Lycan is recognized for his aggressive play style and his ability to dominate the map, making him one of the key figures in the current meta. Opting to build through the Alpha Wolves facet allows players to transform wolves into a potent tool for pressuring enemies and controlling the map. In this guide, the Blix team will explain the essential aspects of playing Lycan effectively, including skill builds, item builds, tactics, and strategies.
Dota 2 hero: Lycan
- 1 Abilities
- 2 Summon Wolves
- 3 Howl
- 4 Feral Impulse
- 5 Shapeshift
- 6 Facet Details
- 7 Talents
- 8 Aghanim’s Shard and Aghanim’s Scepter
- 9 Aghanim’s Shard
- 10 Aghanim’s Scepter
- 11 Skill Build
- 12 The Fundamental Mechanics of the Alpha Wolves Facet
- 13 How to Use Summon Wolves Effectively
- 14 Early Stage of the Game
- 15 Starting Items
- 16 Laning Stage
- 17 Offlane Role
- 18 Middle Stage of the Game
- 19 Mid Game Items
- 20 Tactics
- 21 Late Stage of the Game
- 22 Late Game Items
- 23 Strategy
- 24 Final Item Build
- 25 Common Mistakes to Avoid
- 26 Tips and Tricks
- 27 Counters
- 28 Conclusion
Dota 2: Lycan Stats
Summon Wolves
Summons two wolves to fight for Lycan. Level 3-4 wolves have Permanent Invisibility, and level 4 wolves have Cripple.
- Duration: 50
- Cooldown: 30
- Manacost: 115/120/125/130

Dota 2: Lycan Summon Wolves
- Casting Summon Wolves replaces currently active wolves from a previous cast, even when they are invulnerable or hidden.
- Grants Lycan Wolf the following abilities at the following Summon Wolves levels: level 3 Invisibility, level 4 Cripple
- Lycan Wolves always spawn in the same formation, 200 range in front of Lycan, and with a 120 range between the wolves.
Howl – Strikes fear into enemies, reducing armor and attack damage of all enemies within 2000 range of Lycan and his wolves. Non-hero controlled units flee for a short time. At night Howl’s armor and attack damage reductions are Global.
- Day Radius: 2000
- Night Radius: Global
- Attack Damage Reduction: 25%/30%/35%/40%
- Duration: 8
- Cooldown: 22/20/18/16
- Manacost: 40

Dota 2: Lycan Howl
- Successive casts update the ability values and refresh its duration.
- Howl’s sound effects are Global for allies.
- Applies a flat attack damage reduction based on the affected units’ main attack damage. Does not further reduce bonus attack damage.
Feral Impulse
Feral Impulse – Increases the HP regeneration and damage of Lycan and all units under his control.
- Radius: Global
- Attack Damage Bonus: 10%/20%/30%/40%
- Health Regen Bonus: 1/3/5/7
- Aura Linger Duration: 0.5

Dota 2: Lycan Feral Impulse
- Grants flat bonus attack damage based on the affected units’ main attack damage. Does not further increase bonus attack damage
- Feral Impulse affects all Lycan’s player–controlled units.
Lycan assumes his lupine form, granting him and his units critical strikes and added vision at night.
- Transformation Time: 1.1
- Base Night Vision Bonus: 1000
- Set Base Attack Range: 150
- Haste Speed: 550
- Health Bonus: 200/300/400
- Critical Chance: 40%
- Critical Damage: 160%/190%/220%
- Duration: 2
- Cooldown: 110/100/90
- Manacost: 100

