides 300 radius ground vision for its full duration. The vision does not linger.
- The launched projectile also provides the same vision values, which linger for 3.34 seconds after reaching the target.
- The wraith first applies the damage, then the debuff.
Tempest Double
The most interesting changes are related to the ultimates. The recharge time for Tempest Double has been significantly reduced from 190/80/70 seconds to 60/55/50 seconds, which is a considerable buff! However, the duration of the copy has been shortened from 60 seconds to 18/21/24 seconds. Previously, the cooldown without a copy was 40/30/20 seconds, and now it is 42/34/26 seconds. While the difference is slight, it is noticeable. Additionally, the copy no longer goes on cooldown when it dies—thanks to Valve for that improvement.
On the downside, the copy does not spawn with full resources; instead, it copies the current health and mana of the hero. This makes it weaker in the early stages, especially if you’re being harassed in lane. Furthermore, a new “aging” mechanic has been introduced: the copy loses movement speed and attack accuracy over time (up to 35% by the end). This affects the effectiveness of your ultimate at early levels, but the new abilities and talents help mitigate these drawbacks to some extent.
Dota 2: Arc Warden Tempest Double
- Ability: Point Target
- Bounty Gold: 180 / 240 / 300
- Duration: 18 / 21 / 24
- Max Miss Chance: 35%
- Max Self Slow: 35%
- Cooldown: 60 / 55 / 50
- Manacost: 0

Dota 2 Arc Warden: Tempest Double
Tempest Double – Briefly refocusing its fractured elements into a single form, the Arc Warden is able to create a perfect electrical duplication of itself. The duplicate can use all of Arc Warden’s current items and special Tempest Double versions of his spells, except most consumables and items that drop on death. The duplicate has separate item and ability cooldowns. The Tempest Double loses its sense of self and fractures over time, becoming slower and less accurate.
- This ability is always inactive for the Tempest Double.
- On the first cast of Tempest Double, the double is actually summoned. On every following cast, it is just healed or revived.
- The double gets dispelled as if it died, removing all modifiers which are removed by death. This means most modifiers that persist through death are not removed.
- Its cooldowns are not refreshed upon getting re-summoned, so all cooldowns from the previous cast carry over.
- Resummoning the Tempest Double does not disjoint projectiles.
- Reduces the Tempest Double’s main and bonus attack damage when the distance between Arc Warden and the Tempest Double exceeds 2000 distance.
- Arc Warden and the Tempest Double are represented by an icon with health and mana bars for each on the top left corner of the screen.
- The Tempest Double is visually distinguishable from the original Zet for everyone.
New Aghanim’s Scepter and Shard for Arc Warden
Aghanim’s Scepter

Aghanim’s Scepter adds duration, deceleration, and silence to Flux. It costs 4,200 gold but is particularly effective against heroes like Puck and Storm, where Orchid, which costs 3,200 gold, might not suffice. Additionally, Aghanim’s Scepter can be combined with Moon Shard to optimize your item slots.
Dota 2 Arc Warden: Flux
Flux silences when the target is alone, deals more damage, and lasts longer.
- Manacost: 75
- Cooldown: 16
Aghanim’s Shard

Aghanim’s Shard: adds Spark Wraith’s ability to hit a second target within radius, but only with 80% damage. The grab radius is increased by 100, which seems weak for 1400 gold. Until it is buffed, consider not taking it.
Dota 2 Arc Warden: Spark Wraith
Choosing New Facets: Which One Should You Select?
Dota 2: Arc Warden Facets
Patch 7.38 introduced two new facets for Arc Warden, replacing Order and Disorder. These changes significantly alter the style of play, and we at Blix tested both to determine which is stronger in the current meta.
Runneth Replica (Copies With Runes)
This aspect provides copies with access to runes, but there are some caveats:
- Level 1: Invisibility Rune: While this rune is generally not very useful, it can serve a purpose in rare situations, such as for surprise ganks or if the copy goes invisible before dying. The main advantage is its synergy with Arc’s innate ability: the copy immediately receives a regeneration rune that restores its resources. This is crucial in a meta where copies don’t appear fully healthy.
- Level 2: Arcane Rune: This level adds a rune that reduces cooldowns by 30% for 10 seconds. While this may not seem like a significant bonus, it allows you to use items like Hand of Midas more frequently.
- Level 3: Haste Rune: At this level, the copy gains a significant boost: it moves faster for the first 10 seconds, making it ideal for ganks and fights. This effect becomes even more beneficial with the level 25 talent because the copy doesn’t age.
Why do we choose this facet more often? The regeneration and mobility provided to the copy allow for greater early-game impact, which is crucial in high-ranked matches. Additionally, it strengthens the ultimate ability, which is a current weak point.
Power Capture (Power Grip)
Alternative for Long Games:
- Innate Bonus: For every power rune (excluding water or bounty runes), Arc receives +1.5 to all attributes permanently. Additionally, the copy can collect runes, and the bonuses are transferred to you.
