According to sources close to BLIX, Sergio "Legolas" Vicente Gispert has verbally agreed with FC Barcelona to be the Superliga ADC next season.
Legolas will join Alejandro "Jandro" Fernández-Valdés Pedrosa on the Superliga squad, as we reported Jandro as the new FC Barcelona head coach; the other pieces are still to be defined now, and BLIX cannot assure what will happen with the rest of the roster.
Legolas is a Spanish player born in 2000 who was the ADC of Bions Eclub last season. Bisons had big financial problems, but despite this, they finished second in the Superliga and first in the regular phase with an almost perfect split, thus securing their appearance in the EU Masters.
Legolas was between two Superliga teams in the last hours but finally decided to go for Barcelona.