It probably goes without saying, but many people were unhappy about the Dota 2 patch 7.34e because it did not bring the changes they expected. Instead of seeing a new patch, fans got a few buffs and nerfs that affected only a few heroes.
Speaking of heroes, we have enough experience in Dota 2 to know that players want to learn more about the most successful options after each new patch. Although it is relatively new, we have some data to work with courtesy of DotaBuff, so let’s dive in to see what heroes have improved win rates in PUB matches courtesy of 7.34e.
Looking at the change in the win rate of each Dota 2 hero following the arrival of 7.34e, we can see a few names that stand out. At the time of writing, Lycan is leading the chart with a +5% increase in his win rate. The hero’s pick rate is also slightly higher but remains way below average.
To be honest, most Dota 2 experts are not sure why Lycan’s win rate has increased so much; sure, the hero got buffed, but his base AGI increased by 2, and his AGI gain is up to 1.8 from 1.4, which does not make that big of a difference. However, it seems like this is not the case, as players have found a way to use him.
Lycan is a strong carry and a hero who can end the game in no time. His extra AGI makes him tankier early on against physical damage, allowing him to last hit way easier.
Many people also use Lycan as an offlaner, so don’t be surprised if you find him there.

Beastmaster is the second hero whose win has increased after patch 7.34e in Dota 2. He was one of the best offlaners before, and considering what’s happening now, he is on the road to reclaim his throne. After the new Dota 2 patch, the hero’s win rate is up by 3.59%, close to 49%. He is also more prevalent among players because his pick rate is up by 0.31%.
What surprises many people is why Beastmater’s win rate increases when the hero does not get any buffs. The answer is that some of the other offlaners are not as strong as before. Moreover, the growing popularity of heroes like Lycan and Drow Ranger means that the push meta might be back in action. Needless to say, Beastmaster is in a league of its own there, so we expect to keep seeing him in the current patch.

Another name that we will keep seeing in the current Dota 2 meta is Gyrocopter. He used to be one of the best carries in the game, but he hasn’t been that popular in the last couple of months. That was one of the reasons why the hero also had among the lowest win rates in the game.
Even though Gyrocopter only received a small buff in the Dota 2 patch 7.34e (his Rocket Barrage deals slightly more damage), the hero’s win rate is up by +3.22%. Even more impressive is the hero’s pick rate, up by +4% and up to almost 8%.
Another role in Gyrocopter’s stats is the nerf to some popular carries. Chaos Knight definitely comes to mind because he was one of the best counters to Gyro and was the meta carry in the previous patch. Although he is still playable, the hero is not as good as before, which allows options like Gyrocopter to show their prowess.
Historically, Chen has been one of the worst heroes for PUB Dota 2 and definitely the least popular hero in the game. This will most likely continue to be the case because his pick rate is around 1%, but his current win rate is impressive. After the Dota 2 Patch 7.34e, Chen’s win rate is close to 53%, which means it has had a +2.60% increase in just a week.
Most Dota 2 experts are not sure why Chen’s win rate increased when he did not get any buffs. What’s even more surprising is that his big counters also did not get a lot of nerfs. Spirit Breaker, for example, received some negative changes, but he continues to be among the strongest heroes in the game.
The positive PUB changes to Chen will most likely affect the professional meta. Chen has always been one of the more special picks in professional play, and we expect this to continue.
Winter Wyvern

Winter Wyvern is the last Dota 2 hero whose win rate is up by more than 2% in the previous week. What surprised us and many other Dota 2 fans is that the hero did not appear during The International 12. It used to be an irreplaceable part of every team’s tactic, but the professional players relied on other supports for the tournament.
Even though the hero received only a minor buff in 7.34e, it seems it was enough to boost its popularity. After the changes, Cold Embrace now heals for 10 more HP per second on all levels, making WW more effective at all game stages.
This change resulted in a +2.14% win rate boost and a +0.58% pick rate increase. We are yet to see if it will be enough to put the hero back in the professional meta.