- Field Bonus: The Magnetic Field attracts runes from up to a 3000 range (similar to Sniper’s ultimate). Runes are accelerated and activated within the field or can be stored in the Bottle.
On paper, this sounds appealing: by controlling runes from the 6th minute in a 40-minute game, you could achieve +25.5 to all stats. However, in actual gameplay, realizing this potential is challenging. To make it work, you need to dominate early, consistently rotate to the mid every two minutes, and set the field. In the early stages, a copy with this aspect is at a disadvantage without runes.
In prolonged games, Power Capture can turn Arc Warden into a formidable force, but in fast-paced games lasting 25–30 minutes, Runneth Replica is a more useful facet.
Conclusion: Runneth Replica is generally the better choice for most games. It offers an early impact and synergizes more effectively with your current hero style. Power Capture is only advisable in longer games if you are confident in your ability to farm runes. Additionally, we hope that Valve will enhance the right side of the game by introducing bonuses for bounty runes.
Dota 2: Arc Warden Facets Stats
Arc Warden Talent Tree and Skill Build
Dota 2: Arc Warden Talents Stats
- Level 10: +200 to Flux range is our recommended choice for synergy with Aghanim’s Scepter. However, if you don’t plan to acquire Aghanim’s or are playing against burst damage, consider taking +250 HP instead.
- Level 15: +20% Flux deceleration is extremely powerful against non-dispel heroes, especially when combined with Aghanim’s. The +25 attack speed talent for the field is usually not worth it; only take it on rare occasions.
- Level 20: -7 seconds off Magnetic Field cooldown makes it nearly spammable, which is very helpful in fights. While +40% damage for Spark Wraith (+100 damage) sounds appealing, it is often not as beneficial in practice.
- Level 25: The ability to keep your ult from losing effectiveness is essential, making “The copy doesn’t age” a must-have. The alternative (-1 seconds for Spark Wraith activation) is not very strong, even with the Shard.
Skill Build
Dota 2: Arc Warden Most Popular Ability Build
Skill Build has remained flexible but with nuances:
- Against melee heroes (Broodmother, Meepo), you can max Magnetic Field.
- Against mobile heroes (QoP, Puck, Storm) – Flux.
Dota 2: Arc Warden Leveling Stats
Dota 2 Arc Warden: Best Item Build for Patch 7.38b
Starting Items
Dota 2: Arc Warden Starting Items
With the universal attribute, stats have become even more important. For a standard purchase, buy the following items: Tango, Faerie Fire, 2 Iron Branches, and 2 Circlets.
If you are up against heroes who spam magic, consider replacing one Circlet with a Magic Stick. Next, aim to assemble Midas’s Hand as soon as possible. In active games, you might want to build a Magic Stick or consider Raindrops for extra protection. Boots of Speed are particularly useful against heroes like Monkey King or Huskar.
Early Game
Dota 2: Arc Warden Early Game Items
- After acquiring Midas, we should prioritize getting Boots of Speed (if we don’t have them already) and Maelstrom. Farming becomes much easier again!
- Next, Mjollnir is essential for both team fights and farming without the need for a copy.
- Finally, we should aim for Boots of Travel. These boots help negate the aging effect on the copy, provide additional mobility, and allow you to split push without the worry of losing your ultimate ability, which no longer goes on cooldown upon death.
Mid Game
Dota 2: Arc Warden Mid Game Items
- Diffusal Blade: Slows down enemies to the speed of a clone. We often purchase it after Mjollnir.
- Aghanim’s Scepter: The new upgrade adds +2 seconds to Flux duration, increases deceleration by 50%, and silences enemies if they are alone within a 225-radius area. This item is an excellent choice against heroes who need to be disabled in fights without the possibility of dispel or support. Additionally, it provides improved stats and increases survivability.
Late Game
Dota 2: Arc Warden Late Game Items
- Octarine Core: Reduces the cooldown of ultimate abilities and Flux while increasing magic damage.
- Butterfly: Ideal for pushing or countering physical damage, especially if enemies lack MKB.
- Scythe of Vyse: Provides control against mobile heroes.
- Silver Edge: Effective against heroes with dangerous passive abilities, such as Bristleback and Huskar.
- Khanda: Serves as an alternative to Silver Edge; it works on copies, slows down enemies, and breaks their passive abilities.
Situational Items
Dota 2: Arc Warden Situational Items
- Monkey King Bar: deals universal damage. Perfect against armor and evasion.
- Linken’s Sphere: provides protection against single-target spells.
- Nullifier: useful against Glimmer Cape or Ursa with stacks.
- Blink Dagger: essential for initiating fights.
Final Item Build
Dota 2: Arc Warden Final Item Build
Gameplay in Patch 7.38
Dota 2: Arc Warden Art
Arc Warden in patch 7.38 has returned to its roots. For the first 15 minutes, we focus on farming, and then we utilize Boots of Travel to join our team and begin dominating the game. It is essential to manage resources effectively; the clone does not have the same supply as the original, so it’s important to pay attention to both mana and health.
