The First Descendant Characters Tier List

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The Blix team observes new games and their specific details. Look at our Deadlock guide or upcoming Delta Force review. Here we are, discussing First Descendant and its tier list.

You can be tearing through hordes of enemies or trying to find that perfect synergy in your squad; in any case, picking the right character is essential. Some Descendants are absolute powerhouses, while others... well, they need a little help.

So, we will break down all 16 Descendants, outlining their skills, synergies, and why they're ranked the way they are.


  • Descendants trier list
  • Description of each
  • Abilities and skills of that character
  • Best synergies explanation

TFD Characters Tier List

The First Descendant characters

  • Bunny - S+
  • Hailey - S
  • Lepic - S
  • Gley - S-
  • Ajax - A+
  • Freyna - A
  • Viessa - A
  • Enzo - A-
  • Blair - B+
  • Valby - B
  • Jayber - B
  • Kyle - C+
  • Yujin - C
  • Sharen - D+
  • Esiemo - D
  • Luna - F

S+ Tier



Bunny is the fastest and most mobile character in The First Descendant, and her electric-based abilities make her a terror on the battlefield. She excels at dashing in and out of combat, delivering quick bursts of damage and leaving her enemies stunned—literally. Her speed and high-damage output make her the clear S+ pick.

Abilities and Skills

Lightning Dash: dash through enemies, dealing electrical damage.

Electric Burst: an AoE attack that deals electrical damage and stuns enemies.

Shock Trap: sets an electrical trap that continuously damages enemies over time.

Electric Storm (Ultimate): summons a massive electrical storm that hits everything within its radius, dealing continuous electrical damage.

The First Descendant│Meet Bunny│Character Gameplay

Best Synergies

Bunny shines alongside defensive characters like Ajax, who can draw fire while she zooms around dealing damage. Viessa's freeze abilities also work well, as they hold enemies in place for Bunny to capitalize on with her rapid dashes.

Why S+?

Bunny is unmatched in mobility and versatility. Her ability to dodge attacks and deal significant damage makes her nearly unstoppable when played well. She's perfect for high-skill players who love fast-paced action.

So what is the best bunny build now? : r/TheFirstDescendant




Hailey is a new face in the Descendant roster, and she's quickly made her mark as a powerhouse thanks to her precise, hard-hitting abilities. Her versatility in offense and defense makes her an invaluable pick for any team.

Abilities and Skills

Phase Arrow: fires a powerful energy arrow that phases through enemies, damaging all in its path.

Time Snare: slows down enemies in an area, making them easier to pick off.

Energy Barrage: launches a flurry of energy bolts that deal damage over time.

Quantum Rewind (Ultimate): resets Hailey's health and cooldowns, allowing her to get a second wind in battle.

The First Descendant│Meet Hailey│Character Gameplay

Best Synergies

Hailey works well with crowd-control characters like Viessa or Ajax, who can lock down enemies while she fires her devastating arrows from afar. She also benefits from shield generators like Gley's gadgets to keep her safe while she lines up her shots.

Why S-Tier?

Hailey's blend of precise offense, battlefield control, and survivability puts her in the upper echelon of Descendants. Her ultimate, which resets her health, can turn a losing fight around instantly.

Tips for grinding Hailey : r/TheFirstDescendant



Lepic is the go-to for players who want massive firepower and explosive AoE attacks. His grenade-centric abilities make him a monster when dealing with large groups of enemies.

Abilities and Skills

Grenade Launcher: lobs explosive grenades that deal massive area damage.

Energy Bullet: fires a powerful energy blast that pierces through multiple enemies.

Explosive Strike: creates a shockwave that damages and knocks back enemies.

Massacre Mode (Ultimate): supercharges Lepic's damage and attack speed, turning him into a walking explosion.

The First Descendant│Meet Lepic│Character Gameplay

Best Synergies

Lepic pairs beautifully with Viessa, who can freeze or slow enemies, keeping them grouped for his grenades. Defensive tanks like Ajax can protect him while he focuses on wiping out enemies.

