A few days ago, Dota 2 released gameplay patch 7.36c, which included numerous changes impacting items and heroes. Today, we’d like to discuss the ten heroes most affected by these recent changes.
Dota 2 Heroes – Winners
Sand King

Dota 2 Hero: Sand King
Win Rate
Old Win Rate: 46.81%
Current Win Rate: 49.74%
Change: +2.93%
Pick Rate
Old Pick Rate: 4.68%
Current Pick Rate: 5.08%
Change: +0.40%
Sand King’s abilities have been updated. With the Facet Dust Devil, the speed of the Sand Storm ability is increased when the wielder is not in it, up to 125% of their movement speed. Additionally, the damage per second of Sand Storm has been increased from 25/45/65/85 to 25/50/75/100.
Phantom Assassin

Dota 2 Hero: Phantom Assassin
Win Rate
Old Win Rate: 47.51%
Current Win Rate: 50.07%
Change: +2.56%
Pick Rate
Old Pick Rate: 14.24%
Current Pick Rate: 15.90%
Change: +1.66%
The hero’s Facets were unaffected by the patch changes. Phantom Assassin’s base damage has been increased by 2, and the innate ability has also been strengthened. The initial evasion has been raised from 15% to 20%.

Dota 2 Hero: Sven
Win Rate
Old Win Rate: 46.78%
Current Win Rate: 48.94%
Change: +2.56%
Pick Rate
Old Pick Rate: 3.49%
Current Pick Rate: 4.83%
Change: +1.34%
The new patch affects both Facets of this hero at once.
Warcry: Physical Barrier Health has been increased from 50/100/150/200 to 60/120/180/240
Facet: Base Damage Reduction weakened from 25 to 20.

Dota 2 Hero: Tiny
Win Rate
Old Win Rate: 46.81%
Current Win Rate: 49.74%
Change: +2.93%
Pick Rate
Old Pick Rate: 4.68%
Current Pick Rate: 5.08%
Change: +0.40%
Facet Crash Landing and the Toss ability have been modified for this hero. Movement Slow has been reduced from 20/25/30/35% to 15/20/25/30%, and Attack Slow has been decreased from 25/30/35/40 to 10/20/30/40.

Dota 2 Hero: Huskar
Win Rate
Old Win Rate: 47.74%
Current Win Rate: 49.57%
Change: +1.83%
Pick Rate
Old Pick Rate: 4.12%
Current Pick Rate: 4.43%
Change: +0.32%
Huskar didn’t receive any changes in the new patch, so his increased win rate is likely due to the weakening of meta-heroes.
Dota 2 Heroes – Winners

Dota 2 Hero: Lifestealer
Win Rate
Old Win Rate: 54.08%
Current Win Rate: 49.25%
Change: -4.83%
Pick Rate
Old Pick Rate: 15.93%
Current Pick Rate: 11.92%
Change: -4.01%
Lifestealer has undergone significant changes. The new patch affected Facet CORPSE EATER. Max Health Bonus per kill decreased from +2 to +1. No longer increases max health when killing Other unit types. Now receives +5 max health from killing heroes.
Templar Assassin

Dota 2 Hero: Templar Assassin
Win Rate
Old Win Rate: 48.94%
Current Win Rate: 44.65%
Change: -4.29%
Pick Rate
Old Pick Rate: 9.85%
Current Pick Rate: 7.28%
Change: -2.57%
Facets Templar Assassin was untouched by the patch. However, a few abilities and talents have been changed.
Refraction – Barrier health per effect has been changed from 20/30/40/50 to 30.
Psionic Trap – Minimum movement slowdown reduced from 30% to 20%. Maximum movement slowdown reduced from 60% to 50%.
Talents: Level 10 Talent: bonus to additional damage from Refraction Refraction reduced from 25 to 20.
Level 25 Talent: bonus to the number of Refraction Refraction effects reduced from 5 to 3.
Witch Doctor

Dota 2 Hero: Witch Doctor
Win Rate
Old Win Rate: 53.48%
Current Win Rate: 50.29%
Change: -3.19%
Pick Rate
Old Pick Rate: 15.93%
Current Pick Rate: 11.92%
Change: -4.01%
Changes have been made to the Voodoo Restoration ability in Facet Voodoo Festeration. When selecting this Facet, Radius decreased from 700/750/800/850 to 600/650/700/750. Self-healing decreased from 50% to 25%.

Dota 2 Hero: Pudge
Win Rate
Old Win Rate: 52.90%
Current Win Rate: 50.25%
Change: -2.65%
Pick Rate
Old Pick Rate: 28.57%
Current Pick Rate: 28.11%
Change: -0.46%
Pudge’s abilities have undergone several changes. The most notable change is to Facet FLAYER’S HOOK, which no longer increases Meat Hook projectile speed. The following adjustments have been made to his skills: FLESH HEAP now provides a lower Bonus Strength, decreased from 1.4/1.6/1.8/2.0 to 1.1/1.4/1.7/2.0. MEAT SHIELD’s Duration has been reduced from 5/6/7/8s to 4/5/6/7s. Additionally, the Level 10 Talent Rot Slow has been decreased from +15% to +10%.
Dark Willow

Dota 2 Hero: Dark Willow
Win Rate
Old Win Rate: 51.62%
Current Win Rate: 48.98%
Change: -2.64%
Pick Rate
Old Pick Rate: 10.32%
Current Pick Rate: 7.41%
Change: -2.92%
Dark Willow’s ultimates have been modified. Bedlam can no longer be cast on allies. The duration of Bramble Maze has been reduced from 15s to 12s. In addition, the extra brambles duration of Thorny Thicket has been decreased from 6s to 4s.
Upon initial review, the new patch did not significantly impact the current meta. All of the relevant characters that were strong before the patch remain unchanged. We anticipate that professional players will soon discover new viable characters and strategies for playing them.