Dota 2: Lycan Shapeshift
Facet Details
Dota 2: Lycan Facet Alpha Wolves
In this build, we have chosen Alpha Wolves as our facet. This facet increases the max level of Summon Wolves while lowering the max level of Howl and Feral Impulse.
Dota 2: Lycan Talents Stats
In this build, the primary focus of talent selection is on Summon Wolves.
Aghanim’s Shard and Aghanim’s Scepter
Aghanim’s Shard
Dota 2: Lycan Aghanim’s Shard
Aghanim’s Shard enhances Lycan’s first ability, Summon Wolves. It enables one of your creep waves to include an uncontrollable wolf that moves with the wave. Additionally, wolves spawned in this manner can Cripple towers.
Aghanim’s Scepter
Dota 2: Lycan Aghanim’s Scepter Ability
Aghanim’s Scepter grants a new ability – Wolf Bite. Lycan bites an ally, granting them Shapeshift properties. Lycan and the bitten target gain 40% Lifesteal and share the healing effect of Lifesteal with each other as long as they are within 1200 range of each other.
Cooldown: 110 / 100 / 90
Manacost: 150

Dota 2: Lycan Wolf Bite
Skill Build
Dota 2: Lycan Skill Build Stats
Our primary focus in this build is on Summon Wolves. Whenever possible, prioritize selecting this ability.
The Fundamental Mechanics of the Alpha Wolves Facet
The build emphasizes maximizing the summons of wolves, enhanced as the Summon Wolf ability progresses. At level 11, the wolves attain their maximum strength, gaining:
- Invisibility: It enables you to move stealthily throughout the map.
- Root: The ability slows down and root enemies.
- Extra damage: The attack causes substantial physical damage to its targets.
- 100% evasion chance: The effect lasts for 8 seconds after activating “Shape Shift,” rendering them virtually invulnerable.
These skills enable you to kill enemies, destroy towers, and efficiently scout the map.
How to Use Summon Wolves Effectively
Dota 2 Lycan Art
- To track enemy movements, place wolves at key locations on the map (e.g., near Roshan, on the high ground, and in the enemy jungle).
- Use them to cancel the teleportation of heroes, for example, during a tower push.
- Use wolves to harass the enemy and limit their farming area.
- Directly command the wolves to attack enemy supports. At the maximum level, they can effectively handle most heroes.
Early Stage of the Game
Starting Items
Dota 2: Lycan Starting Items
- 2 Circlet
- 3 Iron Branch
- Tango
This purchase gives Lycan increased versatility, additional mana, and health. The Circlet can be further upgraded into Wraith Band and Bracer, which provide valuable bonuses for mana and lane stability.
Laning Stage
- Use wolves to harass enemy carry and supports.
- To prevent giving enemies experience and gold, avoid unnecessary wolf deaths.
- Make sure to purchase the Hand of Midas as soon as possible to accelerate your progress in gaining levels and gold.
Offlane Role
- Utilize wolves to pull lane creeps, block jungle creep camps, and scout for enemy support.
- If you farm in the jungle, avoid direct confrontation until you reach at least level 6.
Middle Stage of the Game
Mid Game Items
Dota 2: Lycan Mid Game Items
- Hand of Midas: Provide you with the opportunity to gain more experience.
- Power Treads: Increase survivability and attack speed.
- Echo Sabre: Increase damage and provide mana for the active use of abilities.
- Constantly send wolves to scout the map, kill creeps, and harass enemies.
- Use “Howl” at key moments to reduce the armor and damage of enemies, thereby increasing the pressure on lanes.
- By level 11, start using wolves to control the map actively. They should push the lanes, farm the jungle, and apply pressure.
Late Stage of the Game
Late Game Items
Dota 2: Lycan Late Game Items
- Aghanim’s Shard: This item will enable you to consistently push lanes.
- Nullifier: It removes buffs from enemies and makes them more vulnerable to attacks.
- Black King Bar (BKB): Protects you from magical control.
- Linken’s Sphere: against heroes like Doom.
- Use wolves to apply pressure enemies and towers while Lycan farms the lane.
- Prepare for key team fights: activate “Shape Shift” and use “Howl” to make enemies as vulnerable as possible.
- Focus on leveraging your level and pace advantages. Reaching level 20 quickly makes it easier to finish the game.
