Updated: TOP-10 Best Top-Laners Champions in LoL 2024

Andrea "Larkey" Cherubini
category_image League of Legends
Reading time  ~9  mins

At Blix, we write a lot about League of Legends - both speculative rumors about skins (read "What Do We Know About Faker Skin Bundle in LoL?") and quite grounded interviews (such as "Interview with G2 Caps about offseason, Smolder and dominating the LEC"). Now, let's talk about Champions.

Top-lane champions provide a mix of tankiness, damage, and strategic impact. Here is the Blix team's pick of the best top-laners for 2024, their common traits, and additional details.

It would help if you read this article because it provides in-depth insights into the strongest and most effective champions for dominating the top lane. By understanding which champions excel and why, you can enhance your gameplay, make more informed picks, and climb the ranks more efficiently.

This guide will describe each champion's traits, abilities, and critical stats like pick and win rates. Our team has meticulously gathered data from reliable sources, including recent patch notes, player performance statistics, and expert analyses from trusted gaming websites like METAsrc, Esports.net, and Mobalytics. So, the information is accurate, up-to-date, and highly relevant for casual and competitive gamers.


  • Description of the true Top-Lane Champion qualities
  • 15 best Top-Lane Champions sorted by Tier
  • Rates, traits, and characteristics of each
  • Descriptions of these Champions

Qualities of a Top-Lane Champion

Champions to the Rescue!

A top-lane champion in League of Legends should possess several key qualities to be effective. Firstly, they should have strong dueling prowess, enabling them to win 1v1 fights against opponents. Mobility is crucial for dodging abilities and engaging or disengaging from fights.

They should also have tankiness or sustain to survive prolonged battles. Crowd control abilities are essential for influencing team fights and skirmishes. Lastly, a high skill ceiling allows skilled players to maximize the champion's potential by mastering their mechanics. All the champions in our guide excel in these areas, making them top picks for dominating the top lane in 2024.

Best Top-Laners List

  • Fiora - S Tier
  • Camille - S Tier
  • Sett - S Tier
  • Malphite - S Tier
  • Jax - S Tier
  • Mordekaiser - S Tier
  • Garen - S Tier
  • Dr. Mundo - S Tier
  • Irelia - A Tier
  • Darius - A Tier
  • Singed - A Tier
  • Riven - A Tier
  • Volibear - A Tier
  • Nasus - A Tier
  • Yorick - A Tier

S-Tier Champions



Fiora excels in 1v1 fights with her passive and true damage. Her high mobility with "Q" and the ability to dodge abilities with "W" make her formidable. However, she has a high skill ceiling, rewarding players who master her mechanics.

Release date: February 29, 2012

Last changed: Patch 14.4

Class: Skirmisher

Role: Fighter, Assassin


  • Dueling Prowess
  • Mobility
  • Skill Intensive

Fiora: Champion Spotlight | Gameplay - League of Legends


  • Tier: S
  • Pick Rate: 5.20%
  • Win Rate: 52.23%


  • Passive: Duelist's Dance
  • Q: Lunge
  • W: Riposte
  • E: Bladework
  • R: Grand Challenge



Camille is a versatile fighter with strong dueling and backline diving potential. She scales well into the late game and excels in early and late-game dominance.

Release date: December 7, 2016

Last changed: Patch 14.4

Class: Diver



  • Duelist
  • Engagement
  • Scaling

Camille Champion Spotlight | Gameplay - League of Legends


  • Tier: S
  • Pick Rate: 4.95%
  • Win Rate: 51.98%


  • Passive: Adaptive Defenses
  • Q: Precision Protocol
  • W: Tactical Sweep
  • E: Hookshot
  • R: The Hextech Ultimatum



Sett thrives in close combat with his powerful punches and crowd-control abilities. He is particularly effective in team fights and can absorb significant damage while dealing with his own. Sett subreddit.

Release date: January 14, 2020

Last changed: Patch 14.4

Class: Juggernaut

Role: Fighter, Tank


  • Tankiness
  • Crowd Control
  • Brawling

Sett Champion Spotlight | Gameplay - League of Legends


  • Tier: S
  • Pick Rate: 6.50%
  • Win Rate: 50.00%


  • Passive: Pit Grit
  • Q: Knuckle Down
  • W: Haymaker
  • E: Facebreaker
  • R: The Show Stopper



Malphite counters many bruisers in the current meta with his anti-attack damage capabilities. His ultimate provides game-changing initiation for team fights, and he can be built tanky or with AP for burst damage.

