Techies 7.31 Guide

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Now a full-fledged support hero

After some long, long wait (100+ days, which is the second-most time between patches in the modern Dota 2 era), 7.31 has been finally released. The patch gave us new jungle creeps, neutral artifacts, and a hero from Aghanim's Labyrinth (Primal Beast) and drastically changed Techies' gameplay. A sad day to all pub trolls and a blessed day for the rest.

We're not joking: the notorious demosquad is never even close to what it has been: a defensive character for map control no more, Techies is now a full-fledged position 4-5 support. Whether this is good or bad for the game, time and countless pubs will tell before the rework's personality is finally formed.

Almost eight years after the release of the original hero, Valve finally decided to remove all the annoying mines and stasis traps. The hero focuses on team play, with no macro or remote kills. Here's a guide on how to play the reworked Techies.

7.31 Techies Major changes

  • Stasis Traps and Remote Mines abilities have been removed.
  • Base damage increased by 12, attack speed increased from 90 to 100. Previously, Techies had one of the lowest base damages in-game; not they can withstand laning phases.
  • New Sticky Bomb ability: a bomb that sticks to an enemy within a certain radius, slowing them down by 25-55% and dealing damage when it explodes. Another laning phase spell.
  • New Reactive Tazer ability. Techies charge themselves with electricity and increase movement speed for 6 seconds. When attacked, the attacker will be disarmed for three seconds. It explodes and disarms all enemies within a 400 radius when the charge ends.
  • Blast Off! almost remained the same. Techies can no longer be killed by this ability, though. Self-damage reduced from 50% to 50/45/40/35%.
  • Proximity mines became a high damage ultimate (400-750). Invisible mines can now be placed within a 350 radius of each other. Mines won't explode if you're immune to magic while stepping on them. When explode, reduce enemy magic resistance by 10/15/20% for 5 seconds.

New Talents

Techies is now a true support

Sadly yet relieving: there will be no more trolling in pubs. The new Techies is a teamplay-oriented caster/support to be most likely played as a pos5 (yet, pos4 Techies also seems a big menace for the enemy easylaners).

Lining stage

First of all, Techies has a very aggressive gameplay style now. Their damage was increased by 12; together with one of the game's biggest primary attack ranges, we have an absolute laning phase headache that can harass opponents in style.

There are now two damage-dealing nukes with control: slowing from sticky bombs and blast-off's silence. 25% (!) slow from sticky mines looks pretty imbalanced, and most likely, Valve will cut it in the upcoming patches. Just combo yourself with aggressive heroes (e.g. Slark, Drow Ranger, Dawnbreaker, Gyrocopter, Juggernaut, Slardar) and let the enemies pray. Get minimal help from your core and end the fight in two nukes. Level two Techies can already be super deadly.

It is also likely that Techies will increasingly be used as a roamer. For example, help your mid laner by ganking down the river and securing runes. Hide yourself in the jungle, find a moment to Blast Off into the enemy mid-laner, slow them down with sticky bombs, and voila!

Late game

Just try to do as much damage as possible. Techies, a full support hero, will be less helpful in the late game but can still burst pretty fine. Just think one step ahead, plant mines correctly, stay with your team, and have fun. It is worth remembering a simple combination: Tazer yourself, Blast Off into enemies and quickly plant some mines.

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