An example of proper play: By minute 25, you should have at least three key items: Power Treads, Echo Sabre, and BKB. Aim to control two of the three lanes and create constant pressure by wolves.
Final Item Build
Dota 2: Lycan Item Build
Common Mistakes to Avoid
- The improper treatment of wolves: Avoid sending them into pointless battles where they are likely to die for no reason.
- Ignoring the farm: Lycan needs to get level 11 as soon as possible.
- Passive play: This hero needs an aggressive strategy and continuous pressure on the enemy.
- Lack of adaptation: Always adapt to the composition and strengths of your enemies.
Tips and Tricks
Dota 2 hero: Lycan
- Wolves are quite possibly the strongest scouting tool in the game. They can serve as two moving, permanently invisible, temporary observer wards on demand. Use them to scout, check/kill runes, block/stack camps, body block targets, and, most importantly, follow around high-priority targets.
- If you want a Wolf to hunt someone quietly, select the Wolf, then use a follow command by pressing the move command hotkey (default M)+left click on a target. Your Wolf will tail your target but never attack and break invisibility. However, be aware that when the duration of the Wolf ends, the enemy hero will suddenly see a Wolf keel over and die next to them, possibly compromising your sneakiness.
- Wolves summoned with the “Spirit Wolves” facet can also be useful for scouting. These Spirit Wolves have free pathing and will always stand behind your hero model. You could try turning your back to a cliff and the Wolves will path on top of the cliff and give some vision.
- Wolves summoned with the “Spirit Wolves” facet will grief your smoke plays. These Wolves cannot be smoked and enemies will have vision of two gleaming Wolves randomly running around. This is also the case under an invisibility rune or Shadow Blade.
- If you take the “Alpha Wolves” facet, the Hamstring spell on Wolves can root enemies through debuff immunity/BKB.
- When jungling or Roshing, you can shake neutral aggro off your Wolves the same way you can drop tower aggro. Select the Wolf in question and then attack hotkey+left click another allied unit and the creeps should start focusing another unit.
- Howl works on Rosh.
- During night time, the Howl debuff is global. Pay attention to the minimap to see if your team can benefit from your Howling.
- Lycan has 1800 night vision when in Shapeshift form.
- Agh’s Scepter Wolf Biting an ally will turn them into a melee hero no matter what range bonus items or spells they have. If a Wolf Bitten ranged hero has a spell that issues secondary attacks, the attacks won’t connect unless the additional targets are in melee range.
Dota 2 Lycan Art
- Howl can be dispelled off allies.
- Illusions of Lycan provide Feral Impulse. Useful to know if you’re playing Terrorblade since Reflection can give you a big damage boost.
- While you can’t slow him when he’s Shapeshifted, mass Eul’s Scepters are a great way to keep him on lockdown. It’s cheap enough that most people on your team can build it, and it buys time for other stuns to come off cooldown.
- Crimson Guard can help reduce Lycan’s damage and protect your buildings against his pushes.
- Winter Wyvern’s Winter’s Curse can be irritating for Lycan to deal with since it turns him into food for all his summons.
- Enchantress’s Agh’s Scepter Little Friends can turn Lycan’s army against him.
- Witch Doctor’s Agh’s Scepter Death Ward can bounce attacks on creeps/summons.
- Night Stalker’s Agh’s Shard Hunter in the Night allows NS to eat ancient creeps at night, including ones that may be dominated by a Helm of the Overlord.
- Heroes with AoE damage can effectively deal with Summon Wolves.
- Force Staff is one of the most effective items against Lycan. It allows you to push yourself to high ground, making it easier to escape from pursuit.
Dota 2 hero: Lycan
The Lycan with the Alpha Wolves ability is an effective strategy for succeeding in both public and competitive games. Skillful use of wolves, effective map control, and timely upgrades will help you maintain dominance at all stages of the game. Practice regularly, learn new tactics, and adapt to the unique circumstances of each match. Good luck in Dota 2! We also recommend visiting the Reddit thread for more Dota 2 content.