The Best Carry Heroes in Dota 2 7.36c

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Today, we'd like to introduce you to the most potent and meta characters for the Carry position. All of them boast a very high win rate and peak performance. These heroes excel in both ranked matches and professional play. Be sure to take note of the Facets during the heroes' draft phase performance to fully unleash your character's potential.

Wraith King (Facet: Spectral Blade)

Dota 2 hero: Wraith King

Dota 2 facet: Spectral Blade

Win Rate: 52.56%

Pick Rate: 14.4%

Facet Pick Rate: 73.01%

Wraith King with Facet Spectral Blade is considered one of the best Carry of this patch. This hero is quite strong in the laning phase. Wraith King has excellent farming potential, enabling the hero to acquire critical items quickly.

Wraith King experiences one of the early power peaks. Once he acquires Radiance and Blink Dagger, he can actively participate in fights and apply significant pressure on opponents across the map.

Let's look closer at Wraith King's skill and item builds.

Skill Build

Dota 2 Wraith King Skill Build

In most situations at level one, we choose Wraithfire Blast. Then, we prioritize maxing Mortal Strike to have a stronger impact on opponents during the laning phase. We focus on maxing Spectral Blade as we approach the mid-game and allocate the remaining skill points to Wraithfire Blast.

It's important to note that at level 10, we prioritize pumping the abilities over choosing a talent.


Dota 2 Wraith King Talents

Item Build

Starting Items

Dota 2 Wraith King Starting Items

This selection of starting items is universal and effective in most matches. However, if you are sure you will be facing heroes such as Zeus, Batrider, Bristleback, Phantom Assassin, etc., buying Magic Stick as early as possible makes sense.

Early Game

Dota 2 Wraith King Early Game Items

We need to complete Bracer, Magic Wand, and Phase Boots early in the game. After buying these items, save up for Sacred Relic to buy Radiance.

Mid Game

Dota 2 Wraith King Mid-Game Items

During the middle stage of the game, make sure to purchase Radiance and Blink Dagger. These items mark a significant power spike for the hero. Once you have acquired them, be proactive in moving around the map and joining team fights. Stay close to your allies and concentrate on taking down enemy towers.

After purchasing Blink Dagger, choosing your next item wisely is important. Black King Bar is a good option that is effective in most matches. However, if the enemy team has mobile heroes such as Storm Spirit, Ember Spirit, Windranger, etc., it's worth buying Orchid. This item is perfect against these types of characters.

Late Game

Dota 2 Wraith King Late Game Items

Late in the game, the choice of items usually depends on the enemy heroes and the situation. If the enemy team has Phantom Lancer, Chaos Knight, or Naga Siren, it's recommended to buy Mjollnir as it will significantly increase your AoE damage.

If you are up against Phantom Assassin or facing opponents with Butterfly, consider purchasing Monkey King Bar.

Silver Edge is helpful when your enemies have significant passive abilities that must be disabled, especially in matches against heroes like Bristleback.

Also, remember to buy Refresher Orb. It's one of the most effective items in the fifth or sixth slot.

Situational Items

Dota 2 Wraith King Situational Items

The choice of situational items always depends on the enemy heroes and the situation in the game itself. Analyze the ongoing actions in the match and choose the items that fit your specific situation.

Phantom Lancer. Facet: Divergence

Dota 2 Hero: Phantom Lancer

Dota 2 Facet: Divergence

Win Rate: 53.91%

Pick Rate: 10.74%

Facet Pick Rate: 72.67%

Phantom Lancer with Facet Divergence is the top Carry of the current patch. This hero has one of the most substantial late-game potentials in the game. The most significant disadvantage of the hero is that he is very item-dependent. As a result, this hero truly shines in the middle and late stages of the game when fully geared up.

Let's look at Phantom Lancer's skill and item builds.

Skill Build

Dota 2 Phantom Lancer Skill Build

In the early game, it's best to prioritize maximizing Phantom Rush. This ability will enable you to play more aggressively during the laning phase and enhance your hero's mobility.