Why S-Tier?

Lepic's massive AoE damage and explosive abilities make him one of the most destructive characters in the game. His ability to clear out large groups quickly is invaluable in any fight.

Ultimate lepic build help : r/TheFirstDescendant



Gley is the group's tech wizard, manipulating the battlefield with drones, traps, and gadgets. She's all about controlling space and providing utility, making her a strong team player.

Abilities and Skills

Drone Strike: deploys drones that automatically target enemies.

Pulse Mine: lays mines that explode when enemies approach.

Barrier Deployment: sets up a barrier that blocks projectiles and provides cover.

Overclock (Ultimate): boosts her gadgets, increasing their effectiveness and damage output.

The First Descendant│Meet Gley│Character Gameplay Trailer

Best Synergies

Gley works best with characters like Ajax, who can protect her while she sets up her gadgets. Characters with crowd control, like Freyna, also help funnel enemies into her traps.

Why S-?

Gley's traps and drones are mighty, but she needs time to set them up. In the right team comp, she's devastating, but she's slightly more situational compared to Lepic or Bunny.

Gley has changed how I play any other descendant!

A+ to A- Tier



Ajax is the tank everyone wants on their team. His defensive abilities and shield generation make him a rock on the battlefield, capable of protecting himself and his team.

Abilities and Skills

Energy Wave: knocks back enemies and blocks projectiles.

Force Shield: deploys a shield that absorbs incoming damage.

Shield Bash: knocks enemies back with a powerful melee strike.

Aegis (Ultimate): creates a dome that blocks all damage for a short period.

The First Descendant│Meet Ajax│Character Gameplay Trailer

Best Synergies

Ajax pairs well with fragile, high-damage characters like Sharen or Bunny, giving them the protection they need to go all-out. His shields also work wonders with characters like Lepic, who can focus on dealing damage without worrying about incoming fire.

Why A+?

Ajax excels in survivability and team support, but his damage output isn't quite as strong as S-Tier picks. He's essential in high-level content but plays more of a defensive role.

Ajax Build and Explanation : r/TheFirstDescendant



Freyna is all about poison damage over time. She excels at slowly wearing down enemies with toxic clouds and venomous projectiles. Her abilities work best in longer fights where enemies don't drop immediately.

Abilities and Skills

Toxic Burst: releases a poison cloud that deals damage over time.

Venom Shot: fires a poison dart that applies damage over time.

Poison Cloud: creates a persistent cloud of poison that damages enemies.

Venom Wave (Ultimate): a vast wave of poison that deals significant damage over time.

The First Descendant - Official Freyna Character Gameplay

Best Synergies

Freyna pairs well with characters like Viessa, who can keep enemies stacked, allowing her poison to deal maximum damage.

Why A?

Freyna's slow-burn damage is incredibly effective in longer fights, but she struggles to make a quick impact in faster engagements. She's an excellent pick for sustained DPS but not as versatile as some other picks.

The First Descendant - Freyna Overview & Guide



Viessa is the queen of crowd control, freezing and slowing enemies to a crawl. Her ability to control the battlefield and create openings for her team makes her invaluable in most team compositions.

Abilities and Skills

Ice Spear: a projectile that freezes enemies.

Frost Field: creates an area that slows enemy movement.

Shattering Strike: deals extra damage to frozen enemies.

Ice Storm (Ultimate): summons a massive blizzard that freezes and damages enemies.

The First Descendant│Meet Viessa│Character Gameplay

Best Synergies

Viessa shines alongside damage dealers like Lepic, who can capitalize on her freezing abilities to unleash devastating attacks.

Why A?

Viessa is a master of battlefield control but lacks the sheer damage output of higher-tier characters like Bunny or Lepic. She's crucial for team synergy but doesn't dominate fights alone.

The First Descendant - Viessa Overview & Guide



Enzo is a balanced, all-rounder type of character. He doesn't excel in any area but brings a versatile kit that makes him valuable in various situations.

Abilities and Skills

Dual Slash: a quick melee attack that hits multiple enemies.

