Image Credit: PGL | Stefan Petrescu
Note: This information is not from an official source.
Jonatan ‘Devilwalk’ Lundberg was spotted in the Bad News Eagles practice server two months ago by Reddit user u/gango1. He claimed to have seen Devilwalk join the server for 2 days straight. These claims are backed up by a quickly deleted Instagram story from Rigon ‘rigoN’ Gashi showing Devilwalk to be occupying their Coach spot.

The previous coach of Bad News Eagles, Klesti “â stikle-â ” Kola, departed the team earlier this month after a disagreement on the team’s vision and future. In his statement on Twitter, he talked about his need for a break after the stresses of managing every side of the organization wore him down.
His potential replacement Devilwalk is known to have a good relationship with the current Bad News Eagles General Manager, James ‘BanKs’ Banks, who took over a portion of Klesti “â stikle-â ” Kola’s duties. This relationship is thought to be why Devilwalk may be joining the Bad News Eagles project.