After that, focusing on maxing out Spirit Lance is the next best choice. Using this ability frequently becomes even more beneficial after purchasing Aghanim's Scepter.


Dota 2 Phantom Lancer Talents

Item Build

Starting Items

Dota 2 Phantom Lancer Starting Items

This selection of items will be optimal for most matches. This purchase will give your hero enough stats and allow you to comfortably last-hitting creeps.

Early Game

Dota 2 Phantom Lancer Early Game Items

Early in the game, purchase a Wraith Band and Power Treads to increase farming speed. Afterward, focus on quickly acquiring Aghanim's Scepter.

Mid Game

Dota 2 Phantom Lancer Mid-Game Items

It's important to prioritize buying Aghanim's Scepter and Diffusal Blade during the mid-game. These items will enable you to engage in battles once you have them. Additionally, Manta Style can enhance your hero's survivability and remove negative effects.

Late Game

Dota 2 Phantom Lancer Late Game Items

Late in the game, we purchase items that enhance our survivability and provide numerous stats. This will significantly bolster our illusions and let them to inflict more damage in team fights.

Situational items

Dota 2 Phantom Lancer Situational Items

There are often different situations in the game, such as when you need to deviate from the standard build and choose more suitable items. Always analyze the weaknesses of enemy heroes. If your team lacks stuns and the enemies constantly escape you, consider buying an Abyssal Blade. If the enemy team has heroes like Windranger or Phantom Assassin, Monkey King Bar would be a great choice.


Dota 2 Hero: Juggernaut

Dota 2 Facet: Bladeform

Win Rate: 53.60%

Pick Rate: 17.96%

Facet Pick Rate: 21.47%

Juggernaut is a simple and effective carry in the current patch. He can dominate the laning phase and farm fast. If his ultimates are used correctly, he can also deal massive damage in fights.

Let's delve deeper into Juggernaut's skill and item builds.

Skill Build

Dota 2 Juggernaut Skill Build

This skill build is standard and will be relevant in almost all games. First of all, you need to maximize Blade Fury. This ability will allow you to secure kills during the laning stage. Feel free to use this ability from time to time to kill neutral creeps, as it will speed up your farming. Next, max out Blade Dance. Critical hits will not only allow you to deal more damage to enemy heroes but will also enable you to farm faster.


Dota 2 Juggernaut Talents

Item Build

Starting Items

Dota 2 Juggernaut Starting Items

This starting item is effective in most matches. However, if you are up against heroes who use abilities frequently, it is advisable to purchase a Magic Stick.

Early Game

Dota 2 Juggernaut Early Game Items

In the early game, it's important to prioritize purchasing Phase Boots. These boots will enable us to secure kills during the laning stage and exert additional pressure on our opponents. Next, we should focus on acquiring Magic Wand and Wraith Band. Once we have obtained these items, we should begin farming for Battle Fury.

Mid Game

Dota 2 Juggernaut Mid-Game Items

After purchasing Battle Fury, focus on farming. You can farm ancient creeps, so remember to do so constantly. When you buy Manta Style, your hero's power will peak for the first time. Be active in fights and move around with your allies more often. Don't forget to kill Roshan; Healing Ward will make it easier.

Late Game

Dota 2 Juggernaut Late Game Items

In the late game of Juggernaut, high damage, survivability, and mobility are crucial. The Blink Dagger is a great choice in most situations. It allows you to start fights independently and select the right targets to prioritize.

Situational Items

Dota 2 Juggernaut Situational Items

When facing Juggernaut, opponents often buy Ghost Scepter. To counter this, you can purchase a Nullifier, as the choice of items depends on the specific game situation.


This article highlighted the three most impactful heroes in the current patch, 7.36c, each with an excellent win rate. Utilize these builds and tips to improve your performance and earn valuable points. Select the appropriate attributes for the hero during the draft stage.

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