Ricochet Throw: throws a blade that bounces between enemies.

Cyclone Strike: creates a spinning attack that deals AoE damage.

Whirlwind (Ultimate): a massive spinning attack that damages all nearby enemies.

The First Descendant│Meet Enzo│Character Gameplay Trailer

Best Synergies

Enzo can fit into almost any team, providing solid damage and utility. He pairs well with crowd controllers like Viessa, who can keep enemies grouped up for his AoE abilities.

Why A-?

Enzo's versatility makes him a good pick in most situations, but he lacks the standout strengths of other higher-tier characters. He's solid but not extraordinary.

Deep Dive into Enzo: The Jack of All Trades

B+ to B Tier



Blair is all about fire damage over time, similar to Freyna, but focusing on burning enemies instead of poisoning them. His fire-based abilities excel in crowd control but take time to deal full damage.

Abilities and Skills

Flame Vortex: pulls enemies into a vortex of fire.

Burning Shot: shoots a fireball that ignites enemies.

Molten Bomb: drops a bomb that creates a burning area.

Inferno (Ultimate): engulfs the battlefield in fire, dealing continuous damage.

The First Descendant│Meet Blair│Character Gameplay Trailer

Best Synergies

Characters like Gley or Viessa, who can keep enemies in his fire, are great partners for Blair.

Why B+?

Blair's damage is slow to ramp up, making him less effective in faster battles. He's strong in long fights, but his fire zones lose impact if enemies move too much.

The First Descendant - Blair Overview & Guide



Valby is a support character who focuses on buffing allies and debuffing enemies. While her abilities are helpful, she's outclassed by characters with stronger direct impacts.

Abilities and Skills

Tactical Scan: marks enemies, revealing their positions.

Coordinated Strike: buffs allies' attack power.

Mark Target: increases the damage an enemy takes.

Command Strike (Ultimate): increases damage and defense for all allies.

The First Descendant│Meet Valby│Character Gameplay

Best Synergies

Valby works best in teams with high-damage characters like Sharen or Lepic, where her buffs can significantly boost their output.

Why B?

Valby is helpful, but her buffs aren't enough to elevate her above more vital picks. She works well in specific compositions but is more of a niche choice.




Jayber's turret-based gameplay makes him a solid pick for defensive strategies, but he lacks the quick, heavy damage output needed in faster engagements.

Abilities and Skills

Turret Deployment: places a turret that shoots nearby enemies.

Mechanical Barrage: launches a barrage of missiles at enemies.

Gadget Overload: boosts the damage of his turrets.

Overcharge (Ultimate): supercharges all turrets, drastically increasing their fire rate and damage.

The First Descendant│Meet Jayber│Character Gameplay

Best Synergies

Ajax or Viessa can help create space for Jayber to set up his turrets, giving him time to establish his defensive stronghold.

Why B?

Jayber is strong in defensive situations but struggles in fast-moving fights. His turrets take time to set up, limiting his effectiveness in quick engagements.

A Jayber guide from a Jayber player : r/TheFirstDescendant

C+ to F Tier



Kyle's wind and electrical abilities have potential, but his kit lacks the punch to make him a top contender. His damage output is underwhelming compared to higher-tier characters.

Abilities and Skills

Wind Blast: knocks back enemies with a gust of wind.

Electric Net: traps enemies in an electrical field.

Shockwave: a close-range AoE attack.

Storm Barrage (Ultimate): unleashes a storm of wind and lightning that damages enemies in a large area.

The First Descendant│Meet Kyle│Character Gameplay Trailer

Best Synergies

Characters who can help control the battlefield, like Gley or Ajax, give Kyle more time to set up his attacks.

Why C+?

Kyle's damage and utility don't stack well against the stronger picks. He can be fun in niche scenarios but feels underpowered overall.

Kyle Endgame Guide : r/TheFirstDescendant



Yujin is a support-based character who relies on healing and utility. However, his kit doesn't stand out compared to stronger supports like Valby.

