Dota 2 is not an easy game for a beginner. Although there is a way out – pick the right hero from the beginning! The only thing left to do is to make the best Heroes out of Strength, Intelligence and Agility. More specifically, the ones that are easy enough to master should have the appropriate items that allow a player to perform all the actions that the hero’s role requires. An easy hero should be able to master in a couple of matches, not in a few dozen. And it should be suitable for any game, and not just for some specific ones!
- Sven
- Sniper
- Phantom Assassin
- Underlord
- Viper
- Axe
- Jakiro
- Undying
- Spirit Breaker
- Ogre Magi
10 Easiest Heroes in Dota 2

- Role: Carry (Position 1)
- Attribute: STR
- Damage Type: Physical
So, a perfect option for an easy hero is called Sven. He is a good damage dealer, meaning he is a hero for players who want to feel really strong. Sven has a passive cleave, thanks to which players can farm faster as a carry. In addition, the ultimate “God’s Strength” allows those who play as Sven to deal insane damage in seconds! Sven can fight right away in the early game – and remain appropriate until the late game. Unfortunately, while the hero’s stun is on cooldown, he can pass a blow. But this hero has objectively more pluses!

- Role: Carry (Position 2)
- Attribute: AGI
- Damage Type: Physical
Kardel Sharpeye, the Sniper, is a ranged agility carry. He specializes in dealing moderate to heavy damage from a great distance. Sniper has no escape mechanism, limited mobility, and only a measurable amount of HP. However, his abilities allow him to keep his distance and systematically eliminate his opponents from afar. It is not hard to master his skills, but positioning is essential to determine when playing him or against him.
Phantom Assassin

- Role: Carry (Position 1)
- Attribute: AGI
- Damage Type: Physical
This hero has some of the highest DPS in the game! Even with only physical damage, most of the supports can be taken out in one hit as long as the player gets Desolator for this hero. And if you get Black King Bar, it becomes challenging to kill this hero. It’s just that beginners will be very upset that PA cannot sustain herself in the early game, and in the later stages, this hero has too low health. Dependence on several items and the need to track down when this hero is appropriate for the pick is also a problem. But she deals a lot of physical damage, and the player can wipe out the enemy.

- Role: Offlane (Position 3)
- Attribute: STR
- Damage Type: Physical
The most boring hero on the list? Maybe. However, it is also the most impressive. The first spell allows the player to farm waves instantly, and you won’t have to deal with harassment in the lane. After all, by nature, this hero is a tank and survives the most brutal matches.
And most importantly, he is universal. In the late game, paying attention to the ultimate: Fiend’s Gate is essential. You can move with allies to different friendly structures, leading to exciting turns! And the main thing is to farm the lane that no one in the team can except for this hero. You can play against any opponent. Without a group, this hero is limited.

- Role: Midlane (Position 2)
- Attribute: AGI
- Damage Type: Magical / Physical
Many will think that Viper is absurd in the list of ordinary heroes. You have to carefully balance the mana on the lane. The amount of damage dealt is enormous, and the passive abilities are nullified by the Nethertoxin spell, making the hero an absolute threat to enemies! Is the mana management going to be hard? It would be best to buy an Enchanted Mango and some Clarity. You can quickly destroy annoying heroes by disabling their passive abilities. In the early game, you can take the usual builds for everyone, but in the late game, you must actively focus on healing. Although you can also speed up farming!

- Role: Offlane (Position 3)
- Attribute: STR
- Damage Type: Physical / Pure
An extraordinary hero – as you know, you can’t argue with being too poor! He literally absorbs hits from enemies and then deals damage back! Blademail and Blink Dagger are required to be effective. Unfortunately, his landing stage is weak. But using Counter Helix will help against some opponents ideally. And you can farm even when it’s not warranted to fight directly. Piercing carriers will not be able to resist usually. Still, you can double up as an initiator and a tank! The main thing is not to overestimate your endurance. Natural armor protects against physical damage, not magic!

- Role: Support (Position 5)
- Attribute: INT
- Damage Type: Magical
Jakiro is a two-headed dragon. And he has a great set of control skills! It also deals a lot of damage at the beginning. And also a slow and area-of-effect stun! Plus, Jakiro is a reliable tank throughout the game. Spells can be cast from afar! And he is relevant throughout the laning phase, including the late game! The Macropyre ultimate lets you deal significant damage and clear waves and towers. At the same time, the team has not yet revived.
Wraith King

- Role: Carry (Position 1)
- Attribute: STR
- Damage Type: Physical
Wraith King is a melee character with the roles of a carry or a tank. His Ultimate becomes available after its death as the Aegis of the Wraith King. However, if left alive, Wraith King is eager to kill all his rivals in no time. Wraithfire Blast skill can make a stun for 2 seconds or more, and Vampiric Spirit used for attacking the opponent returns some of the spent HP and allows to summon skeletons. And Mortal Strike inflicts a significant amount of damage on hit once in 4 sec.
Spirit Breaker

- Role: Support (Position 4)
- Attribute: STR
- Damage Type: Physical
Spirit Breaker aka Baratheon or Bara creates constant pressure on the map – very convenient! Support in team battles, alas, is not. Thus, against support, he is practically useless. But if the fifth position is playing passive, then using this hero is entirely justified – you can compensate for the influence of both roles. After all, this hero is everywhere and ganks absolutely everyone!
Ogre Magi

- Role: Support (Position 5)
- Attribute: INT
- Damage Type: Physical
And this one is definitely the most straightforward hero you can have in Dota 2. His first spell will slow down the enemy, the second will stun them, and the third will strengthen the towers and allies. With that kind of damage, even carriers usually can’t handle it! And suppose that newcomers usually do not really understand what position they should take, and lose a significant amount of health as a result. In this case, this hero will be an ideal solution for a beginner. He has health – at least he eats with a spoon! In addition, he is invaluable in the late game because of his ability to buff. Unfortunately, the waves cannot be cleared, and the damage is random. But there are no heroes without downsides.