Release date: September 2, 2009

Last changed: Patch 14.4

Class: Vanguard

Role: Tank


  • Anti-AD
  • Teamfight Initiation
  • Versatility

3 Minute Malphite Guide - A Guide for League of Legends


  • Tier: S
  • Pick Rate: 5.70%
  • Win Rate: 53.48%


  • Passive: Granite Shield
  • Q: Seismic Shard
  • W: Thunderclap
  • E: Ground Slam
  • R: Unstoppable Force



Jax excels in scaling into the late game. His ability to dodge attacks and counter with high burst damage makes him a strong pick once he gets a few items. Jax subreddit.

Release date: February 21, 2009

Last changed: Patch 14.4

Class: Skirmisher

Role: Fighter, Assassin


  • Scaling
  • Dodge Mechanic
  • Burst Damage

Jax: Champion Spotlight | Gameplay - League of Legends


  • Tier: S
  • Pick Rate: 5.79%
  • Win Rate: 51.35%


  • Passive: Relentless Assault
  • Q: Leap Strike
  • W: Empower
  • E: Counter-Strike
  • R: Grandmaster's Might



Mordekaiser can isolate and dominate single targets with his ultimate. His ability to control fights and gain additional stats from his opponents makes him a robust juggernaut. Mordekaiser subreddit.

Release date: February 24, 2010

Last changed: Patch 14.4

Class: Juggernaut

Role: Fighter


  • Isolating Ultimate
  • Sustain
  • Control

3 Minute Mordekaiser Guide - A Guide for League of Legends


  • Tier: S
  • Pick Rate: 3.50%
  • Win Rate: 52.00%


  • Passive: Darkness Rise
  • Q: Obliterate
  • W: Indestructible
  • E: Death's Grasp
  • R: Realm of Death



Garen is a strong, straightforward top-lane champion, particularly effective for lower Elo players. He dominates early and mid-game skirmishes with his significant damage and tanckiness. Garen subreddit.

Release date: April 27, 2010

Last changed: Patch 14.4

Class: Juggernaut

Role: Fighter


  • Simplicity
  • Early Game Dominance
  • Tankiness

Garen: Champion Spotlight | Gameplay - League of Legends


  • Tier: S
  • Pick Rate: 8.93%
  • Win Rate: 51.52%


  • Passive: Perseverance
  • Q: Decisive Strike
  • W: Courage
  • E: Judgment
  • R: Demacian Justice

Dr. Mundo

Dr. Mundo

Dr. Mundo is a durable tank with solid sustain and high damage output. His ability to shrug off crowd control and regenerate health makes him a formidable top laner. Dr. Mundo subreddit.

Release date: September 2, 2009

Last changed: Patch 14.4

Class: Juggernaut

Role: Fighter, Tank


  • Sustain
  • Durability
  • High Damage Output

Dr. Mundo Gameplay Preview | League of Legends


  • Tier: S
  • Pick Rate: 5.84%
  • Win Rate: 52.41%


  • Passive: Goes Where He Pleases
  • Q: Infected Bonesaw
  • W: Heart Zapper
  • E: Blunt Force Trauma
  • R: Maximum Dosage

A-Tier Champions



Irelia's mobility and burst damage makes her a high-risk, high-reward champion. She is excellent in duels and can split-push effectively, though mastering her requires significant skill. Irelia subreddit.

Release date: July 16, 2010

Last changed: Patch 14.4

Class: Skirmisher

Role: Fighter, Assassin


  • Mobility
  • High Skill Ceiling
  • Burst Damage

3 Minute Irelia Guide - A Guide for League of Legends


  • Tier: A
  • Pick Rate: 4.00%
  • Win Rate: 49.50%


  • Passive: Ionian Fervor
  • Q: Bladesurge
  • W: Defiant Dance
  • E: Flawless Duet
  • R: Vanguard's Edge



Darius offers a solid early game with his bleed damage and ability to dominate lane opponents. His straightforward kit can be more easily leveraged, especially in lower ranks. Darius subreddit.