Abilities and Skills

Healing Pulse: sends out a pulse that heals nearby allies.

Energy Boost: increases energy regeneration for allies.

Barrier Field: reduces incoming damage for allies.

Solar Flare (Ultimate): heals allies and damages enemies in a large area.

The First Descendant - Official Yujin Character Gameplay Trailer

Best Synergies

He works well in teams that need constant healing, like Sharen or Bunny, who are fragile but inflict significant damage.

Why C?

Yujin's healing is practical but too weak to make a significant difference in most fights. Her lack of versatility keeps her from being more than a niche support pick.

Most useful Yujin build? : r/TheFirstDescendant



Sharen is a high-risk, high-reward assassin who deals incredible damage but crumbles under pressure. Unfortunately, her low survivability makes her difficult to play effectively.

Abilities and Skills

Shadow Dash: teleports through enemies, dealing damage.

Lethal Slash: delivers a high-damage strike to a single target.

Critical Surge: increases her critical hit rate.

Phantom Execution (Ultimate): turns Sharen into an unstoppable assassin, killing enemies quickly.

The First Descendant│Meet Sharen│Character Gameplay

Best Synergies

Sharen needs defensive teammates like Ajax to keep her alive while she dishes out damage. Otherwise, she's likely to be overwhelmed.

Why D+?

Sharen's damage is impressive, but her fragility and reliance on perfect positioning make her too risky for most players. One mistake can lead to instant death.

Looking for Sharen Builds/Tips : r/TheFirstDescendant



Esiemo has potential but lacks the tools needed to stand out. His abilities feel underwhelming compared to other damage dealers, and his playstyle is a bit clunky.

Abilities and Skills

Sonic Blast: fires a soundwave that damages enemies.

Echo Trap: sets a trap that explodes on contact.

Sound Barrier: creates a defensive shield.

Resonance (Ultimate): a large AoE attack that deals sound-based damage.

The First Descendant│Meet Esiemo│Character Gameplay

Best Synergies

Esiemo benefits from teammates who can slow or stun enemies, giving him time to refine his abilities.

Why D?

Esiemo's kit feels lackluster. His abilities don't deal enough damage or provide enough utility to justify his spot on a team.

The ULTIMATE IN-DEPTH Esiemo Beginner Guide!



Luna ranks at the bottom of the tier list due to her weak abilities and lack of synergy with most teams. She doesn't have the firepower or utility to compete with other Descendants.

Abilities and Skills

Moonshot: fires a weak projectile that deals minimal damage.

Lunar Trap: sets a trap that immobilizes enemies for a short time.

Moonlit Strike: a low-damage melee attack.

Eclipse (Ultimate): creates a dark field that reduces enemy vision but doesn't deal significant damage.

The First Descendant│Meet Luna│Character Gameplay Trailer

Best Synergies

Luna can work with crowd-control characters, but her damage is so low that it hardly matters.

Why F?

Luna's abilities could be better, and she struggles to contribute meaningfully in any fight. Her kit feels unfinished, and she needs a serious rework to be competitive.


What are the game modes in the First Descendant?

The First Descendant offers various game modes that cater to different playstyles and objectives, each highlighting various aspects of the gameplay experience.

Story missions focus on advancing the narrative, introducing players to new characters, environments, and enemies while gradually increasing the difficulty. They are often more linear and combine combat and exploration.

Raid missions represent some of the most rigid content. They are designed for teams of players to take on powerful bosses that require coordination, strategy, and mastery of their characters' abilities. Team synergy and proper character roles (damage, tank, and support) become crucial for success in these high-difficulty modes.

Exploration zones offer a more open-ended experience, allowing players to freely roam large maps, fight random enemies, complete objectives, and gather resources.

Finally, there are PvP modes (if added in updates) that focus on player-versus-player combat, where tactics and quick reactions play a more significant role than the enemy AI-focused PvE content.

The critical difference between these modes is the level of challenge and the type of teamwork or solo tactics required; some modes prioritize fast-paced action and quick reflexes, while others emphasize long-term strategy and coordination.

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