XDefiant has come a long way. Ubisoft has repeatedly tested the project and is preparing for a full-fledged launch. Some consider the game a “Call of Duty killer”.
Judging by the network reviews, the authors of XDefiant offered many exciting ideas, but the project still needed to be ready to be released. But now, it has happened’the release date has already been announced. The blix.gg team will tell you all about the upcoming hit!
Our article already provides an overview of the game, community expectations, and reasons for delays.
- XDefiant Release Date
- Details on what to expect at the release of the project
XDefiant Release Details

XDefiant Preseason
Ubisoft announced the release date of the free-to-play online shooter XDefiant on May 21 with little hype or a trailer. The developers revealed the news on May 2. A few weeks before the launch, the developers will start to tell more about the game.
The shooter became another of Ubisoft’s long projects. It was announced in 2021 and was initially planned to be released in the summer of 2023. After that, the game was postponed several times for various reasons.
Also, XDefiant developers presented an infographic of the content: dozens of weapons and mods, five factions, 14 maps, and five modes.
A roadmap for project development that is typical for the game industry was also present.

XDefiant Roadmap
During the preseason, players can unlock several rewards available during beta testing. The preseason will last six weeks, from May 21 through early July. Then, the first season will begin. It will bring a new faction, three maps, three weapon models, and 90 Battle Pass levels. The developers plan to launch a new season every three months.
The authors of XDefiant plan several seasons, each introducing several weapons, additional maps, and factions. As mentioned above, the developers will also implement the Battle Pass in the game.
XDefiant will be released on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S and will have cross-platform matchmaking support. It will be distributed under a conditional free-to-play monetization model.
The community has already discussed what weapons they want to see in the updates, and a link to the project’s Discord has also already appeared.
So far, the content provided looks impressive – the game is clearly not inferior to competitors in the genre, and in some moments, even breaks ahead.
We can conclude that the game is more or less ready’all that’s left is to polish some things before launch.
It’s worth realizing that any project that comes for free has its drawbacks. Battle Pass, naturally, will be paid, as will many skins for weapons and operatives. Judging by the beta test reviews, nothing from the built-in store affects gameplay (bright skins, on the contrary, make characters more noticeable and more accessible to kill). Still, Ubisoft may have yet to show everything before release.
Another novelty in the world of gaming was talked about in our recent article.