Release date: May 23, 2012

Last changed: Patch 14.4

Class: Juggernaut

Role: Fighter


  • Early Game Dominance
  • Execute
  • Simplicity

3 Minute Darius Guide - A Guide for League of Legends


  • Tier: A
  • Pick Rate: 6.50%
  • Win Rate: 52.00%


  • Passive: Hemorrhage
  • Q: Decimate
  • W: Crippling Strike
  • E: Apprehend
  • R: Noxian Guillotine



Singed's unique playstyle of proxy farming and persistent pressure make him a disruptive force. He excels in split-pushing and can be a nuisance in team fights with his poison trail. Singed subreddit.

Release date: April 18, 2009

Last changed: Patch 14.4

Class: Specialist

Role: Tank, Fighter


  • Disruption
  • Split Pushing
  • Tankiness

Singed: Champion Spotlight | Gameplay - League of Legends


  • Tier: A
  • Pick Rate: 1.72%
  • Win Rate: 53.05%


  • Passive: Noxious Slipstream
  • Q: Poison Trail
  • W: Mega Adhesive
  • E: Fling
  • R: Insanity Potion



Riven's high mobility and combo potential make her a favorite among mechanically skilled players. She can outplay opponents and carry games with her burst damage and shields. Riven subreddit.

Release date: September 14, 2011

Last changed: Patch 14.4

Class: Skirmisher

Role: Fighter, Assassin


  • Mobility
  • Combo Potential
  • Skill Intensive

Riven: Champion Spotlight | Gameplay - League of Legends


  • Tier: A
  • Pick Rate: 5.00%
  • Win Rate: 50.00%


  • Passive: Runic Blade
  • Q: Broken Wings
  • W: Ki Burst
  • E: Valor
  • R: Blade of the Exile



Volibear is a tanky fighter who excels in both dealing and absorbing damage. His versatility makes him a solid pick in various matchups. Volibear subreddit.

Release date: November 29, 2011

Last changed: Patch 14.4

Class: Juggernaut

Role: Fighter, Tank


  • Versatility
  • Tankiness
  • Damage Dealing

Volibear Champion Overview | Gameplay - League of Legends


  • Tier: A
  • Pick Rate: 5.87%
  • Win Rate: 50.85%


  • Passive: The Relentless Storm
  • Q: Thundering Smash
  • W: Frenzied Maul
  • E: Sky Splitter
  • R: Stormbringer



Nasus excels in the late game with his scaling potential. He becomes increasingly influential as the game progresses, thanks to his ability to stack damage with his "Q". Nasus subreddit.

Release date: October 1, 2009

Last changed: Patch 14.4

Class: Juggernaut

Role: Fighter, Tank


  • Scaling
  • Sustain
  • High Damage Output

Paths to Victory: Fastest Nasus - League of Legends


  • Tier: A
  • Pick Rate: 6.45%
  • Win Rate: 51.77%


  • Passive: Soul Eater
  • Q: Siphoning Strike
  • W: Wither
  • E: Spirit Fire
  • R: Fury of the Sands



Yorick is a split-pushing powerhouse with solid sustain and the ability to summon minions for added pressure. He excels in prolonged fights and controlling the lane. Yorick subreddit.

Release date: June 22, 2011

Last changed: Patch 14.4

Class: Juggernaut

Role: Fighter, Tank


  • Split Pushing
  • Sustain
  • Lane Control

Yorick: Champion Spotlight | Gameplay - League of Legends


  • Tier: A
  • Pick Rate: 5.02%
  • Win Rate: 52.33%


  • Passive: Shepherd of Souls
  • Q: Last Rites
  • W: Dark Procession
  • E: Mourning Mist
  • R: Eulogy of the Isles


While the champions listed are among the top picks for 2024, several other top-laners are also highly practical and worth considering.

Garen, known for his simplicity and tankiness, is an excellent pick for beginners due to his straightforward kit and strong sustain.

Shen offers global map pressure with his ultimate, "Stand United," providing valuable support to teammates across the map.

Renekton excels in early game dominance with his high burst damage and sustains, making him a bully in the laning phase.

Ornn provides excellent crowd control and utility, and his unique ability to upgrade allies' items makes him a strong teamfight presence.

Finally, Teemo, with his poison and map control through invisible mushrooms, can be a pesky opponent to deal with. These champions offer diverse playstyles and strengths, making them valuable additions to any top-lane roster.

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