Many Dota 2 players need to realize the importance of having a hero who can push towers fast, especially in PUBs. Some players only use on-meta heroes because of their win rate. However, suppose you have watched any DreamLeague Season 20 matches. In that case, you are probably aware that the best Dota 2 teams in the world usually have at least one hero capable of pushing towers fast.
Of course, some characters are better than others because of their abilities, item builds and more. Since this article will cover five of the best Dota 2 heroes to push towers with in 7.33c, we’ll share details about the best ones. However, we won’t include the top-tier meta heroes like Medusa because they are the go-to option for many situations in this patch.
Lone Druid
A quick look at the stats found at DotaBuff shows that Lone Druid is among the best heroes for pushing towers in Dota 2’s 7.33c patch. Some of you may be surprised by these stats, considering the hero is not that big in the current meta. However, we must remember that the bear is one of the best things you can have when pushing, especially when she has some items.
Regarding the tower damage per minute, Lone Druid is topping the chart with around 312 damage per minute. The hero’s incredibly powerful when you want to end the game as fast as possible, but you must be careful when picking him. Depending on the situation, there are cases where he is a subpar hero, so it’s better to focus on someone else.
Another thing to remember about Lone Druid in 7.33c is that it’s all about timing. So, before you pick this Dota 2 hero and start pushing, have an idea of what you need to do to get to the point where you will become unstoppable.
When discussing the best Dota 2 heroes to push with in patch 7.33c, we need to address Terrorblade. He’s been one of the best heroes in the professional Dota 2 scene for many years and will likely remain a preferred option.
Although he’s not that big in the PUB Dota 2 scene, the hero is hot among professional players, especially in China. You can see him in action in almost every game, and one of the reasons for it is his pushing capabilities.
With around 215 tower damage per minute, Terrorblade is among the most successful at pushing towers. Moreover, the hero also deals about 700 hero damage per minute, meaning he’s among the best for team fights. The only downside of using this hero is that he needs a lot of farm to come online.

The third place is for Meepo, a hero not that big in the professional meta because the best Dota 2 players know how to counter him. However, Meepo’s win rate in PUBs is fairly high, and one of the reasons for is the hero’s ability to push fast.
If we check the stats, we can see that Meepo has almost the same tower damage as Terrorblade. This might seem strange, considering TB is more effective on paper, however Meepo is often picked by the kind of players who dominate PUBs in their respective ranks. In other words, the kind of players who would intentionally commit to an off-meta hero like Meepo usually stomp their opponents in PUBs, leading to a skewed amount of tower damage.
If you decide to test one of the best Dota 2 heroes to push with in 7.33c, ensure there are no ample counters. Meepo can do wonders, but heroes like Earthshaker, Legion Commander and others can be challenging to play against.
Judging by the stats in the pro meta, there are better heroes than Lycan in the game right now. However, if we look at the PUB win rate, Lycan remains a pretty solid pick; albeit not as good as the rest on the list, but there are situations where he can do a better job than the rest.
The stats reveal that Lycan’s tower damage per minute is around 201, slightly less than Meepo and Terrorblade’s damage. The main difference between these heroes is that Lycan relies on his team to push, whereas the other two can do that by themselves.
Regarding the hero damage per minute, Lycan has around 500, meaning he’s the least ‘dangerous’ on the list. However, that’s because most people only rely on their ult when fighting. In fact, that’s one of the big reasons why Lycan is not as popular in the pro scene right now.

The last spot for the five of the best Dota 2 heroes to push with in 7.33c is Morphling. He’s been one of the hot options in Pro and PUB Dota 2 games because of his ability to carry games. Even though he’s not the most straightforward hero to master in Dota 2, he is highly effective and can be the team’s midder or carry.
In terms of the stats, Morphling has around 189 tower damage per minute and 677 damage hero damage per minute. Unlike other names on the list, such as Terrorblade, which relies on his Metamorphosis, Morphling is always ready to push, especially after winning a team fight. Many players use this to their advantage and choose this hero over the rest.
We’ve only covered 5 of the best Dota 2 heroes to push with in 7.33c, but if you look at the stats, you can find a lot of other good names. With that said, you should only focus on them if you want to try and end your game as fast as possible or if your team needs someone to attack towers. Other than that, it is probably a good idea to stick to the meta and pick the options that will allow you to rank much faster and more efficiently.