LoL is one of the Blix team’s favorite games. We observe it often: look at our TOP-10 Best Top-Laners Champions or The Most Rarest and Valuable Skins lists.
This article explores the best tank champions in League of Legends as of the latest patches. We conducted a detailed analysis of why these champions excel in their roles, gathered information from reliable sources, and conducted recent meta-discussions to ensure accurate and up-to-date insights.
We’ve highlighted the strengths and optimal build paths for these tanks. That text is crucial for every player looking to dominate the front line and lead their teams to victory. We’ll help you master some of the game’s most impactful champions.’
- List of 5 best tank Champions in LoL
- Description of the excellent tank features
- For each of the listed Champions – their description and reasons for being here, plus their subreddits
- Additionally noted: release date, last change, traits, pick & win rates, Abilities, Items and Runes
Best LoL Tanks List

Tanks symbol
- Ornn – S Tier
- Malphite – S Tier
- Zac – S Tier
- Sejuani – A Tier
- Leona – A Tier
What is a Good Tank in LoL?

What is tank?
A good tank in League of Legends must possess several key features to fulfill their role effectively. Durability is essential, as tanks need to withstand large amounts of damage to protect their team. They must also have strong crowd control abilities, such as stuns or slows, to disrupt enemy formations and control the flow of battle. Engage potential is another crucial trait, allowing tanks to initiate fights and create opportunities for their team. A good tank should also have utility in its kit, providing team-wide benefits like shields or resistances. Finally, mobility is essential for positioning and re-engaging in fights, ensuring the tank can lead its team effectively.
The Best – Ornn – The Fire Below the Mountain

Ornn is a legendary blacksmith from the Freljord, known for his immense strength and ability to craft powerful items. He excels in initiating fights with his ultimate, “Call of the Forge God,” which can knock up and slow enemies, making it easier for his team to follow up. His durability in battle is enhanced by his passive, which allows him to upgrade his items and those of his allies, giving his team an edge in prolonged games.
Release Date: August 23, 2017
Last Changed: Patch 13.10
Traits: Durable, Hard Engage, Utility
Ornn Champion Spotlight | Gameplay – League of Legends
Why: Ornn stands out as the best tank due to his unique ability to forge and upgrade items for himself and his teammates mid-game, giving his team a significant power spike. His crowd control, especially with his ultimate, can change the course of a game by engaging or disengaging from a distance.
Pick Rate: ~5.4%
Win Rate: ~51.9%
- Passive: Living Forge
- Q: Volcanic Rupture
- W: Bellows Breath
- E: Searing Charge
- R: Call of the Forge God
Items: Sunfire Aegis, Thornmail, Gargoyle Stoneplate, Abyssal Mask, Turbo Chemtank
Runes: Grasp of the Undying, Demolish, Conditioning, Overgrowth, Biscuit Delivery
Malphite – Shard of the Monolith

Malphite is a living monolith, drawing his power from the earth itself. He can absorb tremendous damage, making him a nightmare for AD (Attack Damage) champions. His ability to initiate with a massive, area-of-effect knock-up makes him a constant threat in the late game, capable of turning the tide of battle with a single, well-placed ultimate.
Release Date: October 10, 2009
Last Changed: Patch 13.9
Traits: Armor Scaling, Teamfight Presence
3 Minute Malphite Guide – A Guide for League of Legends
Why: Malphite is incredibly effective against physical damage due to his armor-scaling abilities. His ultimate, “Unstoppable Force,” is one of the most potent initiation tools in the game, often determining the outcome of team fights.
Pick Rate: ~8.2%
Win Rate: ~52.1%
- Passive: Granite Shield
- Q: Seismic Shard
- W: Thunderclap
- E: Ground Slam
- R: Unstoppable Force
Items: Sunfire Aegis, Thornmail, Frozen Heart, Randuin’s Omen, Gargoyle Stoneplate
Runes: Aftershock, Shield Bash, Conditioning, Unflinching, Manaflow Band
Zac – The Secret Weapon