By level 6, we start ganking, but our priority should be to acquire Mjollnir and Boots of Travel. During the mid-game, we become a formidable force for both split pushing and team fights, effectively combining magic and physical damage.
Let’s take a closer look at the actions we should take at each stage of the game:
Laning Stage
In the lane, your primary focus should be on farming creeps and staying alive.
- Try to use your abilities to last-hit each creep in order to accumulate gold more quickly. If the enemy gets too close, use your harassment abilities only when they move away from their creeps.
- Stay near your tower, especially if you are up against aggressive heroes or if there’s a risk of being ganked.
- Avoid unnecessary health exchanges; you’re fragile, and recovery will take time.
- Keep an eye on the map to spot enemies missing from other lanes, and retreat if you feel threatened.
Early Game
To enhance your farming efficiency and engage in minor fights, consider the following strategies:
- Utilize your ultimate ability to farm more effectively by leaving it in the forest or on a lane, allowing you to gather creeps more quickly.
- Send your copy into dangerous areas of the map, such as to collect stack camps or to pressure the lane while you remain positioned safely.
- If your allies request a gank, use your copy to initiate abilities and deal damage while keeping your main character out of harm’s way.
- Start pressuring enemy towers by pushing lanes when the enemies are distracted, creating space for your team to capitalize on.
By implementing these tactics, you can improve your game strategy and contribute more effectively to your team.
Mid Game
You should become more assertive and actively influence the map.
- Farm simultaneously on multiple lanes or in the jungle by using your copy to pressure one lane while your main character focuses on another.
- Engage in team fights, but maintain your distance. Use your copy as the primary force in battle while you stay positioned behind your allies.
- After successful fights or when enemies are occupied on the other side of the map, push your turrets. Your copy is excellent for this while you farm elsewhere.
- Be mindful of key enemies with crowd control abilities, such as Silence or Stuns, and avoid their attention. Without mobility, you can easily become a target.
Late Game
You are a farming and siege machine that can turn the game around.
- Maximize pressure on lanes and force your enemies to defend themselves. Use your copy to create distractions in one lane while you farm or focus on another.
- In fights, stay as far back as possible, making your copy your main fighter. Spam your abilities and deal damage while enemies try to catch you.
- When it comes to sieging the enemy base, avoid being the first to charge in. Allow your allies to initiate the attack, then eliminate enemies and structures from a distance.
- If the game drags on, play carefully; one death can cost you the game, as enemies will target your gold.
Tips and Tricks
Dota 2: Arc Warden Art
- Multiple Flux casts on the same target fully stack.
- Manipulate creep aggro to get good Fluxes in lane. The search radius for muting Flux is basically melee range, so right click an enemy hero to attract their creeps towards you, then Flux ’em. Just don’t forget to kill their ranged creep first.
- Spark Wraiths trigger on invisible and Smoked units.
- Spark Wraiths provide a small radius of ground vision wherever they’re planted.
- Use Spark Wraiths to stack neutral camps.
- You can double tap Tempest Double to cast it next to your hero.
- The Tempest Double can pick up and use any rune except Wisdom runes.
- Consider enabling the console command dota_player_smart_multiunit_cast true if you’re playing Arc Warden or Meepo. This command makes the game attempt to cast a targeted spell on the first unit selected that doesn’t have the spell on cooldown without you tabbing through control groups.
- Flux won’t deal damage if you’re standing near any allied unit.
- Arc Warden has no stuns. If you think you can’t survive a surprise Flux gank, just TP out.
- In team fights, positioning items like Blink or Shadow Blade can help you isolate the real Arc Warden before he gets the opportunity to lay down a bunch of spells.
- The Double cannot duplicate any sources of true sight, so invisibility like from Shadow Amulet/Shadow Blade/Glimmer Cape can be invaluable for survival.
- Certain abilities can instakill creeps even if they’re Glyphed. These include: Doom’s Devour, Mirana’s Sacred Arrow, Night Stalker’s Agh’s Shard Hunter in the Night, Pudge’s Meat Hook, Hand of Midas, and Dagon. These can be handy to remember in a late game situation if Arc Warden Glyphs a creep wave while Boots of Traveling on to it.
- Spark Wraiths cannot be disjointed. Think of it like Skywrath Mage’s Arcane Bolt since it also provides vision as it travels towards you.
In patch 7.38, Arc Warden shows great potential, but it still feels unfinished. Runneth Replica is currently the best aspect for the meta. Aghanim’s Scepter has become more practical, and a build featuring Mjollnir, Travel Boots, and Diffusal Blade can secure victories even at 10k MMR.
However, we are still waiting for some buffs: the Shard feels weak, Power Capture requires improvement, and the hero’s win rate is not impressive yet. Valve, we urge you to give Arc a little more love! Thank you for reading this guide to the end! See you in Dota 2, and may your Arc always have full resources! Good luck in Dota 2! We also recommend visiting the Reddit thread for more Dota 2 content.