Throughout the years, we’ve witnessed the most iconic storylines from teams who beat the odds and defied all expectations by achieving what could be described as a dream for most players.
The most prestigious event in Counter-Strike is nothing but a battlefield, a merciless war zone that collects teams like helpless souls. In order to survive, the soldiers must have an unshakable grit, unwavering resilience and an indomitable willpower.
While the samurais and ninjas failed, England’s finest soldiers stood as steady and hard as their steel helmets, living up to their name and logo and entering history from its widest doors reminding everyone of a nation that was rather forgotten in the scene.
Into the Breach are a team who were joked about, underestimated and minimized in the eyes of spectators; with a little to no expectations in achieving greatness from anyone except for their die hard fans and Skin.Club. They saw the vision and believed, at a time when no one else batted an eye, as ITB breached the playoffs and became a champion among the champions, silencing all doubts.

The journey to glory was questioned by many as the expectations set didn’t exceed the RMR, but it was proven otherwise by the UK core in addition to rallen and CRUC1AL.
Fast-forward to the Legends Stage and the doubts continued to haunt Into The Breach, with most of the community believing it was nothing more but sheer luck, picking them as the favorites to go 0-3. Little did everyone know, history was in the making. ITB proved their capabilities, mopping the floor with the favorites to qualify, and later held their ground without cracking under pressure in one of the most important matches of their careers.
The stars aligned, the hard work paid off and UK CS will remain in history as long as we still play, cheer and breathe for Counter-Strike. All that thanks to Thomas’s incredible calls and CRUC1AL’s big green weapon, as well as the sharp aim from CYPHER, volt and rallen.
After fighting tooth and nail and stacking wins by the skin of their teeth, Into the Breach can enter the Champions Stage with pride and momentum and go even deeper in the event.
After all, the sky’s the limit and nothing is impossible considering what they’ve already achieved and the obstacles overcome so far.

They say every story is a lesson and in every lesson there’s a moral, belief and inspiration we can take from it. Today’s achievement will be the motivation for tomorrow’s success, as long as the future teams set a goal and believe in themselves they can achieve the unthinkable. This is how Skin.Club saw Into The Breach, they believed in the team and picked them up despite their lack of documented success. Though the future might be uncertain, hard work and dedication pays off, of that we can be certain, with ITB serving as a prime example.
Regardless of the Playoffs results, Into The Breach will be remembered as winners in the final chapter of CS:GO, winning games inside the server and our hearts outside of it.
With that, we can say with confidence that UK CS is on the rise and no matter how much people criticize, they’ll always find a way to surprise. Eventually the region will lift the prize.