Zac is a blob of living ooze, capable of bouncing across the battlefield and splitting into smaller blobs when killed. His elasticity allows him to engage from unexpected angles, catching enemies off-guard. Zac’s passive lets him revive if his blobs aren’t destroyed, giving him incredible sustain in fights.
Release Date: March 29, 2013
Last Changed: Patch 13.8
Traits: High Mobility, Sustain
Zac: Champion Spotlight | Gameplay – League of Legends
Why: Zac is a tank with exceptional engagement potential due to his high mobility. His ability to disrupt enemy formations with well-timed initiations makes him a strong pick in the jungle.
Pick Rate: ~4.2%
Win Rate: ~51.4%
- Passive: Cell Division
- Q: Stretching Strikes
- W: Unstable Matter
- E: Elastic Slingshot
- R: Let’s Bounce!
Items: Sunfire Aegis, Spirit Visage, Thornmail, Warmog’s Armor, Gargoyle Stoneplate
Runes: Aftershock, Font of Life, Conditioning, Revitalize, Cosmic Insight
Sejuani – Fury of the North

Sejuani, the brutal warrior of the Freljord, rides into battle atop her trusty boar, Bristle. She commands the power of ice, using her abilities to slow and stun her enemies. Her ultimate, “Glacial Prison,” is a long-range skill shot that can freeze multiple enemies in place, setting them up for devastating follow-up attacks from her team.
Release Date: January 17, 2012
Last Changed: Patch 13.11
Traits: High CC, Jungle Presence
Sejuani: Champion Spotlight | Gameplay – League of Legends
Why: Sejuani is a premier tank in the jungle, excelling in crowd control and initiation. Her abilities allow her to lock down key targets, making her essential for ganking and team fights.
Pick Rate: ~3.6%
Win Rate: ~51.7%
- Passive: Fury of the North
- Q: Arctic Assault
- W: Winter’s Wrath
- E: Permafrost
- R: Glacial Prison
Items: Sunfire Aegis, Warmog’s Armor, Thornmail, Spirit Visage, Dead Man’s Plate
Runes: Aftershock, Font of Life, Conditioning, Revitalize, Triumph
Leona – The Radiant Dawn

Leona is a Solari warrior, wielding the sun’s power to strike down her enemies and protect her allies. Her kit is built around stunning and immobilizing opponents, allowing her team to capitalize on her engagements. With high durability and multiple forms of crowd control, Leona excels at initiating fights and protecting her carries.
Release Date: July 13, 2011
Traits: Engage Support, Crowd Control
3 Minute Leona Guide – A Guide for League of Legends
Why: Leona is a tank support known for her ability to lock down enemies with stuns and protect her carries. Her reliable crowd control makes her a top choice in the bot lane.
Pick Rate: ~9.8%
Win Rate: ~49.7%
- Passive: Sunlight
- Q: Shield of Daybreak
- W: Eclipse
- E: Zenith Blade
R: Solar Flare
Items: Locket of the Iron Solari, Zeke’s Convergence, Thornmail, Knight’s Vow, Gargoyle Stoneplate
Runes: Aftershock, Font of Life, Bone Plating, Overgrowth, Hextech Flashtraption
Apart from the top tanks like Ornn and Malphite, several other champions stand out as solid tank picks in League of Legends. Sion is notable for his massive health scaling and disruptive crowd control, making him a formidable presence in team fights.
With his saplings and roots, Maokai excels in lane sustainability and area control, making him a reliable top lane and support choice. With his hook and ultimate, Nautilus offers excellent crowd control, often serving as a strong engage support in the bot lane.
Poppy is another solid pick. Her ability to stop enemy dashes and knock back key targets provides great utility in team fights. These champions offer diverse options for players looking to fill the tank role with different styles and strategies.