has made a change in their leadership by moving head coach Andrey 'Xoma' Mironenko to the bench and replacing him with their analyst, Pavel 'PASHANOJ' Legostaev. This decision marks the end of'Xoma's short-lived three-month stint as the team's skipper. According to the announcement on the organization's website, the decision was made after detailed discussions with the players of the team. has made a change following ongoing difficulties after signing Denis 'electroNic' Sharipov in April. The team initially performed well, making the playoffs in ESL Pro League Season 19 and reaching the semi-finals of the Esports World Cup and BLAST Spring Final. However, it became apparent that there was a stylistic mismatch between the players, and the team struggled to find a solution.
Xoma replaced head coach Dastan 'dastan' Akbayev in June. Still, the team's performance issues, particularly with Evgenii 'FL1T' Lebedev, continued during BLAST Fall Groups, IEM Cologne, BetBoom Dacha, and BLAST Fall Showdown.'s analyst 'PASHANOJ' joined the team in July 2023 and even served as a coach for a short period when 'dastan' was dismissed and 'Xoma' was appointed at BLAST Spring Final. During this event, achieved a 3-4th place finish. Prior to joining, 'PASHANOJ' was the assistant coach of K23. Now, 'PASHANOJ' has taken over as the captain of as they prepare for the ESL Pro League Season 20. Official Announcement is now:
- Denis 'electroNic' Sharipov
- Evgenii 'FL1T' Lebedev
- Dzhami 'Jame' Ali
- David 'n0rb3r7' Danielyan
- Petr 'fame' Bolyshev
- Pavel 'PASHANOJ' Legostaev (coach)
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